Barack Obama says Iran is not a threat…..Say What?

Seen over at Commentary Magazine online:


Is this man Serious? I mean Seriously….

My Reply…:


Like I said, It is to wonder…

Others agree: Click Here

2 Replies to “Barack Obama says Iran is not a threat…..Say What?”

  1. Iran doesn’t pose a serious threat??? Are you kidding me? Iran is killing our soldiers right now in Iraq with their IED’s supplied to Shiite Militia’s. Obama is clueless.

  2. Hi Matty,

    I agree, hence the video I made. 🙂

    Thanks for the comments.


    P.S. Not only this, But Russia and Iran are two different animals. The Russians were just wanting to protect themselves from a perceived threat from the US. But they wanted to live and also were civilized people. The Iranians and their extremists are NOT civilized people. They’re cold-blooded killers who will do anything, INCLUDING killing their own to achieve their goals. So, Barry’s wrong there, very wrong.

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