The Southern Avenger on “The Illiberal Media”

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The only thing that is “unhealthy” is David Axlerod’s Brain

It is official, David Axlerod just moved up another notch in the Douche Nozzle index:

Check out this video:

The Story:

Senior White House adviser David Axelrod on Sunday suggested the “Tea Party” movement is an “unhealthy” reaction to the tough economic climate facing the country.

Axelrod was asked on CBS’s “Face the Nation” about the “spreading and very public disaffection” with the president’s fiscal policies seen at the “Tea Party” rallies around the country last week.

“I think any time you have severe economic conditions there is always an element of disaffection that can mutate into something that’s unhealthy,” Axelrod said.

Axelrod appeared to backtrack when pressed on whether the movement is unhealthy.

“Well, this is a country where we value our liberties and our ability to express ourselves, and so far these are expressions,” he said.

“The thing that bewilders me is that this president just cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people,” Axelrod argued. “I think the tea bags should be directed elsewhere because he certainly understands the burden that people face.”

Democratic strategist James Carville disagreed with Axelrod on CNN’s “State of the Union” when John King asked him if it’s unhealthy for “an American to go out and hold a sign and say ‘I think my taxes are too high.'”

via CNN Political Ticker: – Axelrod suggests ‘Tea Party’ movement is ‘unhealthy’

Oh Yeah, Obama understands alright. Obama understands that he has a socialist agenda to fulfill. Obama simply wants to impose more regulations and yes, taxes upon us, so that he can fund the empire, that has become the United States of America. As far as his stupid statement about cutting the Taxes of 95% of Americans, what about that 5%, which is made up of a bit more people than Mr. Axlerod cares to admit? You know, like small business owners who are now going to have to pay higher taxes to shoulder the burden of those who basically do not have to pay taxes? Because of this these business owners will most likely have to cut staff and remove benefits, so, that they can afford to pay those taxes.

What that will translate to, is this; higher unemployment. Because whether President Bambi Teleprompter realizes it or not, 95% of Americans are employed by small to medium businesses. Not everyone has a job at General Motors, Chrysler, or Ford. Some of us here in Michigan are just not that damn lucky. Heck, even the industry that I tried getting into, the trucking industry; is starting to feel the squeeze of the massive recession that is being brought on by the stupidity of the former and current Presidents. Less people buying products, means less truckers needed to haul those products across the country. Not only this, with the Obama hiking the taxes of the top 5% in this country, namely those who own several trucks, owners are just not able to afford the drivers anymore because of the hike in Taxes that they have to pay every month. There’s a thing called road taxes. The more you drive, the more you pay; and if you operate in more than one state, you have pay taxes in the state you operate in.

So, yeah, the agenda is really working alright, to screw every damned American in the end. Which is exactly what the Democratic Party is infamous for. So, as the title of this Blog posting says, the only thing unhealthy, is Axlerod’s brain. Unhealthy For America, Unhealthy for Freedom, and unhealthy for the working class in this country. It so bewilders me why people will accept blatant stupidity and follow it like sheep.

But, according to them, it is for the greater good. But at who’s expense? Ours, of course.

So, if you’re unemployed; like me, and you’re trying to look for a job. Good luck to you, because your wonderful socialist asshat President and his administration just made it about 50 times harder to find a damn job. 😡

Damned idiots, All of them! 🙄

D’oh! President Obama gets a book from Chevez that slams the US

The Jokes write themselves people….. Via Jack Tapper:

At President Obama’s meeting with the heads of South American countries this morning, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stood, walked over to him, and presented him with a copy of “Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent” by Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano.

Obama politely posed for a photograph with Chavez, shook his hand, and accepted the gift.

The book, first published in Spanish in 1971, offers a critique of the consequences of 500 years of European and U.S. colonization of Latin America.

APTOPIX CB Trinidad Americas Summit Obama

More Hope and Change? (and Communism?)

Galeano writes that while the era of “lodes of gold” and “mountains of silver” has passed, “our region still works as a menial laborer. It continues to exist at the service of others’ needs, as a source of oil and iron, of copper and meat, of fruit and coffee, the raw materials and foods destined for rich countries which profit more from consuming them than Latin America does from producing them.”

At another point in the book, Galeano writes: “Our defeat was always implicit in the victory of others; our wealth has always generated our poverty by nourishing the prosperity of others.”

The book also criticizes the U.S. for “spreading and imposing family planning. … In Latin America it is more hygienic and effective to kill future guerillas in the womb that in the mountains or the streets.

First he shakes hands with this idiot and now he gets a book from a Communist, that basically insults America and our values system, and basically capitalism in general; and he takes it and smiles. The book, from what I have read is basically a book full of Anti American sentiment and is filled with marxist rantings. In fact, the book, when it was first published, was banned in Uruguay and Chile. What does that tell you?

I tell ya folks, this President is going to give we Conservatives material to write with for many years to come. That is, if Obama and his marxist do not shut down blogs altogether for fear of his Administration being criticized.

You are known by the company you keep

I think this says it all right here folks, this one via Fox News:

President Obama shook hands with Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez on Friday at the opening of the Summit of the Americas being held this weekend in Trinidad and Tobago.

Photos released by the Venezuelan government show Obama clasping Chavez’s hand and smiling broadly, and Venezuela

Hope and Change?!?!

Hope and Change?!?!

quoted Chavez as saying, “I’d like to be your friend,” while noting that he shook President Bush’s hand eight years ago with the same hand. Obama reportedly expressed thanks.

A senior White House official said the encounter came before the summit’s opening ceremonies during a meeting with the heads of state. Obama talked to many of the 25 or so leaders who were there at the time. At one point, he walked across the room and introduced himself to Chavez.

The official wouldn’t directly confirm Venezuela’s version of the encounter but didn’t dispute it. Chavez spoke in English, the official said.

Earlier Friday, Dan Restrepo, the president’s top Western Hemisphere adviser on the National Security Council, had told FOX News Obama might cross paths with Chavez.

“A chance encounter if it occurs,” Restrepo said, in describing such a meeting. “Let’s put the animosities behind us. Let’s not have old arguments.

“Let’s not have tired ideological arguments. Let’s get down to figuring out how we can advance things that are in our national interest. Things that matter to the United States that should matter to Venezuela. Putting the arguments and ideologies of the past aside and working on pragmatic solutions to real problems that face our countries today,” he said.

As far as I am concerned, he may as well been shaking hands with Karl Marx. It is the same thing. Chavez is a known Communist, and Obama is a known Socialist. You are who you hang around. Two birds flock together.  We were warned in the election that Barack Obama was nothing more than a radical left candidate and now, he’s proven it. On top of this, he is wanting to basically normalize relations with Cuba; a known Communist country as well.

What’s next, an ambassador to Al-Qaeda in Washington D.C.? I mean, you laugh or scoff at my words? But when does the slippery slope end? When do we say, enough is enough? How can someone; who has been charged with upholding and defending our Constitution, make allies with people like this? America is about to learn a cold, hard lesson, of why you do not elect people, based upon a personality.

I fear for our Nation, greatly. 🙁

The Obligtory Obama Released the torture memos posting

Yes, I know about it.  Go make a video for a few hours and the world does the 360 and starts talking about something else.

I hate to be the one that says, “I told you so!”  But…

I did. I knew Obama would not prosecute anyone. Why? Because he knew that he would be hurting those who are keeping us safe. Well, are supposed to be anyhow.

Yes, I know what they did was wrong. Yes, I know the crap that they did was borderline crazy. Yes, I know they should be, but they won’t be, because President Obama fears the backlash. The problem with this, is that Obama will be castigated by the far left, and by many Libertarians that were stupid enough to vote for him, for not going through with the prosecutions.

Basically Obama said this:

The Department of Justice will today release certain memos issued by the Office of Legal Counsel between 2002 and 2005 as part of an ongoing court case. These memos speak to techniques that were used in the interrogation of terrorism suspects during that period, and their release is required by the rule of law.

My judgment on the content of these memos is a matter of record. In one of my very first acts as President, I prohibited the use of these interrogation techniques by the United States because they undermine our moral authority and do not make us safer. Enlisting our values in the protection of our people makes us stronger and more secure. A democracy as resilient as ours must reject the false choice between our security and our ideals, and that is why these methods of interrogation are already a thing of the past.

But that is not what compelled the release of these legal documents today. While I believe strongly in transparency and accountability, I also believe that in a dangerous world, the United States must sometimes carry out intelligence operations and protect information that is classified for purposes of national security. I have already fought for that principle in court and will do so again in the future. However, after consulting with the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, and others, I believe that exceptional circumstances surround these memos and require their release.

First, the interrogation techniques described in these memos have already been widely reported. Second, the previous Administration publicly acknowledged portions of the program – and some of the practices – associated with these memos. Third, I have already ended the techniques described in the memos through an Executive Order. Therefore, withholding these memos would only serve to deny facts that have been in the public domain for some time. This could contribute to an inaccurate accounting of the past, and fuel erroneous and inflammatory assumptions about actions taken by the United States.

In releasing these memos, it is our intention to assure those who carried out their duties relying in good faith upon legal advice from the Department of Justice that they will not be subject to prosecution. The men and women of our intelligence community serve courageously on the front lines of a dangerous world. Their accomplishments are unsung and their names unknown, but because of their sacrifices, every single American is safer. We must protect their identities as vigilantly as they protect our security, and we must provide them with the confidence that they can do their jobs.

Going forward, it is my strong belief that the United States has a solemn duty to vigorously maintain the classified nature of certain activities and information related to national security. This is an extraordinarily important responsibility of the presidency, and it is one that I will carry out assertively irrespective of any political concern. Consequently, the exceptional circumstances surrounding these memos should not be viewed as an erosion of the strong legal basis for maintaining the classified nature of secret activities. I will always do whatever is necessary to protect the national security of the United States.

This is a time for reflection, not retribution. I respect the strong views and emotions that these issues evoke. We have been through a dark and painful chapter in our history. But at a time of great challenges and disturbing disunity, nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past. Our national greatness is embedded in America’s ability to right its course in concert with our core values, and to move forward with confidence. That is why we must resist the forces that divide us, and instead come together on behalf of our common future.

The United States is a nation of laws. My Administration will always act in accordance with those laws, and with an unshakeable commitment to our ideals. That is why we have released these memos, and that is why we have taken steps to ensure that the actions described within them never take place again. – Via NYT

The major backlash has already started, and it will interesting to follow.

Why I did not go to the Tea-Party Protests

As most of you know by now, there are a great number of “Tea-Party” Protests around the Country.  Well, count this writer among those who will not be attending.  I will explain to as why.  The first reason why I will not be wasting my money, gas, and personal time is this; these tea parties are the Neo-Conservative and Media establishment cashing in on a sacred Libertarian Principle.  That principle is low or no taxes.

Now while I believe it is commendable that the Conservative movement is slowly moving away from the big Government nonsense of the Neo-Conservative stupor of the George W. Bush Administration.  I cannot help but think that possibly the Conservative establishment and the Conservative media establishment is simply cashing in on the supposed populist outrage of the Obama Administration’s devaluing the dollar by the massive bailouts.

Another reason is that I just have an overwhelming feeling of “Why Bother?”  I mean, the Democrats are in the majority, in fact, eventually they will be seating their last senator and will have a super majority.  The Obama Administration, it seems, is not interested in what we Conservatives or Libertarians think about what he is doing.  So, why waste one’s breath, time and gas assembling?  I mean, the Liberal Establishment already takes a morbid pleasure in painting people like you and me as a bunch of fringe element extremists, my question is, why give them more ammo?  It just does not make any sense to me.  Perhaps I am a tad bit cynical, but it seems to me that our time would be better spend rebuilding our movement from the ground up, rather than going out and demonstrating over something that we cannot honestly stop.

Again, I believe the idea of the American people speaking out against what they feel is wrong, is great.  I feel that our time could be better spent doing something more productive and substantive, than cashing in on base and animal-like instincts.  While some might think that, I am overly cynical and to an extent, I am.  However, I prefer to see myself as a realist.

Next time someone tries to tell you that Liberals are not fascists, Show ’em this.

This is absolutely disgusting:

CHAPEL HILL — UNC-CH police released pepper spray and threatened to use a Taser on student protesters Tuesday evening when a crowd disrupted a speech by former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo opposing in-state tuition benefits to unauthorized immigrants.

Hundreds of protesters converged on Bingham Hall, shouting profanities and accusations of racism while Tancredo and the student who introduced him tried to speak. Minutes into the speech, a protester pounded a window of the classroom until the glass shattered, prompting Tancredo to flee and campus police to shut down the event.

Tancredo was brought to campus by a UNC chapter of Youth for Western Civilization, a national organization of students who oppose mass immigration, multiculturalism and affirmative action.

Before the event, campus security removed two women who delayed Tancredo’s speech by stretching a 12-foot banner across the front of the classroom. It read, “No dialogue with hate.”

Police escorted the women into the hallway, amid more than 30 protesters who clashed with the officers trying to keep them out of the overcrowded classroom. After police released pepper spray and threatened the crowd with a Taser, the protesters gathered outside Bingham Hall.

Police spokesman Randy Young said the pepper spray was “broadcast” to clear the hallway. He said officers’ use of force was under investigation by the department.

Inside the classroom, several student protesters screamed curses at Tancredo and Riley Matheson, president of the UNC-Chapel Hill chapter of Youth for Western Civilization.

“This is the free speech crowd, right?” Tancredo joked.

via Protest stops Tancredo’s UNC speech – Immigration – News & Observer.

I think if the police acted more like the guard did at Kent State, we would not have the problems we’re having today. These Liberal fascists are a disgrace to America. Yet the DHS released a report, calling we Conservatives terrorists? What about these people? Are they not terrorising this campus?

You see now, why I left the fascist Democrats? 😡

Those are OBAMA’S people folks, those people voted for Obama, a radical President, with radical followers.

Others: Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Moonbattery, Gateway Pundit, Clayton Cramer’s BLOG, Daily Pundit and AmSpecBlog

(Via Memeorandum)

The left says that the Tea Parties are just angry white protesters

I normally do not send traffic to idiots like this, but this one caught my eye.

Over at the Marxist Liberal Crooks and Liars; Barack Hussein Obama’s water carrier, John Amato yowls:

To Reynolds “real Americans” kind of look like him and smell like him. That’s true Americana. Can you imagine if Tom Daschle, Paul Begala, James Carville and the late Paul Wellstone twittered and blogged and wrote op-eds for the NY Times, while Nancy Pelosi appeared on CNN and put out the call to arms as the Situation Room, Countdown, Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper promised everyone air time on their shows if they make sure to come on down to “the protests” they will be covering live, up close and in person? And it was funded by millions of dollars of the richest of the rich?

Lou Dobbs mocked the criticism of the tea baggers, saying that special-interest groups started war protests just like the New Santellis. Does he really believe that Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove are considered “grassroots” activists?

So typical, when the left is loosing the battle, they do what most Liberals do. They play the race card. Gee,  I was not aware that race hustling Al “Interloper” Sharpton was looking for help.

Doug Powers, who’s also tangling with some moronic liberal as well, counters this stupidity:

Not by name or inference. As a matter of fact, I went out of my way to point out that these problems have been perpetuated by both parties, but these kinds of knee-jerk pinheads see what they want to see. If racism doesn’t exist, they’ll see to it that it does by the time they’re finished — all in the name of ending racism.

I’m also racist because I wrote that Detroit has gone down the toilet thanks to the same liberal policies, both state and federal, that are being rolled out on a national level, and I compared the city to Bangladesh (which made me racist against “South Indian Immigrants” — I kid you not).

So, for the Detroit comparison I’ll go ahead and offer a sincere apology… to Bangladesh.

Who’s the racist here, anyway? Tubman’s the one who runs with the assumption that Detroit was ruined by blacks. I never wrote that or even implied it, because I don’t believe that to be the case — it was ruined by liberals with the same philosophies as Carl Levin, Debbie Stabenow, Jennifer Granholm, David Bonior, et al — all of whom, by the way, are currently un-black.

I could not have put it better. Even now, Detroit’s school system is failing, the biggest arena in Detroit; Cobo Arena is facing closure, because a group of race hustlers on the Detroit city council resent the fact that some white people from the suburbs want a stake in running the Arena, in return for paying off some of Arena’s debts. Not to mention the decay of the neighborhoods; the businesses that have left that city, because of the corrupt Government in that city. Is it a black thing? Not necessarily. It just happens that the Liberals running that cesspool of a city ARE black. But when anyone, like a white man, like me, brings that up; we are smeared as racist bigots.

This is why anyone, that had any sort of money, left that city. Like my parents and myself. Because of the lack of police protection. You call the police or dial 911. You’re lucky if they show up, maybe four hours later. This is why two detectives; Walter Budzyn and Larry Nevers were basically lynched by a racist black Mayor, Coleman A. Young, for essentially doing their jobs. Malice Green was a crackhead who refused to show those two fine officers what was in his hand, he basically attacked them, which resulted him getting busted in the head. The Liberal media in Detroit basically convicted those two men. They’re out of jail, after basically getting a new trial. But it basically shows you that absolutely insane mentality that has taken over that cesspool of a city.

Then there is the personal aspect of it. My Cousin, Michael Hill was shot and killed in cold blood, by two black and one Mexican corrupt Detroit cops. To be fair, my cousin was doing something incredibly dumb, he was selling a handgun to a friend, over in the Delray district of southwest Detroit and he test fired the gun into the ground. Some idiot neighbor heard the gunshots and called the police. That is when all hell broke loose, the police showed up, my cousin, who had a probation rap on his record, tried to flee, but couldn’t jump the wooden fence behind the house. Those cops came in with guns blazing, he had something in his hand; a beer bottle…. and the police thought it was the gun, they gunned him down and basically allowed him to die, in the backyard of that house. I will be the first to admit, Michael should not have run, nor should have he been testing that gun, in the city. But he was gunned down like an animal.

The real kicker? You think the liberal media, back in 1990’s, touched that story an exposed the Detroit police for the corrupt department that it is? Are you kidding? They did not want anything to do with it! Want to know why? Because my cousin was white and the cops doing the shooting were black and mexican, that’s why! Not one of the Liberal media outlets in the Detroit area covered the true story. Just the bullshit story given by the police, when the shooting happened. My cousin was portrayed by the liberal media as some crazy person who tried to have a shootout with the police. (Thank you WXYZ-TV and Bill Bonds…) That’s because the story did not fit the agenda of the liberal narrative. Which is so typical of the Liberal media.

So, Doug, I know how you feel man, we’re both just sane people in a world gone insane with liberal socialism.

Funny Photos, Cartoons and Humor (Oh My!)

Letter to my bank

Dear Sirs,
One of my checks was returned marked “insufficient funds”. In view of current developments in the banking industry, does that refer to me or to you?

Put up your dukes

Credit where credit is due

And now for a cartoon

For more stuff, like this and more… Go Here

President Teleprompter tries to take credit for Navy Seal rescue

This is just too rich, the Washington Post in it’s slobbering love affair with the Teleprompter in Chief is now trying to say that Obama is directly responsible for the rescue of the Ship Captain. Here’s the slobbering quote, if you can stomach such tripe:

It was one of the earliest tests of the new American president — a small military operation off the coast of a Third World nation. But as President Bill Clinton found out in October 1993, even minor failures can have long-lasting consequences.

Clinton’s efforts to land a small contingent of troops in Haiti were rebuffed, for the world to see, by a few hundred gun-toting Haitians. As the USS Harlan County retreated, so did the president’s reputation.

For President Obama, last week’s confrontation with Somali pirates posed similar political risks to a young commander in chief who had yet to prove himself to his generals or his public.

But the result — a dramatic and successful rescue operation by U.S. Special Operations forces — left Obama with an early victory that could help build confidence in his ability to direct military actions abroad.

Throughout the past four days, White House officials played down Obama’s role in the hostage drama. Until yesterday, he made no public statements about the pirates.

In fact, aides said yesterday, Obama had been briefed 17 times since he returned from his trip abroad, including several times from the White House Situation Room. And without giving too many details, senior White House officials made it clear that Obama had provided the authority for the rescue.

It goes on a bit, but I am not going to quote any more of it. Sweet Jesus on a tea bag already! They act like Obama was the one with the gun, and who pulled the trigger. Heck, even Marc Ambinder knows the real deal and even HE sees the stupidity in the WaPo’s Article, Mark weighs in:

Perhaps I’m reading this wrong, but I’m fairly certain that the pirate drama and its resolution says absolutely nothing about President Obama. You could make the case that the White House wants to show that Obama is deliberate and cautious when it comes to authorizing military force — fine — but this was a hostage rescue mission, the U.S. has specially-trained counterterrorist forces for precisely this sort of thing, and military aciton was almost inevitable. Really, what this weekend’s drama was, was a test of the National Command Authority, the NSC’s ability to communicate with commanders in the crisis, and some good field training for Navy SEALs.

Thank you sweet baby Jesus, for someone with a ounce of clarity! Someone in the Main Stream Media has an once of brain!

Okay, fine, I will give President Bambi Teleprompter a little credit, he gave the order, big fucking deal! It was the Navy Seals that did the fucking job. That fucking Magic Negro did not do a fucking thing, except pet his fucking dog and admire himself in the fucking mirror until the job was done. So liberals, wise the hell up, okay? Quit trying to make your little plastic messiah more than he really is, okay? Because honestly, the rest of thinking America is getting a little sick from the smell of the fucking manure your spreading. Seriously.

Others, Mostly slobbering liberals: The Swamp, Slate, Washington Monthly, ATTACKERMAN, MSNBC, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Sister Toldjah, Wonkette, Associated Press, CBS News, Balloon Juice, Right Wing Nut House, Taylor Marsh, AMERICAblog News, Outside The Beltway, Macsmind, Political Punch, Althouse, New York Times, The Politico, Truthdig and Brilliant at Breakfast and more via Memeornadum

Update: Charm this, dickweed. Typical asshole liberal; when they cannot win a fucking argument, they start the slams. Well, Fuck ’em. They elected that Teleprompter reader piece of shit, now deal with the fucking criticism. I don’t remeber the damn left licking George W. Bush’s asshole that hard. (Douche Nozzle as he was, but still… fuckin’ aye already…)

Ron Howard, Just another idiot liberal tool

Unreal Ronnie Howard is just another Liberal tool. He’s come long way from his Opie Days:

Film director Ron Howard is “very optimistic” about the future of America, so long as the nation makes an “adjustment,” to fulfill his hope a “more progressive” nation will mean “at a certain point I don’t think we’ll be so consumed with being the pre-eminent super-power and, you know, driven by sort of militarism and this need to export, you know, democracy.” Howard’s reasoning, on Friday night’s Real Time with Bill Maher, came in response to Maher’s formulation that America has “seen better days. We’re sort of in place that has made a lot of people nervous. Some people would say this country has jumped the shark.”

Howard, who is out promoting ‘Angels & Demons,’ a sequel to ‘The Da Vinci Code,’ replied: “I’m a very optimistic person and I don’t want to feel like there isn’t growth, but there needs to be an adjustment anyway.” He proceeded to credit the insights he gained working on his movies with Europeans: “I’ve actually spent a lot more time in Europe and working with crew members and actors and understanding how they live and how they think.” Howard predicted “our lives are going to be better” because “we’re going to be more progressive.”

via Ron Howard Yearns for Less Powerful America Not ‘Driven by Militarism’ |

Must have been too much gay sex when he was a kid. Andy would not be happy. I’d never guessed Ron Howard to be a Communist, but I guess he is.

Others: Michelle Malkin and Gateway Pundit

ASU Caves to Pressure, will most likely award Obama Degree

I wrote about this before.  Looks like ASU is just like the rest of them, caves to Political pressure when the heats turned up by the media.

The Politico reports:

Michael M. Crow, president of Arizona State University, tells POLITICO that the school is reconsidering its widely mocked plans not to give President Barack Obama an honorary degree when he speaks at commencement on May 13 and will “honor him in every way possible.”

“There was no intended slight,” Crow said by telephone from his office in Tempe. “We had not yet talked about what honors we might give him as our commencement speaker, and we still have a month to work all that out. We don’t want anyone to think we do not recognize what he has achieved and what he means in America.”

A formal decision has not been made, but it was clear from Crow’s comments that the university is headed in that direction. ASU risked becoming a national punch line if it did not quickly retreat from its policy against conferring honorary degrees on a sitting politician.

At first blush one would expect me to basically call them cowards; however, if you really think about it. I can see their position. Being elected Americas first black President, is a feat unto itself. So, while I can agree with my fellow Conservatives who say that President Barack Obama has no resume, there is something to be said about being elected President and being black. Accuse me of being a turncoat, or a secret liberal if you wish; but history was made in 2008, A black man was elected President, that has never happened in America before. Sean Hannity can rip on the guy all he likes, and I can understand why, He doesn’t like his politics. Admittedly; neither do I, but I am not going to sit here and act like having a black President is not a sea change of the standard in America.

So, while I think sticking to principles is a good and honorable thing, I think in this case, it is better to gave the honorable degree and move on. Rather than to face the onslaught. If people had listened to Senator Barry Goldwater, we could not be in this postion, but we’re stuck with it now. So, might as well just do the right thing.

Others: Hot Air,

The Southern Avenger on “The Radical Right”

The Southern Avenger’s Blog

The Southern Avenger @ Taki’s Magazine

Books Mentioned:

Reality is a dish served cold

It seems that Israel is unimpressed by the hope and change montra of Barack Obama.

Via the Jerusalem Post:

“Israel does not take orders from [Barack] Obama,” Environmental Protection Minister Gilad Erdan (Likud) said on Monday, responding to an earlier statement by the US president in which he reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to all previous understandings between Israel and the Palestinians, including the process launched at Annapolis, Maryland, in 2007.

Erdan, who is also the liaison between the cabinet and the Knesset, praised Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman (Israel Beiteinu), who only last week said Israel was not bound by the Annapolis talks because it had never been approved by the cabinet or the Knesset.

“In voting for [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu the citizens of Israel have decided that they will not become the US’s 51st state,” said Erdan, who was representing the coalition in a Knesset discussion of Lieberman’s controversial statements. He added, however, that “Obama is a friend of Israel and the United States is an important ally, and everything between us will be the result of communication.”

As the title of the post states, reality is a dish served cold; the crew of the of the USS Liberty found this out on June 8, 1967. When Israeli forces supposedly accidentally bombed one of our ships during the six day war. I say “supposedly” because much information has surfaced in the last couple of years, that the bombing was totally intentional. Much, if not all of this information has been suppressed by the main stream media and by the United States Government up until very recently.

I have always held the opinion that Israel does not see the United States as an true ally. But more of a useful idiot. Because of the overwhelming support by Christian Zionists who somehow or another see Israel has their rightful home; which if someone actually did study their Bible and learn how to interpret it properly, they would see the Zionism is nothing more than a man-made lie to produce money for a sin-depraved Nation and for a group of people going to straight to hell for rejecting Christ as their messiah.

However, there is a good reason for the continuance of the furtherance of this manufactured lie; Money. The money raised by the Zionist shills is good for Church Business and good for the shills that peddle this idiotic doctrine. Having said all the that, it is good to see that for a change that one of Israel’s leaders has finally decided to speak freely about what Americas real role in Israel really is, instead of the well manufactured lie that they have been peddling to the Christian World for so long.

The Federal Government cracks down on the Scam Mortgage Loaners , except for the most important one

So much for enforcing the law….:

The Obama administration has already unveiled its plan to stem the rising home foreclosure rate, but with foreclosure scams also increasing, the administration today announced a multi-agency effort to crack down on scams that prey on struggling homeowners.

“Just as this administration has intensified our efforts to help American homeowners, those who would seek to prey on the most vulnerable are intensifying their tactics as well, often through purported mortgage modification and foreclosure relief companies,” Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said at an announcement in Washington. “These are predatory schemes designed to rob Americans of their savings and potentially their homes.”

The FBI is currently investigating more than 2,100 mortgage fraud cases, up 400 percent from five years ago

via Feds Crack Down on Foreclosure Scams – ABC News.

Hip Hip Hooray, Obama is enforcing the law!  Well, perhaps not. 🙄

Judicial Watch reports that the two biggest corrupt lenders; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack, have broken the law for years. What excatly is President Teleprompter and his attack Dog Tim Geithner AKA Eddie Haskel doing about this?


You guessed it! Not a damn thing……. So much for all the “Hope and Change” and a new direction in America. As I long suspected a very long time ago, it is simply more of the same from an empty suit, who’s big on speeches and low on substance.

Update: Hello to all the Freepers reading this! 😀 Please take a look around, you might just like it here. 🙂

Plot to Murder President Obama Exposed in Turkey

Now this is quite interesting!

As United States president Barack Obama began an official visit to Turkey on Monday, reports surfaced that a Syrian man was arrested in Istanbul in connection with a plot to kill him. The man – who sought to disguise himself as a journalist for the Arab TV network Al-Jazeera – managed to obtain press accreditation and allegedly planned to stab the US president with a knife, said Saudi daily al-Watan.

The Saudi daily contacted Al-Jazeera’s bureau in the Turkish capital Ankara and spoke with the bureau’s director Yusuf al-Sharif who claimed the Syrian man never worked with Al-Jazeera.

The suspect was arrested last Friday in Istanbul, where he had been permanently living for a number of years. After his arrest, al-Watan said he confessed to having planned Obama’s murder and that in case he failed, there were three other accomplices that would carry out the assassination.

via Turkey: Syrian man arrested over ‘Obama murder plot’ – Adnkronos Security.

As Dinah Lord put it, we might not be at war with Muslims, but they sure are not happy to see us! This is to be expected though, as there are many angry Muslims out there; who are still angry at the United States for invading Iraq. Then again it might have had nothing to do with that, this guy could just have been some sort of a fruit loop or a terrorist. We will not know for sure, until more information comes out.

As an American; I am just glad to see that the plot was exposed, because the LAST THING this Country needs is our President hurt or killed. I may not agree with Obama’s Politics, but I do not want to see the guy murdered. Anyone that would say anything any different is either crazy or just an mean spirited asshole. It is one thing to chide the President because of his politics, but it’s an entire other matter to do something like this.

Let’s hope this idiot remains behind bars for a long time or worse; and considering where it happened, he will most likely end up hung. Which is just fine with me.

Update: CBS NEWS is now reporting the story….finally.

Obama says “We’re not at war with Islam”

I really don’t get why this is new, as Bush said this as well. But Here goes!:

Barack Obama, making his first visit to a Muslim nation as president, declared Monday the United States “is not and will never be at war with Islam.”

Urging a greater partnership with the Islamic world in an address to the Turkish parliament, Obama called the country an important U.S. ally in many areas, including the fight against terrorism. He devoted much of his speech to urging a greater bond between Americans and Muslims, portraying terrorist groups such as al Qaida as extremists who do not represent the vast majority of Muslims.

“Let me say this as clearly as I can,” Obama said. “The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. In fact, our partnership with the Muslim world is critical … in rolling back a fringe ideology that people of all faiths reject.”

The U.S. president is trying to mend fences with a Muslim world that felt it had been blamed by America for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

via Obama declares US not at war with Islam- AP.

From what I understand there are some that are not happy about the statement underlined above. Ed Morrissey weighs in here:

Obama spoke in the tradition established by Bush over the last seven-plus years of emphasizing that America did not declare war on Islam.  That’s been obvious through our partnership with Islamic nations, such as Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, just to name a few.  And he’s right; the last thing we would want to do would be to declare war on a billion people just on the basis of their religion.  The more we can keep the Muslims on the sidelines, the better off we are in fighting against the radicals.

However, the AP wants to pretend that this is some new effort by the US to assure Muslims of our intentions.  It decidedly is not, and perhaps a mention that Bush tried making these same assurances for almost his entire presidency would be in order here.

Well Ed, When your name is George and you are a Christian white man from Texas, it is a bit harder to sell that idea. Let’s face it; Obama is a black man with a Islamic middle name, it’s just going to be easier to sell that idea for President Obama; than it was for President Bush. I believe the majority of “Americanized” Muslims understood this, but it was the Muslims abroad that felt it was an attack on the Islamic Faith.

I just hope that Obama is able to make that sell. Because the last thing we need is war with Islam itself.

So much for Obama’s Christianity…

I must confess… When I read this little gem, I let out a snort:

In an age when people are naturally preoccupied with the coldly rational reality of a troubled economy, it is reassuring to know that the finer details of political theology are still subject to debate.  According to a recent statement out of the Vatican, President Obama appears to have a passing interest in medieval gnosticism.  Father Raniero Cantalamessa, a preacher to the Pontifical Household, has stated that the president referred to Joachim of Fiore (1135-1202) at least three times in his speeches during his election campaign.  This Cistercian abbot with a heretical reputation was praised by Obama as a “master of contemporary civilization” who sought to create a better world.

The reason why this strikes me as so funny is because during the election, there were so many people falling all over themselves declaring that Obama was some sort of “Born Again Believer.” I said at the time and I’ll say it again; According to which Bible? Not the one I read! That is for sure.

Judgmental? Hardly. I base what I say upon the Bible, and according to those standards, Obama falls dreadfully short.

North Korea Launches Rocket, Obama and World React

Something tells me that this is either going to be a whole bunch of nothing or this is going to escalate into a big bunch of ugly:

North Korea defied the United States, its allies and a series of U.N. resolutions by launching a rocket on Sunday that it said propelled a satellite into space but that much of the world viewed as an unsuccessful effort to prove it is edging toward the capability to shoot a nuclear warhead on a longer-range missile.

The United States Northern Command issued a statement that North Korea’s Taepodong 2 missile flew over Japan, with its payload landing in the Pacific Ocean. “No object entered orbit and no debris fell on Japan,” the assessment said.

Still, the launching drew swift international condemnation and prompted the U.N. Security Council to convene an emergency meeting on Sunday in which the United States, Japan and South Korea vowed to penalize the North.

via North Koreans Launch Rocket –

Meanwhile here is President Teleprompters Response:

More bluster and bravado from a empty suit. The worst that is going to happen is that the U.N. will send a letter to the North Koreans and tell them; “Now if you will agree not to do that again and we’ll send you more money!” and they will stop for a short while and then when they need more money, they will launch another rocket like this and the process will repeat again.

It would be simple minded of me to just sit here and say that the United States should just nuke North Korea off the map. That might work in simplistic terms, but when you really get into the meat of this matter, it is very complicated. Because North Korea is being backed by China and Russia, and if we started launching warheads into North Korea, China and Russia would start launching missiles at us! This is why the U.N. and the United States have been urging Japan and South Korea to show restraint.

Luckily for us, South Korea and Japan, along with the rest of the U.N. have been showing the uttermost restraint. I will say this about our President, if does have any clear leadership abilities, he had better start showing them now, because this little incident right here is no laughing matter. If he does have the steel in his backbone as Vice-President Biden says he does; he has better start showing it and better yet start using it.

Mr. President, if you ever happen to read this; the time for political bluster and childish games with the Republican Party is over. The campaign is now officially over. Now is the time, for steel-eyed leadership, American grit and determination that America’s interests come first. For the sake of the American people, for the sake of the stability of the entire world, for the sake of peace throughout the world, for the sake of Almighty God; LEAD!

The Southern Avenger on “Steadfast Sanford”

When hundreds of protesters showed up at the South Carolina statehouse to protest Gov. Mark Sanford’s refusal to accept $700 million in federal stimulus, it was worth noting how Sanford doesn’t represent economic disaster – but perhaps the only chance we’ve got.

The Article referenced in this Video is found here

The Southern Avenger’s Blog

The Southern Avanger @ Taki’s Magazine

Obama Bows to his Arab Masters



The Video:

Hmmmm, Maybe this woman was correct after all, it’s 0:53 into this video:

Disgraceful. President Obama should be impeached on charges of TREASON! For bowing to a foreign leader. The Bastard. 😡

Of course, when your middle name is Hussein and you will not release your original birth certificate, what else can one expect? Maybe he was paying homage to his REAL ethnic heritage? You can prove me wrong, Barry, anytime you like, by releasing the original. But we all know that Barry will not do that. Because he knows what he is hiding. 😡

Update: A kind thank you to Gabe over at Memeorandum for the pull!

Others: Whiskey Fire, Flopping Aces, Fausta’s Blog, The Powers That Be, Jihad Watch, Moonbattery, PoliGazette, Commentary, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Creeping Sharia and Gateway Pundit

Negro Kentucky Columnist Attacks Michelle Malkin

Well, it seems that the myth that Barack Hussein Obama was going to usher in a new era has been officially disproved.

Some unknown hosebag negro who thinks she can write has attacked Michelle Malkin.

Columnist Betty Beye writes:


I don’t recall ever using that word before in a column, but it’s a great description of how some folks are behaving toward President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama…

…To be sure, the flummoxed come in all shapes, sizes and colors. There’s Rush Limbaugh, the perpetually angry white guy, and Michelle Malkin, the acidic Asian-American columnist, who has written that the mere sight of Michelle Obama on a video frightened her young son. And don’t forget Thomas Sowell, the African-American economist and syndicated columnist. All are apoplectic about Barack Obama’s rise.

First of all, Michelle Malkin is an American. You would never see here call herself a Asian-American or Philippine-American or any of that sort. She’s a true-blue American who has assimilated our culture, Unlike the Negro Liberals who want to hold on to thier African culture and want to try and change OUR culture here in America.  Of course, you would have known this; if you would have stopped eating your Cheetos and drinking your grape Kool-Aid long enough to get off your lazy butt and actually do some research on Michelle Malkin. [Fixed: thanks to commentor BayAreaPhilosopher!]

It amazes me that people like this women here, are so damned Jealous of Michelle’s success as a syndicated Columnist and Conservative Blogger, that they have to stoop to the low brow attacks.

Nothing pisses me off more than a uppity black woman with an attitude. Kind of like Michelle Obama. 🙄

Update: I know some idiot Liberal is going to read through my Blog and see this here, and most likely attack me for it.  Well, let me say this here. I wrote this article in the confrontational style that I did because of this woman’s obvious racist comments in her column. “Angry White Man?” and “Asian-American?” and even going as far to slam a fellow Black man, because he doesn’t get in line with the Liberal thought process? Isn’t that a plantation mentality? Isn’t that a facist mantality? Anyhow, I didn’t let the racist crap fly in the posting linked, because my fight with Black Liberal is not about SKIN COLOR, but about thier stupid liberalism. Period. End of Story. My Blog, My Rules, Trolls not wanted or needed.