A quick update from Zo from Macho Sauce Productions

It turns out, that Zo is getting help from the Neo-Conservative PJ TV. I just wonder how long before he starts reciting talking points of the Podhoretz Clan?

Anyhow, here’s the video:

Macho Sauce Productions HQ

Quote of the Day

He has ordered 17,000 more U.S. troops into Afghanistan, as the situation deteriorates and the NATO allies pull out. He has no exit strategy. He has read a repudiation of George Bush as a mandate for a government seizure of wealth and power that exceeds anything attempted in the Great Society.

Fully half of the $3.55 trillion in spending Obama will preside over this year will not be covered by tax revenue but by red ink. The money will have to be borrowed from abroad or printed by the Fed.

Not only is Barack running a deficit four times as large as Bush’s largest, he has called for $1 trillion in new taxes on America’s most successful, who have already seen their savings and pensions ravaged.

He wants a cap-and-trade system to deal with a global-warming or climate-change crisis many scientists believe is a hoax. He is going to provide health care for all, including immigrants, millions of whom arrive uninsured every year. He is going to plunge scores of billions more into education, though education has eaten up the wealth of an empire, as SAT scores sink further and further below the apogee of 1964, before LBJ and the feds barged in. He is going to ask Congress for authority to spend another $750 billion rescuing the banks.

He is going to find the cure for cancer. He is going to ensure every kid gets a college education. He is going to drop half of all wage-earners off the tax rolls, while the top 2 percent, who already pay 40 percent of all income taxes, are forced to cough up more.

Obama is misreading the election returns. When America voted to cancel the White House lease of Mr. Bush, it did not vote Barack Obama a blank check.

By misinterpreting his mandate, Obama has accomplished something John McCain could not – unite the Republican Party and instill in it a new esprit de corps. For the Obama budget is an insult to the core belief of the party – that free people, not coercive government, should shape the character of society.

By daring Republicans to fight on the issue of a $1.75 trillion deficit, Obama has liberated the GOP from any obligation to him. He has come out of the closet as a radical liberal spoiling for a fight over an agenda of radical change.

Sooner than any might have thought, we have clarity.

Today’s Headlines

I’ve been reading the headlines today, and I’m really not in the mood, nor do I have the interest to write individual Blog postings on all the stuff happening. So, here it is, in a short snarky summary format. A short-takes posting; if you will.

  • President Obama lifts stem cell ban, Christians are not amused. Stem cells were unavailable for comment.
  • Liberal Economist Paul Krugman says the stimulus was too small. Go figure.  
  • Crunch Con Ron Dreher says that being bi-sexual is horrifying, Gay-blade and Faux Conservative Andrew Sullivan and others are not amused.
  • President Obama grabs the Foreign Policy Steering wheel and gives it a good yank to the left. (surprise….surprise…)
  • Obama appointee Timothy Geithner is running the Treasury Department by the seat of his pants. 
  • The Pedophiles are pissed at Andy Cuomo! Got to watch out for them angry perverts!
  • A hunting instructor decides to play politics, and promptly gets fired. Real smart that was…. I’m no Obama fan, but that was just dumb
  • The Saudi Government lashes a woman….for being a woman. (Man, to have those laws here. 😛 😉 :D)
  • One of Michelle Malkin’s stooges goes out with a camera and ambushes Charlie Rangle, and the number of Republicans she’s done this to?
  • Ben Smith over at the Politico says that Card Check law creates jobs for…………………….Republicans?!?!?!?
  • Religious groups are loosing ground. You’d think them guys would learn to keep track of stuff like that.
  • Megan McCain makes a very valid point. For the record, I would so hit that. (you guys know what I mean….)

Mudville Gazette discovers the obvious

That B. Hussien Obama is a big fat liar. (As are most Democrats.)

Click here.

More silly stuff from the Moderation Que

Gotta love this stuff:

Author : MG (IP: , adsl-067-034-182-108.sip.mco.bellsouth.net)
E-mail : OpenMike123@aol.com
URL    :
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
Just admit it: You’d like these poor people to die, and you’d do it yourselves if you could get away with it.


Define Poor. Please.

Update: He goes on:

Author : MG (IP: , adsl-067-034-182-108.sip.mco.bellsouth.net)
E-mail : OpenMike123@aol.com
URL    :
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
Seriously, you haven’t heard of prepaid cellphones? Or perhaps he’s a member of the working poor, those who have a job but can’t afford rent. Or perhaps you just don’t KNOW any homeless people – yet. Thanks to the Bush-Cheney Depression, you soon will.


…and Obama’s plan of tax and spend is going to fix all of that??!?! Please. 🙄

Limited posting until tomorrow sometime

….and here’s why:

I made a rather stupid mistake. I called refill my medication prescription for A.D.H.D., turns out the pharmacy is closed on Sundays. So, I am off the medication till tomorrow, when I get and head down and pick it up. So, when my Meds wear off at 2:00 A.M. I will be without meds. So, I will be stopping here for the night and going to get my meds tomorrow.

I will be putting comments on Moderate until I get my meds in my system. So, don’t take it personally, please.

A.D.H.D. sucks, I just want to be free from it. 🙁

Update: I am very happy to report, that I have gotten my Medication refilled and I am back among the normal thinking people again. Nice to be able to hold a thought longer than a nanosecond.

I must admit, Patterico does have a good point

I normally wouldn’t link this guy, but he does have a very valid point.

Basically, Patterico says that the Democrats have zero right to criticize we Conservatives  for wanting Bambi to fail. Why?

This: (click to make it bigger)


Basically, in 2006, there was a poll taken, where 53% of Democrats said that they hope that Bush failed. (Poll is in PDF format…)

So, as Patterico says:

Have this poll handy the next time some Democrat gets snooty about Rush wanting Obama to fail. It’s proof that the Democrats didn’t want Bush to succeed. They have no standing to claim the moral high ground. None.

I cannot say that I disagree with this. The Democrats from the time that the Iraq war started turning bad, till the day Bush left office, would not cut George W. Bush any slack at all. I even, once the surge started, gave him a little slack to see if it worked, Obama and his Democratic partners in crime, like over at the DailyKos, would not, at all.  To this day, Obama refuses to admit that the Surge in Iraq worked.

Update: Oh, before anyone asks; No, I was not cool with the idea of going into Iraq; especially when the whole WMD thing came up as bogus.  But, I was willing to give the President a break and let him get the situation straightened out there. The Liberal Left? Not so much. All one had to do, is tune into MSNBC or CNN and listen to the talking heads criticize Bush.

Good show Patterico, even if you did try and slander me over at another Blog, by bringing up crap that happened over a year ago, and something I totally apologized for. 😛

Others: Flopping Aces and Sister Toldjah

Coincidence or just bad timing?

This is very interesting…:

President Barack Obama is poised to offer an olive branch to Cuba in an effort to repair the US’s tattered reputation in Latin America.

The White House has moved to ease some travel and trade restrictions as a cautious first step towards better ties with Havana, raising hopes of an eventual lifting of the four-decade-old economic embargo. Several Bush-era controls are expected to be relaxed in the run-up to next month’s Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago to gild the president’s regional debut and signal a new era of “Yankee” cooperation.

The administration has moved to ease draconian travel controls and lift limits on cash remittances that Cuban-Americans can send to the island, a lifeline for hundreds of thousands of families.

“The effect on ordinary Cubans will be fairly significant. It will improve things and be very welcome,” said a western diplomat in Havana. The changes would reverse hardline Bush policies but not fundamentally alter relations between the superpower and the island, he added. “It just takes us back to the 1990s.”

via Obama will use spring summit to bring Cuba in from the cold | World news | The Observer.


Caracas – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Friday called upon US President Barack Obama to follow the path to socialism, which he termed as the “only” way out of the global recession. “Come with us, align yourself, come with us on the road to socialism. This is the only path. Imagine a socialist revolution in the United States,” Chavez told a group of workers in the southern Venezuelan state of Bolivar.

The controversial Venezuelan leader, who taunted the United States as a source of capitalistic evil under former president George W Bush, added that the United States needs a leader who can take it to a “higher” destiny and bring it out of “the sad role that it has been given, as a murderous, attacking power that is hated all around the world.”

Chavez said that people are calling Obama a “socialist” for the measures of state intervention he is taking to counter the crisis, so it would not be too far-fetched to suggest that he might join the project of “21st century socialism” that the Venezuelan leader is heading.

“Nothing is impossible. Who would have thought in the 1980s that the Soviet Union would disappear? No one,” he said.

“That murderous, genocidal empire has to end, and some day there has to come a leader … who interprets the best of a people who also include human beings who suffer, endure, weep and laugh,” the outspoken Chavez said.

Coincidence? or just really bad timing? You Decide.

(H/T Drudge)

Uh-Oh: Iran Test Fires New Missile

Um…. I hope Barry is not too tired to deal with this one:

Iran has test-fired a new air-to-surface missile, Iranian media reported on Sunday, in the Islamic Republic’s latest display of its military capability.

The missile test was carried out despite the offer by the administration of new U.S. President Barack Obama to engage Iran in direct talks if it “unclenches its fist”.

Iran’s Fars News Agency said the domestically produced missile had a range of 110 km and was designed for use by military aircraft against naval targets.

“Now these jet fighters have acquired a new capability in confronting threats,” the semi-official news agency said. Iran’s Press TV initially said a long-range missile had been tested, but later also used Fars’ way of describing it.

Iran often stages war games or tests weapons to show its determination to counter any attack by foes such as Israel and the United States.

Israel and Washington accuse Tehran of trying to develop nuclear bombs. Iran says its nuclear programme is a peaceful drive to generate electricity so that the world’s fourth-largest oil producer can export more of its gas and crude.

Israel, believed to be the only nuclear-armed Middle East state, has said Iran’s nuclear plans threaten its existence and has not ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to end the dispute.

via Iran test-fires new missile – Reuters.

….and Yet, President Bambi wants to try and hold talks with these crazy people? I fear for our country. 🙁

I think Bush was right, as were many Republicans who said, that Obama would rather appease terrorists, than stiff arm those who promote Terrorism.

What gets me is, how Bush was lambasted for making that Statement; and at the time, I thought he was kind of off for saying that myself. Now, I believe that Bush was absolutely correct. The truth is, Iran is a country that is a supporter of terrorism. I mean, terrorism of Israel and all of its allies, including the United States.

The question is, how will President Obama respond to this? Will he ignore it or will He stand up and condemn this sort of an action?

The answer will most likely come….. When Obama is done with his nap. 🙄

(H/T Drudge)

Quote of the Day

Will President Bush put his Lord and Savior above his office and lay it on the line to stop once and for all the wholesale slaughter of unborn children or will he simply make token efforts before the TV camera to perpetuate a pro-life image? Will he be the “living sacrifice” that the apostle Paul called us to be in Romans 12:1 and risk his own presidency to put an end to the socialist brainwashing programs at work in the public school system or will he just remodel and repackage them under a new name? Will he take an uncompromising stand against the enemies of Christ and their new-age quest for a one-world government and religion or will he merely try to strengthen our position and influence at the United Nations? Will he seek justice for the hundreds who suffered and died at the hands of the previous administration or will he befriend its leader in the name of tolerance, diversity and unity?

Will he protect our young from pedophiles within the homosexual community whose mission in life is to have sex with our children without fear of prosecution or will he choose to protect the predators instead by tolerating their abominable agenda of indoctrination disguised as healthy, normal and educational? Will he obey the Constitution and keep the federal government out of the church’s business as described in the 1st amendment or allow it to corrupt, control and silence the church’s gospel message of repentance and faith in Christ by promoting church/state partnerships?

Sure I’m thrilled to no longer see Clinton and Gore in the news every day. Nonetheless, the powers that brought them to the White House and kept them there for almost a decade are the same powers that brought us George W. Bush. If you doubt that, just sit back and watch the choices he makes over the next four years. Forget what he said on the campaign trail and watch what he does. If all we see out of him is more defense spending, a few minor tax cuts and a lot of ecumenical talk then you’ll know I was right when I said: “Socialism needs two legs on which to stand; a right and a left. While appearing to be in complete opposition to one another, they both march in the same direction.”

Sorry Ann, It’s still juvenile

Kinda like every other fucking thing she writes nowadays.

Ann Coulter, taking a break from giving oral sex to FBI agents to get out of voter fraud charges; attacks Olbermann over his degree.

Keith responds, as he has every right to, and Coulter goes on Faux Noise’s “Redeye”, which is honestly one of the world’s unfunniest shows ever, and rips on Keith some more.

Honestly; does this feckless harpy really think she is doing anything to further the Conservative Movement by engaging in rather idiotic and very stupid juvenile pissing matches like this one?

No wonder the Liberals think that the Conservative movement is full of nut jobs and wackos!  I mean the hypocrisy of the woman is so vast, it would take me about 5 pages of Blog posting to spell it all out. One that I care to waste my Blog’s bandwidth on, is this woman’s dress, this woman claims to be the Phyllis Schlafly of the 21 century. She does this all the while, dressing like a New York hooker. Let’s just say that modesty is not one of Ann Coulter’s fortes.

Tell ya what Annie, you start covering up your body, and quit trying to show your damn hoo-ha on TV and start acting like you’ve got a brain, which you do; you just act like some sort of a jackassed tool, to push your idiotically written books, and start actually writing something of fucking substance, and I might respect you.

….Otherwise, your just a whore in a long line of blond bimbo looking whores, who are either carping into a fucking mike to make money by reciting Republican talking points in New York for Rupert “I’m a fake Conservative” Murdoch, or writing and possibly giving head to for John Podhoretz and Willy Kristol to make some fucking coin.

Other Neo-Cons covering this waste of bandwidth: Cassy Fiano and Riehl World View

I must say that I agree with this

Once again, I am going to link to something that is going to cause some people to think that I am a fake Conservative. If that’s what some want to do; fine, let them.

But I will say it, that I totally agree with the assessment made in this Blog entry here.

I have always believed that Abortion in itself, was murder. However, I believe it is a MORAL issue and is not, nor should it ever be a legislative issue. A very great Libertarian Senator, Barry Goldwater Sr. once said, “You cannot legislate Morality.” Our laws are a reflection of society, to push a Religious dogma or belief system off on a society; goes against everything our Constitution stands for.

Further more, this sickening display by the Roman Catholic Church in Brasília is just plain awful.

Many times, I have criticized the so-called “Right to Life” groups as being border line Nazi Fascist in their ways, as is the Roman Catholic Church as well, at times.

Sometimes, I think, in the quest to be morally right, the Church, as it is referred to, comes off being very wrong.

God Bless this Famly and this little girl. 🙁

Can someone remind me as just to why exactly we elected this douche nozzle??!?!?

First off, check this out: (Via America Digest)

Via U.K. Telegraph:

Sources close to the White House say Mr Obama and his staff have been “overwhelmed” by the economic meltdown and have voiced concerns that the new president is not getting enough rest.

British officials, meanwhile, admit that the White House and US State Department staff were utterly bemused by complaints that the Prime Minister should have been granted full-blown press conference and a formal dinner, as has been customary. They concede that Obama aides seemed unfamiliar with the expectations that surround a major visit by a British prime minister.

But Washington figures with access to Mr Obama’s inner circle explained the slight by saying that those high up in the administration have had little time to deal with international matters, let alone the diplomatic niceties of the special relationship.

Allies of Mr Obama say his weary appearance in the Oval Office with Mr Brown illustrates the strain he is now under, and the president’s surprise at the sheer volume of business that crosses his desk.

A well-connected Washington figure, who is close to members of Mr Obama’s inner circle, expressed concern that Mr Obama had failed so far to “even fake an interest in foreign policy”.

A British official conceded that the furore surrounding the apparent snub to Mr Brown had come as a shock to the White House. “I think it’s right to say that their focus is elsewhere, on domestic affairs. A number of our US interlocutors said they couldn’t quite understand the British concerns and didn’t get what that was all about.”

The American source said: “Obama is overwhelmed. There is a zero sum tension between his ability to attend to the economic issues and his ability to be a proactive sculptor of the national security agenda.

“That was the gamble these guys made at the front end of this presidency and I think they’re finding it a hard thing to do everything.”

Oh, it gets better, trust me… Too Tired?!?! Seriously? Think that’s bad?

Via The Old Gray Lady:

President Obama declared in an interview that the United States was not winning the war in Afghanistan and opened the door to a reconciliation process in which the American military would reach out to moderate elements of the Taliban, much as it did with Sunni militias in Iraq.

Mr. Obama pointed to the success in peeling Iraqi insurgents away from more hard-core elements of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, a strategy that many credit as much as the increase of American forces with turning the war around in the last two years. “There may be some comparable opportunities in Afghanistan and in the Pakistani region,” he said, while cautioning that solutions in Afghanistan will be complicated.


“I don’t think that people should be fearful about our future,” he said. “I don’t think that people should suddenly mistrust all of our financial institutions.”

As he pressed forward with ambitious plans at home to rewrite the tax code, expand health care coverage and curb climate change, Mr. Obama dismissed criticism from conservatives that he was driving the country toward socialism. After the interview, which took place as the president was flying home from Ohio, he called reporters from the Oval Office to assert that his actions have been “entirely consistent with free-market principles” and to point out that large-scale government intervention in the markets and expansion of social welfare programs began under President George W. Bush.

Sitting at the head of a conference table with his suit coat off, Mr. Obama exhibited confidence six weeks into his presidency despite the economic turmoil around the globe and the deteriorating situations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He struck a reassuring tone about the economy, saying he had no trouble sleeping at night.


Asked if the United States was winning in Afghanistan, a war he effectively adopted as his own last month by ordering an additional 17,000 troops sent there, Mr. Obama replied flatly, “No.”

Again, can someone please tell me why we elected this feckless idiot douche nozzle? I am really beginning to believe that America blew it. In a really, really, really, big way.

Those who were actually stupid enough to vote for this socialist idiot, get what is coming to them. (yes, that applies to my family too.)

I mean, this asshole is acting like this is some sort of a community organizer job. Being the President is a serious job and this idiot is not even acting remotely like a President. 😡

As much as I disagreed with President George W. Bush on Iraq, I will say this; you never, EVER heard George W. Bush complain or his staff ever say to reporters, even anonymously say that the job was making him tired! Not once.

Not getting enough sleep, what a pansy ass! 🙄

Others: JustOneMinute, Power Line, Pajamas Media, Flopping Aces, QandO, Six Meat Buffet, Macsmind, Flopping AcesGateway Pundit, NO QUARTER, AMERICAN DIGESTWizbangAtlas Shrugs, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, HotAir, NO QUARTER, PoliGazette and Cold Fury

Update: Right Voices links in. Thank you! 🙂

Update #3: Peace and Freedom Global Future links in. Thank you! 🙂

Update #2: Whole Bunch more cool people covering this:

Edited to remove accidental dupe links… ooops!

Can’t we all just get along people?

Man, I’ll tell you, no wonder the Conservative movement is in tatters.  Looks like two Paleo Con’s are at it. Some guy named Evan McLaren and John Stacy McCain are at it.

I guess from what I’ve read here, I guess Evan wrote a rather dismissive piece about CPAC. Well, McCain; I guess, was a bit peeved about what was said, and proceeded to rip the kid to pieces over it.  Of course, because most political bloggers, especially we Conservatives; have to get in the last word, McLaren responded; and offered to fight the guy.

Now, before I say my piece, I will admit to ripping on McCain myself, there are times, when his self absorbed style, even turns me off, at times. But I don’t hate the guy, it’s not about that, it is just his writing style, it comes off a bit pompous. Even maybe a bit; dare I say it? —– Weird.

The point I am trying to get at, is this right here. As long as Conservatives, of ALL stripes; Bioconservatism, Compassionate, Cultural, Fiscal, Libertarian, National, Neo, Paleo, Social, Theo, and Traditionalist continue to concentrate on what divides us, instead of what UNITES us. The Conservative movement will never, ever regain it’s proper place in society and in Government ever again.

Yes, Bush screwed up, Yes, The Republican Party ran a poor candidate. It happens, let’s move on and stop this petty bickering and unite as one, and stand up to President Barack Obama’s agenda of systematically destroying the Capitalist system in America.

We just cannot hand this victory to the Democratics and allow them to utterly distroy our Movement, Our Party, our Ideals. We just cannot; many Churches will suffer because of it. Christianity will suffer, and American itself will suffer.

We must not allow ourselves to be chained by the sundry bounds of division. We must unite, we must take up the discourse and not allow them to win.

Our Future depends on it.

Perfect example of Liberal Stupidity and What will get you banned from here

This little gem came into the comments section:

New comment on your post #8335 “Poor people, with cell phones”
Author : JD (IP: , 173-105-52-163.pools.spcsdns.net)
E-mail : jd@sbcglobal.net
Whois : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
It never takes long for your bigotry to oozes out …

Wow… that’s some grammar there buddy. I’m a bigot and it “oozes” out.

I’m a bigot because I think that homeless people having cellphones, is about fucking hypocritical.

Whatevahs. I banned this pin-head for two reasons, because he’s a stupid idiot that cannot even structure a sentence properly and also because he’s the a-typical, bat shit idiot, Liberal Minority who wants to hold ME accountable for dumb shit my white ancestors did before I was even born.

Sorry man, the Black Victim card cannot be played here. Go try that bullshit somewhere else, because we “Crackas” ain’t buying here.  I don’t owe you and any other black person a FUCKING THING, got it there, Darky? Not a FUCKING THING.

Geez… such morons these days. 🙄

Obama in trouble?

Looks that way. Looks like some of the “Pro-Obama” media and the not-so “Pro-Obama” media are beginning to see, what the rest of America is seeing as well.

Via an opinion piece at the D.C. Examiner:

Did you feel it? The political ground shifting beneath President Barack Obama since his speech last week to Congress? It’s been  downhill since and I’m not referring mainly to the Dow Jones record-setting dive. The pivot point of the shift was the speech, or rather what the speech did to the evolving public narrative of Obama.

Let’s review:

* Since the first of the year, Rush Limbaugh’s audience has exploded , according to Howard Kurtz of The Washington Post, even as his daily assaults on Obama have intensified. The conservative Talk Radio maestro has become quite possibly the most listened-to radio personality in America since before Paul Harvey (God rest his soul).

Demand for his air time has suddenly become so intense, Limbaugh told The Examiner’s Byron York earlier today, that his network sold 80 percent as much advertising in January 2009 as it did in all of 2008, and expects to sell-out the year by the end of March. That was before Obama and White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel launched an explicit counter-attack against Limbaugh that seems only to be making him bigger.

* Glenn Beck’s eminently forgettable presence on CNN has been transformed, according to The Los Angeles Times, by his move to Fox News where his main theme has been variations on this question – Wake Up! Wake UP! What in Heaven’s name does Barack Obama think he is doing to America? Beck has a tough time slot from which to win big ratings because he’s in the middle of evening drive-time. Even so, in a very short period of time at Fox, his audience has grown to the point that it is now exceeded only by those of Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity.

Via The Washington Post:

Washington has spent the past couple of weeks debating whether Barack Obama’s ambitious agenda and political strategy are more comparable to those of Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan. Oddly, hardly anyone is talking about the ways in which Obama is beginning to resemble the man who just vacated the White House.

Most Americans are eager to forget about George W. Bush. But just over seven years ago, Bush found himself in much the same position as the new president today — leading the country through what was universally considered a national emergency. In the weeks after Sept. 11, 2001, Bush’s approval rating soared above 80 percent at home. London, Berlin and even Moscow rallied behind him. A front-page analysis in The Post in late November said that “President Bush [has] a dominance over American government . . . rivaling even Franklin D. Roosevelt’s command.”

Then, according to today’s established wisdom, Bush squandered his chance to lead. Three cardinal errors are commonly cited: The president failed to ask a willing nation for sacrifice, instead inviting consumers to shop and heaping on more tax cuts. Rather than forge a bipartisan response to the crisis, he used it to ram through big, polarizing pieces of the Republican Party’s ideological agenda — from asserting presidential powers to breach treaties to eliminating protections for federal workers. Worst, he chose to launch a war of choice in Iraq, thereby shredding what remained of post-Sept. 11 national unity and diverting attention and resources from the fight against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

That brings us to the first weeks of the Obama administration, set against the background of a scary and steadily deepening global economic crisis. Last month, in his first address to Congress, Obama warned the country that fixing the huge problems in the financial markets and housing and auto industries would require a historic effort. “None of this will come without cost, nor will it be easy,” he said. “But this is America. We don’t do what’s easy. We do what is necessary to move this country forward.”

Minutes later, Obama spelled out what he proposes this to mean for 98 percent of Americans: “You will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime. In fact, the recovery plan provides a tax cut . . . and these checks are on the way.”

So much for summoning the country to sacrifice. Obama has been no more willing to ask average Americans to pitch in, even once the recession is over, than Bush.

Via Forbes:

To see what is in front of one’s nose,” George Orwell famously asserted, “needs a constant struggle.”

Congratulations this week to three journalists who have finally taken up that constant struggle: Christopher Buckley, David Gergen and David Brooks. All three used to insist that Obama was some species of centrist or moderate. Now that Obama has proposed the most massive expansion of government in the history of the republic, each has recognized that just conceivably he might have been mistaken.

A humorist–and, I should disclose, an old friend–Christopher Buckley exercised his acute comic sense during the presidential campaign, judging John McCain so thoroughly risible that the nation could hardly do worse by electing Barack Obama. Now Buckley has developed a sense of the tragic. In electing Obama, he admits, we may indeed have done worse–a lot worse.

“The strange thing,” Buckley wrote last week after listening to Obama address Congress, “is that one feels almost unpatriotic, entertaining negative thoughts about Mr. Obama’s grand plan. … One thing is certain, however: Government is getting bigger and will stay bigger. Just remember … that a government that is big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take it all away.”

“Just remember”? Coming from someone who just remembered, the exhortation might strike a lot of people as rich. But never mind.

Now a commentator for CNN, David Gergen served in a number of administrations, first working in the White House all the way back in the 1970s. To the extent that he possesses any coherent ideological outlook–a fine question to ask of someone who took jobs from both Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton–Gergen seems to share Alexander Hamilton’s view that the federal government requires, as Hamilton expressed it, “energy in the executive.”

During the campaign, Gergen praised Obama as a man of action. Now Gergen argues that Obama is displaying a little too much action.

“We are in the midst of a global crisis … that demands intense focus and daily leadership by the president …,” Gergen wrote this past week. “But … [Obama’s] … ambition for reforms in other areas do not allow him to give the economy his full attention.” The financial industry is reeling, Gergen asserted, “because there is still no clear-cut set of policies about how the government will rescue banks.” And “it is stunning that [Treasury] Secretary Tim Geithner does not yet have a deputy secretary or any undersecretaries named, much less on the job.”

Energy in the executive is one matter. Zealotry in the executive is another.

It is, in fact, a refreshing thing to see the media actually doing it’s job, rather to sit and act like the state owned Russian media for a change. Unfortunately, all of these people, left out Dana Milbank, who early on, had the, ahem… shall we say, courage?… to write critically about the Obama campaign and found himself eviscerated by none other than Obama cheerleader Keith Olbermann.

Of course, there will always be the eternal believer, that, no matter Obama does, will always believe that he is the savior of the world, that he will be crucified by the mean old media and will be raised again to take the American people to the “Promised Land”.  Whatever that is. 🙄

Of course, there is also the blogging world. Yes, that’s right, we’re usually the first to break the stories, and usually the last to get any credit. Waiting Just as well, we do deserve a bit of credit for not falling in the tank for the President, and actually using a semblance of a brain, when it came to writing about this new Administration. However, some within the confines of the Independent Conservative News and Commentary Blogosphere and not-so-Blogosphere, bordered on material worthy of the National Enquirer. But there were others, and there’s just too many to list here, who really did their jobs, and basically told, what is essential to the American people and to the fundamentals of this fine Republic and its continuance as a free and democratic society; the truth.

There is a famous line, in a movie of the title, “A Few Good Men”, and it goes something like this:

“You want answers?”

“I think I am entitled to it.”



“You can’t HANDLE the truth!”

The new higher ratings of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and even Bill O’Reilly have, and for good reason; proven that little lie very wrong. People can, will and want to handle the truth.

Others: Power Line, The Volokh Conspiracy, Macsmind, Wake up America, TigerHawk, Wizbang, PoliGazette, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS,

Liberal Host Stephanie Miller says Rush Limbaugh should be executed for Treason

I hate having to post about this. Because I think it is so stupid. It seems that about the only progressive talk radio host, that I can even remotely stand to listen to; Stephanie Miller has went and done something extremely stupid.

Here’s the Video and Transcript: (Via NewsBusters)

LARRY KING, HOST: Nancy, what do you make of hoping for failure. Supposing it worked, and there were maybe some socialistic inclines, but more people went to work and more people had health care? Why would that be bad?

NANCY PFOTENHAUER, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: Well, I think the point is that Rush — and I agree with him wholeheartedly on this — believes these policies are antithetical to the American dream, and absolutely the wrong direction for the economy. I would be delighted to challenge the other two panelists on this one. What he has put together in the so-called stimulus package is an embarrassment. You had Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid writing the bill. You’ve put in 46 billion for 15 programs that OMB already declared ineffective. You have 300 million dollars going for golf carts, for heavens sake. Then turns around and, in a downturn economy, and advocates a tax increase. At the same time, he is making protectionist noises. This is a nasty economic cocktail, and it is going to hurt the American people. And I think that’s what Rush Limbaugh has been trying to underscore. And he is exactly right.

KING: If he fails, Stephanie, that will be good?

STEPHANIE MILLER, LIBERAL TALK RADIO HOST: I guess that is what Nancy and her friends want. As long as you have a place to listen Rush on the radio — if he fails we all fail.

KING: If his policies fail, he fails, right?

MILLER: Exactly. To me that seems treasonous. […]

KING: Nancy, the problem with all this is does it bring discord? Does it take away from real issues when we get into basically personality stories?

PFOTENHAUER: You know, I think it is a distraction. And I think that’s why the Democrats love it and they want to keep it going. I think the Republicans will turn the page, move on, and start really spending their time doing what they should be doing, which is articulating solutions to the problems that we’re facing. And, frankly — and pointing out how what Obama is advocating, the Obama administration is advocating, these aren’t new ideas. They have been tried and they have been tried several times and failed. You can point to places like Germany and France that have done almost exactly what the Obama administration is advocating. What you see there is a third lower quality of life. You see lower economic growth. You see higher taxes and you see higher unemployment. So, it’s not a recipe for success. It is a recipe for mediocrity at best. That’s why Republicans have to step forward and articulate their solutions.

MILLER: You are right, we should stick to the same policies that got us where we are now. I agree with you.

PFOTENHAUER: I think there need to be real changes.

KING: You criticized the Bush policy?

PFOTENHAUER: I did on the record at the time.

MILLER: Nancy, you are right about one thing. We love this episode of Republican. It’s delightful and it’s not solving any of the serious problems that the country is facing. You know who is it good for? Rush Limbaugh. He loves this attention.

If I could say something tonight that gets me that kind of attention, like maybe Rush Limbaugh should be executed for treason. How about that?

*bangs head on desk*

I cannot sit here and justify this; I am deeply disappointed and very angry with her. I have let her know as such. I know who her daddy was, I know and very much understand, why she bolted from the Republican Party.  I have always thought she was better than this, I mean, the gal is NOT, I repeat, NOT a Randi Rhoads wanna-be.

However, I believe words have consequences, It was not too long ago, that a deranged man went into a Church to try and kill as many liberals as possible. Many Liberals blamed the “Right Wing” media for this. But yet, a Liberal Radio host can say something like this? It is just not fair, what if some deranged person shot and killed Limbaugh, after hearing her say this? Would that be funny? I think not.

Has anyone forgotten about what happened to Allan Berg? Hello?!?!

Here’s the contact info, I think Miller ought to be punished for this, or at least be forced to give an apology, regardless of if she means it or not:

Please, be civil and polite, but make sure you let them know that Miller needs to apologize for making statements like this.

Others: HotAir

Update: It seems that Miss Miller does not like it when her lowly now former listener comes to her little shit for a website & forum and complains about her rather stupid behavior. Looks like my message to her was deleted. How Ironic. Little Miss Miller wants to protect that image, can’t have bad vibes or listener complaints on her little forum. Well, you can most likely figure out why I won’t be going back to that website, forum or even listening to that show. Bitch assed fucking cunt fascist, no wonder she’s not married, nobody would have that dago tramp.  I’ll just say it and I hope one of her listeners sends her this, she’s a fucking disgrace to the Miller Family Name and to the legacy of Goldwater. I hope she ends up like fucking Randi Rhoads, God knows she’s getting to be just like that ugly assed bitch. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, liberals are low class fucking scum. I’m someone excutes her, God knows, the world would be such a better place for it. 😡

Poor people, with cell phones


Via L.A. Times:

First Lady Michelle Obama showed up Thursday as a surprise and welcome volunteer at Miriam’s Kitchen, a soup kitchen for homeless poor people not far from the White House.

She brought with her some food donated by White House staff.

The first lady served up mushroom risotto and broccoli to a long line of homeless men and women during part of her lunch hour and in these photos poses for a picture by one homeless diner obviously excited to be in the first lady’s presence.

Obama said she hoped her service would cause other Americans to volunteer to help the less fortunate in their own communities.

6a00d8341c630a53ef01127939991b28a4-800wi And, of course, such images of need might also help build support for her husband’s economic and healthcare reform agenda, although a Miriam’s spokeswoman said their average “guest” has been homeless since about the time Barack Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004.

Miriam’s is a privately funded soup kitchen about seven blocks from the White House that has 1,200 volunteers and serves about 300, mainly men, each morning. Our colleague Mark Silva has more on the volunteer work in the Swamp here.

Both of these news photos were widely distributed across the country and even around the world.

It doesn’t detract from the first lady’s generous gesture or the real needs she seeks to highlight to ask two bothersome journalistic questions about these news photos:

If this unidentified meal recipient is too poor to buy his own food, how does he afford a cellphone?

And if he is homeless, where do they send the cellphone bills?

Unreal. I have a place to live, but I do not have a cell phone. By the way, where’s my stimulus? Where’s my Bailout? Oh, that’s right… I’m the wrong color. Because we all know those checks are going to non-white construction workers.

Update: Macsmind makes a very valid point:

I’ve had the pleasure of working with the poor here and there, soup kitchen details and even working with a non-profit for a bit. I can tell you that seeing a homeless person with a cell phone is nothing. I’ve witness so-called “poor” coming in during a toy drive to pick up donated toys wearing leather jackets, cell phones and sometimes driving pretty good cars – better than mine in fact.

The fact is that we have a really poor sense of the word “poor” in this country. Many of the poor would be wealthy in truly poor countries.

Same here. I’ve seen people show up at food distributions that I have volunteered in, when I was active in the Pentecostal circles; in brand-new looking Cadillac Cars and Lincoln Town Cars. So, that whole poor thing is a big misconception. I’ve met real poor people, and truth is, most so-called poor people are what other countries would call quite wealthy. Good point Jack, glad you brought it up. 😀

Others on this: Telegraph, Michelle Malkin, The Corner, Media Blog, Sweetness & Light, Connecting.the.Dots, The Swamp, PoliGazette and Don Surber