Barack Obama says Iran is not a threat…..Say What?

Seen over at Commentary Magazine online:


Is this man Serious? I mean Seriously….

My Reply…:


Like I said, It is to wonder…

Others agree: Click Here

President Bush, keeping secrets and lying to American in a whole new way….

Welcome to your new America.

The Story: Keeping Secrets: In Presidential Memo, A New Designation for Classifying Information (via

Sometime in the next few years, if a memorandum signed by President Bush this month ever goes into effect, one government official talking to another about information on terrorists will have to begin by saying: "What I am about to tell you is controlled unclassified information enhanced with specified dissemination."

That would mean, according to the memo, that the information requires safeguarding because "the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure would create risk of substantial harm."

Bush’s memorandum, signed on the eve of his daughter Jenna’s wedding, introduced "Controlled Unclassified Information" as a new government category that will replace "Sensitive but Unclassified."

Such information — though it does not merit the well-known national security classifications "confidential," "secret" or "top secret" — is nonetheless "pertinent" to U.S. "national interests" or to "important interests of entities outside the federal government," the memo says.

Hmmmm.. Whatever happened to open and transparent Government? Thinking 

This was seriously not smart…

If the United States wants to win the War in Iraq, this is NOT the way to do it. Rolling Eyes

The Story: U.S. General Apologizes for Desecration of Koran (Via New York Times)

BAGHDAD — The commander of United States troops in Baghdad asked local leaders and tribal sheiks this weekend for their forgiveness after the discovery that a soldier had used a Koran for target practice at a shooting range.

Responding to an episode ripe with the potential to stoke unrest, the commander, Maj. Gen. Jeffery Hammond, held a meeting Saturday with Iraqi leaders.

“I come before you here seeking your forgiveness,” General Hammond said at the meeting, in remarks carried by CNN. “In the most humble manner, I look in your eyes today and I say, please forgive me and my soldiers.”

General Hammond also read a letter of apology from the soldier, who was not identified. “I sincerely hope that my actions have not diminished the partnership that our two nations have developed together,” the general read from the letter.

Another American officer kissed a Koran and gave it to the tribal leaders, according to news agency reports.

A statement Sunday from the American military called the desecration of the Koran, in Radwaniya, just west of Baghdad, “serious and deeply troubling” and said the soldier had been disciplined and sent out of Iraq. Iraqi police officers had found the Koran on May 11 perforated with bullet holes after American forces withdrew from the area.

This is good way to inspire more terrorists. I mean, I would be willing to bet that this guy was some sort of Conservative or something. Regardless if the United States apologized or not, the damage has been done, and I look for some sort of retaliation in the future towards our troops.

The reason I say that this was not smart, is because President Bush has repeatedly said, that this war in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT a war against Islam or Muslims, but a war against extremists who have hijacked a Religion. Now there are those that disagree with this, and I respect their position. I personally do not believe that Islam is a religion of peace, as my bookstore reflects. However, the President does have to keep the peace amongst various Religions, so, he does have to keep these people happy, especially in their homeland, and this shooting up of a copy of Koran, only undermines that. So, taking this action was quite necessary, in order to keep the peace between us and the Iraqi people.

Some say our apology was overblown, but at this point, I would be kissing some serious behind over there. I’m glad to see the US Army took action.

More reactions @ Memeorandum

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I saw this Yesterday, but didn’t blog on it, because I ran out of time.

This comes via Politico:

Former Rep. Thomas G. Loeffler, a Texan who is among the McCain campaign’s most important advisers and fundraisers, has resigned as a national co-chair over lobbying entanglements, a Republican source told Politico on Sunday.

It’s at least the fifth lobbying-related departure from the campaign in a week.

The McCain campaign, already facing the prospect of being badly outgunned in the general election, now also must cope with the disruption of the lobbying shakeout.

The McCain campaign’s stringent approach to the issue is provoking a bit of grumbling from some of its Washington allies, who point out that a lobbyist’s function is enshrined in the Constitution.

“No one in real America cares,” said one key Republican. “But McCain cares.”

The senator, whose appeal to independent voters rests in part on his reformist image, recognizes that he will be held to a high standard in the coming campaign and wants to clean house before the general election formally kicks off, sources say.

The McCain campaign last week announced a restrictive “McCain Campaign Conflict Policy” that included a questionnaire to be returned to the campaign’s legal department as part of a re-vetting of all staff.

“No person working for the Campaign may be a registered lobbyist or foreign agent, or receive compensation for any such activity,” the policy says.
Officials say Loeffler’s resignation shows that McCain and his campaign is going to be serious about enforcing the policy, which was implemented following revelations about the lobbying ties of several campaign officials.

I hate to break it to John McCain, But this is nothing more than red meat for the Democrats, who will use this as a campaign strategy. I am sure that John McCain’s camp has some of their own, but it is going to be quite hard to convince people to ignore this sort of thing.

Also, the assumption that "No one in real America cares", is a real dangerous attitude to have. I believe Americans do care, not all, but a great of them do. I know I do, and I would be less inclined to vote for someone, who has had to fire staffers over lobbyist ties.

Also, John McCain is going to have quite the uphill battle, with economy like it is, fuel prices sky high, and the job market like it is. It is going to be tough for him, and I just believe people are smarter and much more well informed, then they were, say in Ronald Reagan’s era. Plus, times have changed as well. Things are much different than they were in Reagan’s era.

Hopefully McCain can shake this off, but I just don’t see it happening.

More via Memeorandum

75,000 people flock to see Barack Obama in Oregon

That is, I must say, absolutely amazing.


Per the Obama campaign, 75,000 people (60,000 in the gates and 15,000 outside of them) turned out in Portland to hear Obama speak there this afternoon — making it the largest Obama crowd to date.

Duane Bray, the battalion chief with Portland Fire and Rescue, validated that crowd estimate, the campaign says.

*** UPDATE *** Here’s the dispatch from NBC/NJ’s Athena Jones… Some 75,000 people flocked to Portland’s waterfront Sunday to watch Barack Obama speak, making it the biggest rally the campaign has held to date. Thousands stood on the lawn, dozens watched from boats and from the bridge stretching across the Willamette River. A few kayakers held their paddles and tried to keep their kayaks straight as they watched the candidate, who stood on a makeshift platform.

That’s amazing, and this is just the primary. Unbelievable. Here’s some pics:

There’s more pictures over at Flickr. Amazing stuff.

There’s just no way that John McCain can bring that sort of a crowd… It just cannot happen. I must admit, as much as I disagree with some, but not all, of his politics, I am quite impressed with his ability to draw a crowd.

I don’t think that I’ve seen anything like that, on the Conservative side since Ronald Reagan. I believe that people just want change, and they see Barack Obama as the last great hope for America. I just hope he can deliver.

If this is any indication of what the General election is going to be like, I suspect there’s going to be a handy defeat, and it is not going to be the Democrats.

Update: Crunchy Con says it’s the GOP’s fault.

More Thoughts at @ Memeornadum

The feminist Anti-Obama backlash has begun.

Seen over at HuffPo:


This above is what every political pundit worried about, when it was clear that the race was down to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. However, at the time, they, being he pundits, thought that the race would be over, before anything like this could manifest itself.

Of course, this is the type of identity politics that Democrat Party is infamous for. Now that Hillary has basically lost, the feminist crowd is going to attempt paint Obama as some sort of sexist.

Ah, the joys of liberalism…. Rolling Eyes You see now, why I left?

More @ Memeorandum

Liberal Blowhard Michael Moore says his next "9/11" is not a sequel.

and…. kicks Barry’s message of Hope, Change, Hope, Change, to the curb….

The Article: Moore: `Fahrenheit 9/11′ follow-up is not a sequel (Via Yahoo! News) (Via The New Editor – Seen at 

"It would be easier and safer to make a sequel, if that’s all it was, but this isn’t about Bush. We all know this. Regardless of who the president is come November, we have a big mess, a big, big mess to be cleaned up, and I don’t know whether it can be cleaned up," Moore said. "The toxicity of the spill may be so great that there’s nothing we can do about it. If that’s the case, where are we now as America and as Americans?"

I blogged about this fat, idiotic, liberal, blowhard before. I will be the first to admit, even back when I first came on the Blogging scene. I did not like Michael Moore, he is, as far as I am concerned, the male version of Ariana Huffington. He is nothing more than an opportunist, he see’s the liberal message as a simple way to make money. The only movie that he made, that he really honestly cared about, was "Roger and Me". That is because his father had gotten laid off from G.M. Truthfully, Michael’s dad got quite the handsome severance package from G.M. (Thanks to the U.A.W.) and moved out of Michigan. So, I really do not know what his problem was. For what it is worth, Roger Simon was the best thing that ever happened to G.M, if he had not come in and made the cuts that he did, General Motors would have went bankrupt. The problem was he did not go far enough and now G.M. is back in the same spot again, although, not quite as bad.

Now as to what Michael Moore said up there in the quote, the reason why Michael Moore has basically decided that "Hope Change" isn’t possible, because he was not able to realize his final goal. That is to turn America’s Healthcare system into a totally socialized healthcare plan. Even Hillary Clinton told the guy that he simply did not know what he was talking about. So, it is pretty obvious that Michael Moore is basically taking his Socialist, Liberal, ball and going home.

Let’s just hope he stays there.

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Will someone please tell Democrat Senator Tom Harkin to please SHUT THE HELL UP!?!??!?!

This story here has been on the Meme reader for about a day now. I mean, what the hell?

Some idiot Democrat senator has decided that because John McCain comes from a linage of Military men, that he is "scary".  

Now, I’m not a big fan of the Politics that got us into this quagmire in Iraq, and the money it is costing this Nation, but you know, I get a little ticked, when I hear some sissy liberal, spouting off at the pie hole like this. 

John McCain might not be the best idea for the White House, because he’s so stinking close to Bush, with his Neo-Conservatism and all, and because of his idiotic Liberal stance on Illegal Immigration.  But gosh darn it, he’s a heck of a lot more qualified, I feel, to be President, than that Marxist Negroid or that closet Lesbian that are running for President. (Yes, I did say that, and I’m damn proud of it! Devil)

I mean, really, if this is the best that the Democrat Party can throw at John McCain, they’re going to lose and lose hard.

As expected, the right is highly pissed and rightly so, and the Left is playing the echo chamber role. It’s quite the read, go check it out.

Idiot Liberals, what will they think of next?  Rolling Eyes

Breaking News: Senator Ted Kennedy Airlifted to Hospital with symptoms of a Stoke. Update: Whew, It was a seizure…

Via MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News

Quote MSNBC:

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts was hospitalized Saturday after suffering stroke-like symptoms, according to a knowledgeable official.
There was no immediate word on his condition. The official who provided the information declined to be identified by name, citing the sensitivity of the events.

There was no immediate word on his condition. The official who provided the information declined to be identified by name, citing the sensitivity of the events.

This is very sad news, Senator Ted Kennedy airlifted to the Hospital with Symptoms of a stroke.

Here’s video…:



Update 2: Boston Globe and now CNN are both reporting that it was a seizure.

The Boston Globe is now saying that it was a seizure:

Doctors believe that Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts suffered a seizure at his home in Hyannis Port this morning, then a second seizure as he was being transported by helicopter from Cape Cod Hospital to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, according to an official briefed on the situation.

His condition was unclear early this afternoon, as a special police security detail gathered at Mass. General. Kennedy family members were called this morning and told to rush to Boston, according to sources.

The Hyannis Fire Department responded to an emergency call at the storied Kennedy compound at 8:30 this morning, according to the Cape Cod Times. The senator was rushed to Cape Cod Hospital, then flown to Boston. The newspaper published a photograh of Kennedy, strapped to a gurney, being carried to the chopper.

Kennedy, 76, is the senior statesman in one of America’s political dynasties. He was first elected in 1962.

Update: More Video via

Here is a picture of Senator Kennedy being taking to the Hospital via airlift: (via Cape Cod Times)

Thoughts and Prayers are with the Kennedy Family this evening…

The Reaction in the Blogosphere is quite subdued.  No right wing distasteful comments….. yet.

Update 3: As I figured, the Republican scum of the Blogosphere raises it’s ugly head, like places here. (see comment section)

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Finally!! — American Axle, UAW Reach Deal

It’s about time! Whew

The Local Story: ALERT: American Axle, UAW Reach Deal (Via

DETROIT (AP) — An American Axle and Manufacturing Holdings Inc. spokeswoman confirms the auto parts supplier has reached a tentative agreement with the United Auto Workers that could end an 11-week strike.

Spokeswoman Renee Rogers says she doesn’t have any details on the deal, reached late Friday. It’s not clear when the agreement will be presented to union members.

The walkout by about 3,600 workers at five factories had crippled truck and sport utility vehicle manufacturing at General Motors Corp.

The company makes axles, drive shafts and stabilizer bars for GM, Chrysler LLC and other automakers.

GM was forced to partially or fully close more than 30 factories and lay off thousands of workers because of parts shortages.

Glad to see that these two got their differences settled and are getting back to work, considering the economic conditions in this area, this was no time to sit out a long strike, I’m glad to see that all parties are back to work and production will be able to continue.

I suppose some of you are expecting me to make a anti-union comment, sorry, I, as an independent thinker, believe that unions have a right to exist and stand up for the right of those whom the represent, yes, I am aware of the corruption that exists in some, but not all, of the unions, but that does not mean that the unions do not serve their proper purpose. I also realize that, thanks to the Hillary Clinton and her idiot husband, that passed the NAFTA agreement, the unions standing in America has been diminished somewhat, hopefully, the next President, of whom it seems Obama will be that person, will fix that lopsidedness of that agreement or opt out of it. Thus restoring the unions rightful place in America.

By that as it may, I wish the workers at American axle all the best, and now, get back to work! WinkingBig Grin

U.S. to build new prison in Afghanistan

I can hear the Liberals whining now….

The Article: U.S. Planning Big New Prison in Afghanistan (Via New York Times)


The Pentagon is moving forward with plans to build a new, 40-acre detention complex on the main American military base in Afghanistan, officials said, in a stark acknowledgment that the United States is likely to continue to hold prisoners overseas for years to come.

The proposed detention center would replace the cavernous, makeshift American prison on the Bagram military base north of Kabul, which is now typically packed with about 630 prisoners, compared with the 270 held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

Until now, the Bush administration had signaled that it intended to scale back American involvement in detention operations in Afghanistan. It had planned to transfer a large majority of the prisoners to Afghan custody, in an American-financed, high-security prison outside Kabul to be guarded by Afghan soldiers.

The reason why I would say that Liberals will whine about this, is because Bush said he would scale back American involvement in detention centers in Afghanistan. However, if you read the REST of this article. You will see why were having to get involved and stay involved.


But American officials now concede that the new Afghan-run prison cannot absorb all the Afghans now detained by the United States, much less the waves of new prisoners from the escalating fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban.


Faced with that, American officials said they wanted to replace the Bagram prison, a converted aircraft hangar that still holds some of the decrepit aircraft-repair machinery left by the Soviet troops who occupied the country in the 1980s. In its place the United States will build what officials described as a more modern and humane detention center that would usually accommodate about 600 detainees — or as many as 1,100 in a surge — and cost more than $60 million.

“Our existing theater internment facility is deteriorating,” said Sandra L. Hodgkinson, the senior Pentagon official for detention policy, in a telephone interview. “It was renovated to do a temporary mission. There is a sense that this is the right time to build a new facility.”

American officials also acknowledged that there are serious health risks to detainees and American military personnel who work at the Bagram prison, because of their exposure to heavy metals from the aircraft-repair machinery and asbestos.

“It’s just not suitable,” another Pentagon official said. “At some point, you have to say, ‘That’s it. This place was not made to keep people there indefinitely.’ ”

That point came about six months ago. It became clear to Pentagon officials that the original plan of releasing some Afghan prisoners outright and transferring other detainees to Afghan custody would not come close to emptying the existing detention center.

You see, this is not being done, so that the American Government can keep us in that country forever, as Liberals like Keith Olbermann and his hyperventilating special comments want us to believe. They’re doing this out of a human concern for Prisoners housed there, Yes, my friends, the United States is still a caring Country, that cares for the well-being of people, even those who would want to kill us.

I am writing this to prove a point, that even if President George W. Bush is an idiot, and Yes, I do believe that he is not the brightest bulb in the box, there are people still working in the United States Government, that do still possess a great deal of intelligence and still have the morals and integrity that this Nation is known for.

The New York Times’s Liberal bias aside, the article is quite informative as to the real conditions on the ground in Afghanistan. I suggest you read it.

Memo to Mike Huckabee: You ain’t funny Bubba….

Mike Huckabee did what is most likely the stupidest thing he’s ever done.

Well, besides running for President.

Joking about shooting at a President, a President getting shot at, and anything else of that sort, is not funny, at all, end of story, if one does it, in a public setting, such as this, they should be shunned. I mean, writing it on a blog is one thing, but saying it, at a public speech, is very stupid, joking or not, it was bad taste.

Not to mention, especially seeing how Obama is under extremely high secret service protection, because of threats made by idiots, who ought to be put under the jail and never see the light of day, ever again.

According to Rachel Maddow, who is subbing for Keith Olbermann tonight, Huckabee has issued a statement apologizing. Smart move, bubba, But don’t do stupid stuff like that. It only makes you look like a total idiot.

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The Republicans Pity Party

The Republicans are doing what the Democrats did in 2004 and 2000, navel grazing and hand wringing.

As I have said previously on this Blog. The Republicans have no one to blame for abject failure their party, for the departure of their principles of old, for the Christianizing of their party, for the election of a Rockefeller type of Conservative President, which has plunged this country into a Pit that will take years to recover from, but themselves.

Hopefully this will be a wake up call to the party and they’ll wake and smell the coffee and realize the error of their ways and they will return to their principles.

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McCain Flip Flops on Hamas….

Not that this is any real big surprise, But yeah, he did…

Go read: McCain Flips Flops all over the place on Hamas.

Now, if a Democrat had done this, the right would be all over this. But because it’s Juan McSame, it’s fine.

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One of the best "Hardball" shows…….ever!

You know, whether you like Chris Matthews or Loathe him, one thing cannot be argued, he does know his stuff. He did get one fact wrong yesterday. He most likely misspoke, but he did, for once, put a right wing talking head in his rightful place. I watched that little debacle unravel on MSNBC, and I can honestly say, I wish Chris Matthews would have pulled a Bill O’Reilly and cut that idiot’s microphone off, he was wrong, from the start, and when taken to the carpet on a point and asked a simple question, he was too damn stupid to answer it.

Thank you Chris Matthews for doing and saying, what many of us Americans many Americans are feeling right about now.

Here is the infamous Video:

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Chris Matthew’s Opens his Pie hole and inserts his rather large foot……again

Here’s the Video:

Transcript via MMFA:

From the May 13 edition of MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews:

MATTHEWS: Andrea, this whole question — Hillary Clinton goes down there and rolls up the score, as she ought to, because it’s a state she can do well in. The Barack Obama dissing of that state, not even going in there to fight the primary, is that going to hurt him in the general if he’s the nominee?

MITCHELL: Well, that’s what Joe Manchin, the governor, was concerned about — that people here need to size him up. He said, you know, these are hard working people, but they have a Ph.D. in life and in human nature, and they want to see you. They want to have, you know, dinner with you. They want to break bread with you.


MITCHELL: They want to get to know what motivates you.


MITCHELL: And that’s what he wants to see.

MATTHEWS: I agree. Well, I think he’s right. I think, being an African-American, it’s all the more important to get in there and show who you are, introduce yourself as a person, not as an identity group —

FINEMAN: Right. Right.

MATTHEWS: — but as a human being, and connect with people. I think that’s still going to be his challenge. Playing pool, not a bad start, but it’s not what most people play. People with money play pool these days.


MATTHEWS: Anyway, thank you. The guys who have pool rooms in their house in the basement. You know what those tables cost? Anyway, Howard Fineman, thank you, Andrea Mitchell. Up next, it’s the Hardball sideshow.

Smart, Real smart Matthews, show ’em how big of an idiot you really are.

Actually the truth about pool is:

According to a Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association 2007 study posted on the Billiards Congress of America website, "There are 46,990,000 Billiards participants in the U.S." — defined as people who play billiards at least once a year — and "60% of all Billiards participants have a household income of under $75,000 per year." Additionally, 54 percent of billiards participants also participated in bowling, and "30% of all Billiards participants have a college degree or higher."

So, Matthews, not only are you offensive, But you’re an idiot who can’t get his facts straight.

I’ll just say it, why the hell is this idiot even on the air? I mean, what the hell has he even done? He worked for peace core, He was a speech writer for Carter, and that was it, what else has this jack ass done? Nothing! Pat Buchanan has more political credits than this moronic tool has ever had. 

I wish MSNBC would do the American people a favor and retire this feckless former drunk off the air, once and for all. The American people would be better off, MSNBC would be better off and world in general would be such a sweeter, nice place to exist.

Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment: Memo to President George W. Bush….. “Shut the hell up!”

I am posting this here, because Keith Olbermann and I totally agree on President George W. Bush.

(Also Available at Google Video)

Keith is reacting to this interview given by Politico.

Full Transcript: (via MSNBC)

Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on two topics a lot of us had foolishly thought, had naively hoped, we would not again have to address… and a third topic nobody thought a President would ever seriously mention in public unless perhaps he’d just been hit in the head with something and was not in full possession of his faculties how he expressed his empathy to the families of the dead in Iraq by giving up golf.

The President has resorted anew to the sleaziest fear-mongering and mass manipulation of an administration of a public life dedicated to realizing the lowest of our expectations.

And he has now applied these poisons to the 2008 presidential election, on behalf of the party at whose center he and Mr. McCain lurk.

Mr. Bush has predicted that the election of a Democratic president could, quote, "eventually lead to another attack on the United States."

This ludicrous, infuriating, holier-than-thou and most importantly bone-headedly wrong statement came yesterday during an interview with and online users of Yahoo.

The question was phrased as follows:

"If we were to pull out of Iraq next year, what’s the worst that could happen, what’s the doomsday scenario?"The President replied:

"Doomsday scenario of course is that extremists throughout the Middle East would be emboldened, which would eventually lead to another attack on the United States.

"The biggest issue we face is, it’s bigger than Iraq, it’s this ideological struggle against cold-blooded killers who will kill people to achieve their political objectives.’

Mr. Bush, at long last, has it not dawned on you that the America you have now created, includes ‘cold-blooded killers who will kill people to achieve their political objectives’?

They are those in, or formerly in, your employ, who may yet be charged some day… with war crimes.

Through your haze of self-congratulation and self-pity, do you still have no earthly clue that this nation has laid waste to Iraq to achieve your political objectives?

This ideological struggle,’ Mr. Bush, is taking place within this country.

It is a struggle between Americans who cherish freedom, ours and everybody else’s, and Americans like you, Sir, to whom freedom is just a brand name, just like "Patriot Act" is a brand name or "Protect America" is a brand name.

But wait, there’s more.

You also said "Iraq is the place where al Qaeda and other extremists have made their stand and they will be defeated."

They made no "stand" in Iraq, Sir , you allowed them to assemble there!

As certainly as if that were the plan, the borders were left wide open by your government’s farcical post-invasion strategy of ‘they’ll greet us as liberators.’

And as certainly as if that were the plan, the inspiration for another generation of terrorists in another country was provided by your government’s farcical post-invasion strategy of letting the societal infra-structure of Iraq dissolve, to be replaced by an American Vice-Royalty enforced by merciless mercenaries who shoot unarmed Iraqis and then evade prosecution in any country, by hiding behind your skirts, Sir.

Terrorism inside Iraq is your creation, Mr. Bush!

It was a Yahoo user who brought up the second topic upon whose introduction Mr. Bush should have passed, or punted, or gotten up and left the room claiming he heard Dick Cheney calling him.

"Do you feel," asked an ordinary American, "that you were misled on Iraq?"

"I feel like — I felt like, there were weapons of mass destruction. You know, "mislead" is a strong word, it almost connotes some kind of intentional — I don’t think so, I think there was a — not only our intelligence community, but intelligence communities all across the world shared the same assessment. And so I was disappointed to see how flawed our intelligence was."


You, Mr. Bush, and your tragically know-it-all minions, threw out every piece of intelligence that suggested there were no such weapons.

You, Mr. Bush, threw out every person who suggested that the sober, contradictory, reality-based intelligence needed to be listened to, fast.

You, Mr. Bush, are responsible for how "intelligence communities all across the world shared the same assessment."

You and the sycophants you dredged up and put behind the most important steering wheel in the world propagated palpable nonsense and shoved it down the throat of every intelligence community across the world and punished anybody who didn’t agree it was really chicken salad.

And you, Mr. Bush, threw under the bus, all of the subsequent critics who bravely stepped forward later to point out just how much of a self-fulfilling prophecy you had embraced, and adopted as this country’s policy in lieu of, say, common sense.

The fiasco of pre-war intelligence, Sir, is your fiasco.

You should build a great statue of yourself turning a deaf ear to the warnings of realists, while you are shown embracing the three-card monte dealers like Richard Perle and Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney.

That would be a far more fitting tribute to your legacy, Mr. Bush, than this Presidential library you are constructing as a giant fable about your presidency an edifice you might as claim was built from Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction because there will be just as many of those inside your Presidential library as there were inside Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.

Of course if there is one over-riding theme to this president’s administration it is the utter, always-failing, inability to know when to quit when it is behind.

And so Mr. Bush answered yet another question about this layered, nuanced, wheels-within-wheels garbage heap that constituted his excuse for war.

"And so you feel that you didn’t have all the information you should have or the right spin on that information?"

"No, no," replied the President. "I was told by people, that they had weapons of mass destruction…"


What people?

The insane informant "Curveball?"

The Iraqi snake-oil salesman Ahmed Chalabi?

The American snake-oil salesman Dick Cheney?

"I was told by people that they had weapons of mass destruction, as were members of Congress, who voted for the resolution to get rid of Saddam Hussein.

"And of course, the political heat gets on and they start to run and try to hide from their votes."

Mr. Bush, you destroyed the evidence that contradicted the resolution you jammed down the Congress’s throat, the way you jammed it down the nation’s throat.

When required by law to verify that your evidence was accurate, you simply re-submitted it, with phrases amounting to "See, I done proved it," virtually written in the margins in crayon.

You defied patriotic Americans to say "The Emperor Has No Clothes" only with the stakes (as you and the mental dwarves in your employ put it) being a "mushroom cloud over an American city."

And as a final crash of self-indulgent nonsense, when the incontrovertible truth of your panoramic and murd

erous deceit has even begun to cost your political party seemingly perpetual congressional seats in places like North Carolina and, last night, Mississippi, you can actually say with a straight face, Sir, that for members of Congress "the political heat gets on and they start to run and try to hide from their votes" – while you greet the political heat and try to run and hide from your presidency, and your legacy, 4,000 of the Americans you were supposed to protect, dead in Iraq, with your only feeble, pathetic answer being, "I was told by people that they had weapons of mass destruction."

Then came Mr. Bush’s final blow to our nation’s solar plexus, his last re-opening of our common wounds, his last remark that makes the rest of us question not merely his leadership or his judgment but his very suitably to remain in office.

"Mr. President," he was asked, "you haven’t been golfing in recent years. Is that related to Iraq?

"Yes," began perhaps the most startling reply of this nightmarish blight on our lives as Americans on our history.

"It really is. I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died, to see the Commander-in-Chief playing golf. I feel I owe it to the families to be as — to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."

Golf, Sir?

Golf sends the wrong signal to the grieving families of our men and women butchered in Iraq?

Do you think these families, Mr. Bush, their lives blighted forever, care about you playing golf…

Do you think, Sir, they care about you?

You, Mr. Bush, let their sons and daughters be killed.

Sir, to show your solidarity with them you gave up golf?

Sir, to show your solidarity with them you didn’t give up your pursuit of this insurance-scam, profiteering, morally and financially bankrupting war.

Sir, to show your solidarity with them you didn’t even give up talking about Iraq a subject about which you have incessantly proved without pause or backwards glance, that you may literally be the least informed person in the world?

Sir, to show your solidarity with them, you didn’t give up your presidency?

In your own words  "solidarity as best as I can"  is to stop a game? That is the "best" you can?

4,000 Americans give up their lives and your sacrifice was to give up golf!


Not "gulf" — golf.

And still it gets worse.

Because it proves that the President’s unendurable sacrifice, his unbearable pain, the suspension of getting to hit a stick with a ball, was not even his own damned idea.

"Mr. President, was there a particular moment or incident that brought you to that decision, or how did you come to that?"

"I remember when de Mello, who was at the U.N., got killed in Baghdad as a result of these murderers taking this good man’s life. And I was playing golf — I think I was in central Texas — and they pulled me off the golf course and I said, it’s just not worth it any more to do."

Your one, tone-deaf, arrogant, pathetic, embarrassing gesture, and you didn’t even think of it yourself?

The great Bushian sacrifice, an Army private loses a leg, a Marine loses half his skull, four thousand of their brothers and sisters lose their lives, you lose golf and they have to pull you off the golf course to get you to just do that?

If it’s even true.

Apart from your medical files, which dutifully record your torn calf muscle and the knee pain which forced you to give up running at the same time,coincidence no doubt,the bombing in Baghdad which killed Sergio Vieira de Mello of the UN and interrupted your round of golf, was on August 19th, 2003.

Yet CBS News has records of you playing golf as late as October 13th of that year, nearly two months later.

Mr. Bush, I hate to break it to you six-and-a-half years after you yoked this nation and your place in history to the wrong war, in the wrong place, against the wrong people.

But the war in Iraq is not about you.

It is not, Mr. Bush, about your grief when American after American comes home in a box.

It is not, Mr. Bush, about what your addled brain has produced in the way of paranoid delusions of risks that do not exist, ready to be activated if some Democrat, and not your twin Mr. McCain succeeds you.

The war in Iraq, your war, Mr. Bush, is about how you accomplished the derangement of two nations, and how you helped funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to lascivious and perennially thirsty corporations like Halliburton and Blackwater, and how you sent 4,000 Americans to their deaths for nothing.

It is not, Mr. Bush, about your golf game!

And, Sir, if you have any hopes that next January 20th will not be celebrated as a day of soul-wrenching, heart-felt Thanksgiving, because your faithless stewardship of this presidency will have finally come to a merciful end, this last piece of advice:

When somebody asks you, Sir, about Democrats who must now pull this country back from the abyss you have placed us at…

When somebody asks you, Sir, about the cooked books and faked threats you foisted on a sincere and frightened nation…

When somebody asks you, Sir, about your gallant, noble, self-abnegating sacrifice of your golf game so as to soothe the families of the war dead.

This advice, Mr. Bush…

Shut the… hell up!

Good night, and good luck.

Thank you Keith, for saying what many of us Americans are thinking. Applause

Update: it seems the reaction has picked up and Predictably the Right Wing, Bush Apologist, Kool-Aid Drinking idiots are dismissing it, as usual. Here is a small sampling:

Jock Moss

How many relatives and vets has “Edward R. Olbermann” met with? I would wager that a “negative” number. Like a lot of the leftist media pundits you wouldn’t catch them dead visiting the sick and wounded or comforting the mothers of the dead.

“The war isn’t about you”, indeed.

It’s definitely not about YOU you elitist, self-absorbed pussy.

Weak, very weak…. And….quite wrong, He has met with them, more than once, of course, Jack’s too damn busy watching Faux Noise to know this.


On Wednesday’s Countdown, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann’s latest "Special Comment" attack on President Bush accused the President of "panoramic and murderous deceit," and of "creating" an America that "includes ‘cold-blooded killers who will kill people to achieve their political objectives,’" contending that "they are those in, or formerly in, your employ, who may yet be charged some day with war crimes." He further accused Bush, whom he referred to as having an "addled brain," of "laying waste to Iraq to achieve your political objectives" in an "insurance-scam, profiteering, morally bankrupting war." Outraged by Bush’s declaration that he had given up playing golf out of respect for those killed in Iraq, Olbermann called on the President to "Shut the hell up!"

In other words, He told the truth, a

nd we don’t want to admit it, as we’re supposed to defend our warmongering, idiot President.

The Other McCain:

Keith Olbermann’s shtick amounts to this: Use a lot of overblown adjectives and hyperbole to make simplistic statements sound "smart." The Olbermann viewer comes to the broadcast with pre-conceived hatreds, to which Olbermann gives voice in a way that makes the viewer feel their hatreds are sophisticated, intelligent and mature.

Hmmm, Does that explain why he has a 5 Million dollar contract with MSNBC, and you a book author and just a Blogger? Now tell me, who’s the more talented?

The funny thing about the Republican, Neo-Conservative, Warmongering, Bush Supporters is, they don’t have an answer and so, they’d rather just hurl insults at someone, who dares to say, that this war was and still is wrong, it served no purpose and it’s bankrupting our Nation to the point that 5 generations from now, they will still be paying for this war.

My friends, THIS is why the Republicans are going to get their butts spanked in the General election, the American people are just NOT that stupid to believe that scripted line given by the Republican, Neo-Conservative, Bush apologists. This is why Juan McSame is going to going to LOSE horribly in this election, to a damned Marxist Liberal! Because the Republican Party is strayed far, far, far, away from the Paleoconservative values that got them in the White House in the Ronald Reagan era, and quite frankly, they have nothing to blame, but themselves!

Believe me, I’m not the first person saying it, and I shall not be the last. The defeat of the Republican Party has been brought on, by the very persons who were elected by those who felt that Bush would make a better President.

Update #2: It seems that some of the comments by Keith were quite misunderstood by some on the Right. Click here to read about it and to hear Keith’s Apology and Clarification. 

Edwards endorses Obama

It’s about stinking time! Waiting

Go read!

This was, according to the experts, a very shrewd political move on Obama’s part. I tend to agree. 

This should cause a surge of super delegates as well.

About the "Sweety" Incident – Update: Obama Apologizes

Responding to this bunch of silly nonsense.

Peggy Agar is, for all indents and purposes an ratings seeking, attention whore.

Peggy Agar was reporter that was involved in the reporting of former Detroit reporter Suzanne Pagella, as was her station, WXYZ-TV here in Detroit. Suzanne Pegella ended up committing suicide after being publicly humiliated by WXYZ-TV.  

In short, this is nothing more than a media setup and she should be fired for it.

Yes, the term is offensive, but this was done purposely.

Update: Obama Apologizes:

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama has apologized to WXYZ reporter Peggy Agar for calling her "sweetie" during a campaign stop Wednesday in Sterling Heights.

Obama apologized in a voicemail he left on Agar’s cell phone at 3:16 p.m:

"Hi Peggy. This is Barack Obama. I’m calling to apologize on two fronts. One was you didn’t get your question answered and I apologize. I thought that we had set up interviews with all the local stations. I guess we got it with your station but you weren’t the reporter that got the interview. And so, I broke my word. I apologize for that and I will make up for it.

"Second apology is for using the word ‘sweetie.’ That’s a bad habit of mine. I do it sometimes with all kinds of people. I mean no disrespect and so I am duly chastened on that front. Feel free to call me back. I expect that my press team will be happy to try to make it up to you whenever we are in Detroit next."

Good on him for that, it should defuse this. Hopefully.

Wow… The Liberal Warfare has just hit the fan….

Here’s an example:


Good God. What is wrong with her? The Clintons and their campaign staff don’t give a damn that they are now hurting our electoral chances in the fall against McCain and against the Republicans in Congress. Their campaign isn’t happening in some vacuum, and they know it. Our candidates can’t fundraise because of her. Obama can’t focus on McCain because of her. Obama is wasting money on HER, rather than spending it on McCain, because of her. EMILY’s List, and AFSCME, and the American Federation of Teachers and others are wasting their members’ money on her now-failed race – money that they could be spending, should be spending, on other real races, races that haven’t already lost. She can’t win, the math says she lost the nomination, but she doesn’t give a damn. She’s going to stay in the race like some spoiled hateful egotistical brat.

Why is the media even covering her? The only stories that should be written about Hillary Clinton is how much damage she’s causing our party. How she’s hurting fundraising at the DNC – they even admitted it, they’re not raising the money they need to fight John McCain because of this woman. Why don’t you write some stories about how she is hurting our candidates who can’t fundraise because of her? How she has forced EMILY’s List and AFSCME and the AFT to waste their money because of her. How she has caused a civil war in the Netroots. Five months ago we all felt that we had 3 great candidates. Now, far too many of us loathe Hillary Clinton, and she has done her racist best to ensure that her supporters can’t stand Barack Obama either.

The Clintons don’t give a damn about our party. Their party, their church, is themselves. To hell with everyone else. I actually liked Hillary up until a few months ago. Other bloggers used to tell me that Joe and I were too nice to Hillary. People just assumed that we were endorsing her. Now I actually loathe her. She makes me yell at the TV like she’s George Bush, and no one other than George Bush makes me yell at the TV – until now. I actually can’t stand her or her husband any more. I defended her. I defended her husband. And now I’m actually wondering if the Republicans weren’t right about them. That’s how bad she has damaged her reputation. People who actually liked you, who actually helped you, who actually defended you, LOATHE you now. Call me a Clinton-hater all you like, but people like me were the ones who had your back. And we never will again.

Let me close with what Mike Huckabee just said on MSNBC:

"The happiest person in America tonight is John McCain."

Wow! Surprise  I do believe the knives are out and the poop stinky is about to hit the fan. This ought to be interesting to watch. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he does have a point. But man, I never thought I’d see that out of a Liberal Blogger.

I guess he is just expressing what many Bloggers are feeling. We’re just tired of it. I know I am. Let’s move on to the general, why drag it out? It’s silly.

Others: The Moderate Voice, Shakesville, The Campaign Spot, The Strata-Sphere and NO QUARTER