What Father’s Day is really about

This is most likely the best Father’s Day video I’ve seen yet.

The Father in this video, is really a Father, He’s got like 500 kids. (Okay, it’s really like 5…) his name is Shannon Parr and he’s a local guy in the area. I used to go to Church with him, many moons ago. (Which explains much I’m sure. 😛 )

Here’s the video! Enjoy… :

If you are getting married, and live in Michigan; give Shannon a call. He snaps a mean picture and makes a good load of loot doing it too! 😉

Hey, Quit Playing with Yourself!

It’ll make you go blind….


One day after facing accusations of fondling himself, Detroit Public Schools President Otis Mathis wrote a letter to colleagues today blaming “ongoing health problems” for his “poor judgment.”

The letter, which attempted to rescind his resignation he submitted Thursday, doesn’t explicitly address accusations from Superintendent Teresa Gueyser that he touched himself during a private meeting.

But Mathis acknowledged that he “made inappropriate actions toward a professional employee of the board” and promises to remove himself from personnel decisions involving her.

“I am following up with my doctors because I need to pursue treatment, and because I want to make sure that what happened doesn’t ever happen again,” Mathis said. “However, I do not need to resign in order to take care of my health.”

via Detroit schools president: Health woes caused ‘poor judgment’ | detnews.com | The Detroit News.

Cue the Music!

Others: theblogprof and Gateway Pundit

This is why I like Ann Coulter

(Via Noisy Room)

I will note this, where Ann talks about the “Backstabbing traitors and children”; if you do not think that this happens in the Republican, you are kidding yourself. There are those types of people in the both parties. I have seen it time and time again.

Uh-Oh: The Solar Flare from HELL is coming!

The Video:

The Story: (Via U.K. Telegraph)

National power grids could overheat and air travel severely disrupted while electronic items, navigation devices and major satellites could stop working after the Sun reaches its maximum power in a few years.

Senior space agency scientists believe the Earth will be hit with unprecedented levels of magnetic energy from solar flares after the Sun wakes “from a deep slumber” sometime around 2013, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

In a new warning, Nasa said the super storm would hit like “a bolt of lightning” and could cause catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and national security unless precautions are taken.

Scientists believe it could damage everything from emergency services’ systems, hospital equipment, banking systems and air traffic control devices, through to “everyday” items such as home computers, iPods and Sat Navs.

Due to humans’ heavy reliance on electronic devices, which are sensitive to magnetic energy, the storm could leave a multi-billion pound damage bill and “potentially devastating” problems for governments.

“We know it is coming but we don’t know how bad it is going to be,” Dr Richard Fisher, the director of Nasa’s Heliophysics division, said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph.

“It will disrupt communication devices such as satellites and car navigations, air travel, the banking system, our computers, everything that is electronic. It will cause major problems for the world.

If you need me, I’ll be under my bed.

A world without IPod’s, IPhones and other Electronics?!?!? 😯 😮 Heh, let’s see Barry explain that one to the moonbats! 😆

I mean, Obama is now saying, “Plug the damn hole!”; What would he say then? “Light the farking Sun!” 😆

California, especially Silicon Valley, would be in riots! 😉

Warren Buffett says that all wealthy people should give thier money to me!


Can a little peer pressure make the ultrarich more generous? Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett are launching a drive to persuade billionaires to give away the majority of their fortunes.

What started as a series of very private dinners last year became a public campaign Wednesday when they called on their fellow billionaires to sign a “Giving Pledge,” to donate most of their wealth to philanthropic causes of their choice.

The pledge isn’t legally binding, but they hope the effort will generate more money to address important social problems and set a standard that becomes the norm, former Gates Foundation Chief Executive Patty Stonesifer, now an adviser to the Gateses, said in an interview.

The potential for philanthropy is huge — the United States alone has at least 400 billionaires with a net worth that Forbes estimates at $1.2 trillion. If those billionaires gave the minimum pledge of half of their fortunes to charity, that would triple the current amount of charitable giving in the United States.

via Donate your money, billionaires challenge the rich | Seattle Times Newspaper.

Of course, Warren Buffet did not get rich by giving his money away to anyone. Buffet got it by working hard and making something of himself. Now, he wants to give it away.

Memo to Buffet: Hit the TipJar as much as you wish. If you really wanna get crazy, leave me a message via the blog and I’ll give you my mailing address.

Okay something a little newer than that….. Hey, I am old, ya know! 😉

Oy…. and I don’t even really like Abba. But that one’s pretty cool. 😀

We understand kid, we really do

I feel his pain, don’t you?


The Story:

One of the Kalamazoo Central students — who was seated behind keynote speaker President Barack Obama during Monday night’s commencement ceremony — fell asleep.

The student, who earned such a prime seat by singing in the choir, was captured on video due to his proximity to the president. He also was a hot topic on Twitter and the subject of several recently created Facebook pages.

Our video, at left, shows the student yawning and fighting to stay alert. At one point, he leans back, only to jump alert and join in during applause. The student then leans forward and appears to nod off.

via Student sitting behind Obama was asleep | WOOD TV8.

Man, if that is not a good video for someone running against Obama in 2012, what isn’t? Anyways, Yes, Kid, we feel your pain. Poor guy just was up late and had to get up early and listen to the President tell how wonderful he is. It can make for some pretty heavy eyes!

Hopefully, he ended up getting some good sleep. 😀

Somebody Please! Turn the Stupid Machine Off!

Good God Almighty! I do believe that the stupid machine is on again. Is it just me, or does this sort of stupidity come in threes?

First up, some good old fashioned “She’s not white, so she ain’t right” kinda stupid….

This comes via TPM:

SC Gov candidate Nikki Haley (R) and SC State Sen Jake Knotts (R)

It sounds like South Carolina State. Sen. Jake Knotts’ “raghead” comments last night are even worse than first reported.

Not only did he refer to Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley as a “raghead” during an internet political radio show taped in a bar — but Knotts called her a “f—ing raghead” afterward, according to a report from the Free-Times.

“She’s a f—ing raghead,” Knotts reportedly said.

This report comes on the heels of an earlier account from the co-host of the internet political talk show Pub Politics, the forum for Knotts’ comments. Knotts — who supports Haley opponent Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer in the state’s Republican gubernatorial primary — did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment this morning.

The show is co-hosted by Phil Bailey and Wes Donehue. Donehue, a GOP operative, figured into an earlier chapter in the scandal surrounding blogger Will Folks’ claim that he had an affair with Haley. Donehue sent Folks an expletive-laced text message about the story being discussed, and was reportedly trying to shop an affidavit to reporters. For his part, Bailey works with the Senate Democratic Caucus.

The state senator also reportedly seemed to suggest when approached by Free Times reporter Corey Hutchins after the show last night that Haley was some kind of Sikh Manchurian candidate.


Knotts has apologized for his comments, explaining them as part of a “freewheeling, anything-goes Internet radio show that is broadcast from a pub.”

If it had been recorded, the public would be able to hear firsthand that my ‘raghead’ comments about Obama and Haley were intended in jest. Bear in mind that this is a freewheeling, anything-goes Internet radio show that is broadcast from a pub. It’s like local political version of Saturday Night Live, which is actually where the joke came from.He continued: “I still believe Ms. Haley is pretending to be someone she is not, much as Obama did, but I do apologize to both for an unintended slur.”

AllahPundit quips:

So Haley’s family is Indian and we’re fighting Muslim jihadis, and … close enough, I guess? Today Jenny Sanford leveraged some of her moral authority on Haley’s behalf by denouncing the scumbaggery being practiced here, but I fear South Carolina’s a lost cause. My mental picture of the state these days is of a giant sleaze blob laying waste to the land, consuming everyone and everything it touches. Note to Hot Air readers in SC: Get out while you still can.

HEH!  That’s so wrong, but quite funny. 😀 The Allahpundit statement, not the stupidity by this idiot who looks like he’s eaten way too many triple whoppers for supper. I mean, this idiot is still in politics and still making statements like these? Ouch. South Carolina is got some issues.

Oh, But the stupidity does not end there!

We get this little gem from the ugliest damn White House reporter on the planet: (H/T to my good friend Sammy at YidWithaLid)

First this feckless….um, woman, goes ape poop over the White House’s reaction to the attempt to run a blockade in Gaza by Terrorists, watch:

….and then, she lets this little gem fly last week:

Sammy over Yid with a Lid says:

I used to attribute Thomas’ venom to the combination of her liberal leanings and Lebanese heritage, video below indicates that her intentions are more nefarious than that, Thomas is not a big fan of the Jewish people.

Uh, Sammy? What gave you your first clue? 😉

He goes on:

Go back to Germany and Poland?? Why Ms Thomas? You do remember the Holocaust right? Heck you are old enough to remember the crusades.

HEH! Now that’s funny… 😀

Sammy’s very important point here:

There are some people who believe that any criticism of Israel is Anti-Semitism. That belief is as ignorant as Anti-Semitism itself. There is however, a great deal of crossover between hatred of Israel and Hatred of the Jews. To find out what people really mean you need to examine the words they use.

Helen Thomas’ comparing of the IDF to Nazi Germany is nothing but an attempt to water-down the horror of the Holocaust, and to dehumanize Israel. And her advice to the Jews to get the hell out of Palestine, and go back to Poland and Germany is nothing short of anti-Semitism. If Thomas’ comments were directed toward any other group but the Jews, she would have been out of work a very long time ago. Maybe it’s time for Helen’s bosses to retire her to the “The Home For Old Crazy Anti-Semites.”

Amen and Amen! Er, wait, Sammy’s Jewish… *scratches head*

??? and ???!

Update: D’oh! I guess WordPress won’t pass Yiddish….. Sorry Sammy, I tried buddy… 🙁

I reckon Sammy would approve of that. 😉

By the way, Miss. Thomas has said she is sorry…: (H/T to my favorite Eeyore Pundit🙂

Helen Thomas issued the following statement today: “I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.”

Feh…. Whatever…

Oh, but the stupid doesn’t stop here… There’s more, believe it or not….

Good old Pat Buchanan, just when you think that this idiot couldn’t sink any lower. He goes a little deeper: (H/T AP)

Stupid is as stupid does....

But that 2 a.m. boarding of an unarmed ship with an unarmed crew, carrying no munitions or weapons, 65 miles at sea, was an act of piracy. What the Israeli commandos got is what any armed hijacker should expect who tries to steal a car from a driver who keeps a tire iron under the front seat…

But we have a blockade of Gaza, say the Israelis, and this flotilla was a provocation. Indeed, it was. And Selma was a provocation. The marchers at Edmund Pettus Bridge were disobeying orders of the governor of Alabama and state police not to march.

Yet, today, liberal Democrats who regard Martin Luther King as a moral hero for championing nonviolent civil disobedience to protest injustice are cheering not the unarmed passengers trying to break the Gaza blockade, but the Israelis enforcing the blockade…

Israel has a right to secure Gaza to deny Hamas access to weapons, especially rockets that could reach Israel. But that does not justify denying 1.5 million people what they need to live in decency.

Freakin’ Jesus Christ on a Cheese Cracker already! That guy is terminally stupid or woefully uninformed. 🙄

Told ya, it comes in three’s anymore!

Like I said in the title… PLEASE, STOP THE STUPID MACHINE! 😯 😮

It’s good work, when you can get it

The key word being “if”:

Only five years ago, the progressive political blogosphere was still predominately a gathering place for amateur (that is, unpaid or barely paid) journalists and activists unattached to existing media companies and advocacy organizations. Those days are almost completely over. Now, the progressive blogosphere is almost entirely professionalized, and inextricably linked to existing media companies and advocacy organizations.

This transformation has been brought about by three developments (fellow bloggers, please forgive me in advance if I fail to mention your or your blog as an example):

1. Established media companies and advocacy organizations hiring bloggers to blog, full-time: The Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, Center for American Progress, Salon, CQ, Atlantic, Washington Monthly, the American Independent News Network, and more have all hired hired bloggers to blog, full-time. Many of these bloggers, such as fivethirtyeight, Unclaimed Territory, or the Carpetbagger Report, operated their blogs independently of any established organization, and were key hubs in the “amateur” or “independent” progressive blogosphere. Now, those bloggers do pretty much the same thing they did before, they just (quite understandably) do it for a much better salary from an established organization.

2. Previously “amateur” progressive blogs became professional operations: Another trend, less common than the first, has been for blogs like Daily Kos, Fire Dog Lake and Talking Points Memo to transform themselves from hobbies into professional media outlets and / or activist organizations. These blogs have increased their revenue stream to the point where they can hire multiple full-time staff.

3. Bloggers translate blogging into consulting and advocacy work: Many bloggers have also found a way to make a living by combining their blogging with blog-friendly advocacy and consulting work. This is actually the path I am currently following, as are, I believe, Oliver Willis, Atrios, Jerome Armstrong, and more. This involves finding part-time or full time work in politics that is conducive to still maintaining a full-time blog (which also generates a part-time income).

via Open Left:: Amateur blogosphere, RIP.

Look, I am not going to do the pile-on here, but I will say this; Chris Bowers does have a point. The problem is, Bowers sounds like he whining because no one bought him out. The same thing, which Bowers is referring to, has happened and continues to happen on the right too. Michelle Malkin off-loaded her mega-Conservative site HotAir.com off to a Conservative Media conglomerate Salem Communications for a hefty price tag, I am told.   So, this is not anything new.

So far, no one has offered me a job in politics or in the world of “New Media.” Nor has anyone offered to buy out my blog or anything of that sort. Not that I have been pimping myself out either. I know what my qualifications are.  I mean, there would have to be a check with a one and WHOLE BUNCH of zeros in front of it, before I would give this baby up. Couple hundred million and I would consider it. Otherwise, you all will have to contend with me for a long time to come. 😉

Others: JammieWearingFool and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Cartoons of the day

The managing editor of Townhall Magazine called Diversity Lane “very, very well done.”  And Michigan Review described it as “laugh out loud funny.”  Why not make this the day you discover the best in conservative comedy today at Diversity Lane?

For more fun visit the website/blog at
www.diversitylane.com or go directly to the blog at www.diversitylane.wordpress.com.

How come stuff like this doesn’t happen to me?

Man, how come I cannot get this lucky?


Since I founded FITSNews three-and-a-half years ago, I’ve made more than my fair share of powerful enemies in this state.

One reason for that? I call it like I see it – whether you like it or not, agree with it or not, or even believe it or not. Clearly, there’s no shortage of opinions about me, my website or the impact it’s having on South Carolina’s political process, but I like to think that the stories I break, the debates I drive and the opinions I help shape all speak to the potency of the brand I’ve created.

At the heart of this brand is telling it like it is – which this website has always done, and which it will continue to do no matter what “Damocles sword” is being held over my head on a personal level by the less savory elements of this state’s failed status quo.  Preserving my ability to shoot straight – free from threats and intimidation – is essential to my professional livelihood, while being able to look myself in the mirror each day is essential to who I am as a person.

The two are inseparable, actually, and to compromise one is to eventually wind up sacrificing both.

Beyond these considerations, this website is fighting for several fundamental ideals – academic opportunity for all of our state’s children, the promotion of individual liberty, and the creation of a more prosperous economic climate, to name just a few.  These ideals obviously matter a great deal to me – which is why I fight so hard for them – and why I cannot (and will not) permit anyone to compromise my ability to continue fighting for them.

In recent weeks, however, a group of political operatives has attempted to do just that.  In fact, on a very personal level I have become the primary target of a group that will apparently stop at nothing to destroy the one S.C. gubernatorial candidate who, in my opinion, would most consistently advance the ideals I believe in. For those of you unfamiliar with the editorial bent of this website, the candidate I am referring to is S.C. Rep. Nikki Haley.

This network of operatives has made it abundantly clear that in the process of “taking down” Rep. Haley, they will also stop at nothing to humiliate me, destroy my family and take a sizable chunk out of the credibility this website has managed to amass for itself.   Such is the blood sport of S.C. politics, I suppose – particularly in the wake of the scandal that consumed my former boss, Gov. Mark Sanford.

Specifically, within the last forty-eight hours several pieces of information which purportedly document a prior physical relationship between myself and Rep. Haley have begun to be leaked slowly, piece by piece, to members of the mainstream media.  I am told that at least one story based upon this information will be published this week.  Watching all of this unfold, I have become convinced that the gradual release of this information is deliberately designed to advance this story in the press while simultaneously forcing either evasive answers or denials on my part or on Nikki’s part.

I refuse to play that game. I refuse to have someone hold the political equivalent of a switch-blade in front of my face and just sit there and watch as they cut me to pieces.

The truth in this case is what it is.  Several years ago, prior to my marriage, I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki.

That’s it.

I will not be discussing the details of that relationship, nor will I be granting any additional interviews about it to members of the media beyond what I have already been compelled to confirm.

It is what it is, and aside from the Haley family – Michael, Nikki, Rena and Nalin – I feel no need to apologize or explain myself to anyone. People are human. We make mistakes. And as I have learned from experience, the key to life isn’t the mistakes we make, it’s how we choose to handle them.

I do owe my wife, Katrina, an apology for failing to disclose certain things that took place prior to our marriage. I know that’s not the technical definition of infidelity, but it is a form of unfaithfulness that has broken the trust between us – a trust which must now be rebuilt. I also owe her an apology for the storm that my family has been facing for the past few weeks, and the storm we will no doubt continue to face in the weeks to come.

In preemptively addressing this matter, I am well aware that conspiracy theories will abound regarding my motives. In fact, I have already been assigned so many roles in so many different conspiracies that I have lost count of which villain I’m supposed to be playing. I also know that no matter what I do, I will be end up being smeared in some form or fashion by someone.

That’s fine.

I can sleep at night knowing I handled this the best way I knew how (the way my wife and I decided together that it needed to be handled), which was to simply tell the truth.

After that, wherever the chips fall, they fall. That’s the way it’s always been on this website, and that’s the way it will continue to be moving forward.

The Va-Va-Voom in question?

Oh Yeah, I'd hit it!

I mean, she could have screwed me all day long and no one would care! Well, maybe except her husband. I’m not married, so, the damage would be minimal. But NOOOO.. she has to go oink some married blogger and a farking moronic one at that!

It’s quite obvious these women need to be more aware of me. Hey, Married hot women! I am available for sex slavery you know! 😀 😉 😛 😆 😮 😯

I should report that she is denying the charges. But of course! 🙄

Others: Public Policy Polling, Politics Daily, Erick’s blog, Ben Smith’s Blog, WMBFNews.com, Charleston City Paper, The New Ledger, Hot Air, National Review, CNN, RedState, No More Mister Nice Blog, The American Conservative, Mediaite, FrumForum, Talking Points Memo, msnbc.com, The Other McCain, Daily Kos, The Hill, The Daily Caller, TPMMuckraker, Riehl World View, The Corner on National …, The Political Carnival and skippy the bush kangaroo — More via Memeorandum

The Sadly Obligatory ‘Rats in the White House’ posting

Sigh… I hate posting stuff like this, but hey, it’s news…

Via the AP:

All in the Family....

WASHINGTON – In his battle with the titans of Wall Street, President Barack Obama almost got upstaged by a rat.

But he didn’t even seem to notice. Assuming that’s what it was, scurrying in front of his podium Thursday in a sun-drenched Rose Garden.

Obama had just begun an afternoon statement to reporters lauding the end of a Senate filibuster on his financial overhaul plan when some kind of rodent — opinions differ on which — dashed out of the bushes to his right, just outside the Oval Office.

As photographers snapped away, the critter trundled straight past the gray podium with the presidential seal and made a bee-line for another set of bushes to Obama’s left.

It’s not clear if the president could even see the streaker, but he didn’t show any reaction. And he concluded his statement minutes later, returning to his office without answering a few shouted questions on other topics.

Once he was safely inside the Oval Office, a fierce debate erupted among the photographers and reporters who’d witnessed the dash. Was it a rat or a mouse? Or maybe a mole, or a vole, or some other kind of related creature.

In fact, this wasn’t the first time a rodent’s been spied in the White House, or even the Rose Garden.

Just last week, as camera crews set up for an Obama statement on the Gulf oil spill, what’s believed to have been the same rodent made a dash across the famous garden.

The press work areas behind the White House briefing room have had at least one rat sighting, though that was before a multimillion-dollar rehab project finished by the Bush administration.

Moreover, rodents of all kinds are pretty common in Washington. From time to time, city officials issue alarms about surges in the rat population when residents put out extra-big summer piles of garbage.

Washington is, after all built, along a river, on what used to be a malarial swamp.

In case you don’t get the connection: (H/T No Sheeples here)

So true...

Something tells me, that if Obama had seen that Rat, he would have been on top of that podium. 😉

Update: Shit, I rather be a mouth-breathing Right Winger than a socialist, Ass-sucking, Liberal twit — any damn day of the week! Harrumph!

Why do beltway politicians do stupid stuff like this?

What is this? A contest among beltway types to see just how one can out embarrass the other?

First there is this, A Democratic Party Senator outright lies about his Vietnam service:

At a ceremony honoring veterans and senior citizens who sent presents to soldiers overseas, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut rose and spoke of an earlier time in his life.

“We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.”

There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records.

The deferments allowed Mr. Blumenthal to complete his studies at Harvard; pursue a graduate fellowship in England; serve as a special assistant to The Washington Post’s publisher, Katharine Graham; and ultimately take a job in the Nixon White House.

In 1970, with his last deferment in jeopardy, he landed a coveted spot in the Marine Reserve, which virtually guaranteed that he would not be sent to Vietnam. He joined a unit in Washington that conducted drills and other exercises and focused on local projects, like fixing a campground and organizing a Toys for Tots drive.

Many politicians have faced questions over their decisions during the Vietnam War, and Mr. Blumenthal, who is seeking the seat being vacated by Senator Christopher J. Dodd, is not alone in staying out of the war.

But what is striking about Mr. Blumenthal’s record is the contrast between the many steps he took that allowed him to avoid Vietnam, and the misleading way he often speaks about that period of his life now, especially when he is speaking at veterans’ ceremonies or other patriotic events.

Sometimes his remarks have been plainly untrue, as in his speech to the group in Norwalk. At other times, he has used more ambiguous language, but the impression left on audiences can be similar.

In an interview on Monday, the attorney general said that he had misspoken about his service during the Norwalk event and might have misspoken on other occasions. “My intention has always been to be completely clear and accurate and straightforward, out of respect to the veterans who served in Vietnam,” he said.

But an examination of his remarks at the ceremonies shows that he does not volunteer that his service never took him overseas. And he describes the hostile reaction directed at veterans coming back from Vietnam, intimating that he was among them.

What this man needs to do, is resign. There is no greater shame, no greater crime —- outside of martial infidelity, than stealing the honor of those who did serve in our armed forces. Besides all of that; who in their right mind would straight up lie about theur Military Service? Are these people that damned short sighted that they do not realize that sooner or later, this sort of thing would catch up with them?

Not to be outdone, and speaking of Martial Infidelity, There is this little breaking news story:

"You see these parts? They're as big and heavy as my wife's butt cheeks, which is why I am screwing my staffer instead..."

Souder, a Republican, will will step down on Friday. He said in remarks obtained by Fox News that he “sinned against God, my wife and my family by having a mutual relationship with a part-time member of my staff.”

“I wish I could have been a better example,” he said. “In this poisonous environment of Washington, D.C., any personal failing is seized upon, often twisted, for political gain. I am resigning rather than to put my family through that painful, drawn-out process. … We are a committed family, but the error is mine and I should bear the responsibility. Not only am I thankful for a loving family but for a loving God.”

Multiple senior House sources indicated that the extent of Souder’s affair with the staffer would have landed him before the House Ethics Committee. Sources told Fox News that the aide, identified as Tracy Jackson, a woman in her mid-40s, would accompany the congressman to events and to record ads at a Christian radio broadcast station.

Elected as a family values conservative as part of the Republican revolution in 1994, Souder survived a tough re-election challenge in 2008 and survived a contested primary two weeks ago.

Here is the video of the woman he was oinking, instead of his wife: (Via TPM)

Thankfully, this guy is doing the right thing and getting the hell out of dodge and sparing the Republican Party some very unneeded embarrassment.

Crapweasel indeed.

Ed Morrissey makes a very good point too:

Say, wouldn’t it have been a good idea to make this decision three weeks ago?

Yeah, when the GOP would not have to scramble to find a replacement for him? What a Moroon!

RedState Update on the Tennessee Floods

(H/T HotAir)

As you know, I wrote about the floods in Tennessee. Here’s RedState Update’s take on it. It is, as always, hilarious.

How you can help: