Nuremberg Defense

I do not know quite where to start.  One minute, I am somewhat respected blogger.  The next, I am writing my defense paper.  I somewhat now know how Glenn Back feels.  One difference, Glenn Beck has a great deal more money than I do.  It appears that my stick poking at some women has caused a bit of a negative reaction; and they have really done their homework.  Hell, they did everything but post my damned social security number!  They would have done that, if they knew they would not have gotten into legal trouble for it.

What am I referring?  It appears that the two lovely women that I took a rather broad handed swipe at did not like it one bit.  In fact, bluntly, I do believe I may have pissed those old bitties off!  You can go read the laundry list of accusations against me; it is such a depressing read really.  You would think that I was some sort of Neo-Nazi or at least a Klan supporter.

Now what I did I do, to deserve such scrutiny by the Semite-Baiting crowd?

I said the J-Word!

Horrors!  Off with my head!  Shoot him at sunrise!  Hang him at dawn!  How dare this fiend dare to challenge the Neo-Conservative Ring-Wing establishment!

I may as well have yelled “Whore!” at a feminist rally.

Therefore, yes, they are after me and after me good. A price must be paid I suppose, for being a smart-mouthed, opinionated, person such as me.

Now, what is my defense?  Not much really, they have their facts somewhat correct.  I will explain some of the stuff and even try to salvage what sort of credibility I might have left.  Not that it will really make any difference to these Semite-Baiters, they have their mission and nothing I will say or even do will make any difference to them at all.

  1. The Stormfront Account:  Yes, I do have one.  I have owned it for a long time.  Something happened in the media one time, involved this forum.  Therefore, I wanted to snoop around the site and I created the account.  Now, does this mean that I agree one iota with those simpletons about race — specifically Jews and Blacks?  No, it does not.  As for what I may have written there — it is called engaging one’s self in conversation with them, as to figure out how they think and to borrow a phrase, what makes them tick.  I am, without apology, a morbidly curious person.  I am also a writer.  One has to know one’s subject well, if one is going to write with authority about a subject.
  2. Michelle Malkin:  This was one of things, which I did, that I am not proud of — I can really only tell you the truth about it.  Before I do, please, bear in mind that before I was a smart mouthed Conservative writer, that I was a left-leaning smart mouthed writer.  Having said that, here is the damned truth about that idiotic stunt that I pulled that happened over three or more years ago.  Michelle Malkin wrote something that just flat out pissed me off.  It has been so damned long ago; that I have totally forgotten what it was, I know that it involved kids, and her giving out personal information about the parents of those kids.  So, I thought, “huh, if she can give out personal information about people, why cannot I give HER personal information out?” and I so, I did a google search for “Michelle Malkin Address” and a website came up, which had her address, telephone numbers and cell phone numbers.  I let out an evil laugh and fired off a blog posting with her information, and aerial shot of her house!  That will fix her red wagon!  The posting was up for all of, um, maybe an hour?  A message popped into my inbox — from a good friend of hers, she had not lived in that house for 3 years!  D’oh! I pulled that posting and prayed to God in Heaven that no one went to that house.  Now, did I feel a bit silly?  You Betcha!  Do I hate Michelle Malkin?  No.  Her style of “Slash and Burn” Political writing is not my style.  However, I would very remiss, if I did not mention that she sticks up for our Military.  In fact, it was one of her stories on her blog, that about sent me into a monkey shit fit of biblical proportions.  It was when some idiot anti-war sleaze ball decided that it would be cool to pour cutting oil on the Vietnam War memorial in D.C.  It was the reading of that story, and a series of other events; that caused me to say, “You know, the Democrats are just not my party anymore.”  I will say one thing — I was told by some friends of mine, that the reason why Michelle Malkin moved to Colorado was that someone decided to post her address on a liberal forum, I heard it was Democratic Underground.  Anyhow, I had zero to do with that incident and I would like to find out whom it was that did that crap.  Now, what I was told might be untrue.  However, I want her and her friends to know, that I regret now doing that idiotic nonsense.  At the time, I knew nothing about her or how many children she had or anything of that sort.  Had I known that, I would never, ever pulled a stunt like that.  I would have just ignored it and moved on.
  3. The Michael Hendrix Incident: Once again, I made rather stupid mistake.  When in the heat of the battle, you say and do things, which later you think to yourself, “What the hell did I do that for?”  What happened was, I got a slight tap on the ass for some co-blogger at cold fury for saying that I happened t respect the John Birch Society.  The dude called me stupid.  I being the dude that was raised in the ghetto, I let the shit fly.  I went for the juggler vein.  In the process of that little sword fight, I ended up insulting Mike’s dead wife!  First, off, at the time, I did not know what Mike’s last name even was; much less whom the person was, that was listed on the blog as being deceased.  Put bluntly, I fucked up. When I did find out who she was, I did pray that God would turn the earth back about six good revolutions and let time go backward.  So, that someone could scream in my ear, “THAT’S HIS FUCKING DECEASED WIFE YOU IDIOT!”  —- No such luck on that one, time is still dragging on and I still feel like a damned chump about that.
  4. My supposed Hatred of Jews, Blacks, and other Minorities: Let me answer this one like this.  I am doing rather well for someone whose cousin was brutally murdered by two black Detroit police officers and a Mexican Police Officer back in the 1990’s.  I make no bones about it; I hate identity Politics of ALL stripes — Including the special treatment of ANY race.  If that makes me an Anti-Semite, that so be it.

Therefore, there you have it — My Nuremberg Defense.  I believe that I have answered the charges leveled at me, by a group of people whose mission in life is to ruin anyone who dares challenge the Neo-Conservative right.  I make no apologies for my wit, sarcasm, and ability to make heads explode, on the left or right.  It is what I do. Buckley did it, Taki Theodoracopulos does it very well, Richard Spencer does it well, and I will continue to do it here.  If you read this and feel that need to complain to ad companies, which exist on this blog, therefore to hang me for my so-called crimes, and disrupt my ability to buy my medicine, do please feel free.  However, please, do not call yourself a Conservative — Because that, which you are doing to me, is not even remotely Conservative.  What you doing, is in line with the Uber-Liberal Left, they are the intolerant ones, and they are the ones who have attacked me for daring to challenge the President in the past.  You should at least be honest and align yourselves with them.

So… there, the truth, my defense, as God as my witness — I will accept whatever becomes of this nonsense and act accordingly.