Guest Voice: Chuck Baldwin asks What’s More Important: Liberty Or The Entity That Protects It?

This is a reprint of an article by Chuck Baldwin:

Let me ask readers a question. What’s more important: freedom and its undergirding principles, or the entity meant to protect it? A word of caution: be careful how you answer that question, because the way you answer marks your understanding (or lack thereof) of both freedom and the purpose of government.

Thomas Jefferson–and the rest of America’s founders–believed that freedom was the principal possession, because liberty is a divine–not human–gift. Listen to Jefferson:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” (Declaration of Independence)

Jefferson could not be clearer: America’s founders desired a land in which men might live in liberty. By declaring independence from the government of Great Britain (and instituting new government), Jefferson, et al., did not intend to erect an idol (government) that men would worship. They created a mechanism designed to protect that which they considered to be their most precious possession: liberty. In other words, the government they created by the Constitution of 1787 was not the object; freedom’s protection was the object.

Again, listen to Jefferson: “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” In other words, government is not the end; it is the means. Government is not the goal; it is the vehicle used to reach the goal. Nowhere did Jefferson (and the rest of America’s founders) express the sentiment that government, itself, was the objective. Listen to Jefferson once more:

“That whenever ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” (Declaration) (Emphasis added.)

Jefferson is clear: people have a right to alter or abolish ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT that becomes destructive to liberty. To America’s founders, there was no such thing as a sacred cow when it came to government. Government had but one purpose: “to secure these rights.” When ANY FORM of government stops protecting sacred, God-given liberties, it is the right and duty of people to do whatever they deem appropriate to secure their liberties–even to abolishing the government.

To America’s founders, patriotism had everything to do with the love of liberty, not the love of government!

Today’s brand of patriotism (at least as expressed by many) is totally foreign to the fundamental principles of liberty upon which America was built. I’m talking about the idea that government is an end and aim in itself; the idea that government must be protected from the people; the idea that bigger government equals better government; the idea that criticism of the government makes one unpatriotic; the idea that government is a panacea for all our ills; and the idea that loyalty to the nation equals loyalty to the government. All of this is a bunch of bull manure!

When government–ANY GOVERNMENT–stops protecting the liberties of its citizens, and especially when it begins trampling those liberties, it has become a “destructive” power, and needs to be altered or abolished. Period.

Can any honest, objective citizen not readily recognize that the current central government in Washington, D.C., long ago stopped protecting the God-given rights of free men, and has become a usurper of those rights? Is there the slightest doubt in the heart of any lover of liberty that the biggest threat to our liberties is not to be found in any foreign capital, but in that putrid province by the Potomac?

Therefore, we must cast off this phony idea that we owe some kind of devotion to the “system.” Away with the notion that vowing to protect and prolong the “powers that be” makes us “good” Americans. The truth is, there is very little in Washington, D.C., that is worthy of protecting or prolonging. The “system” is a ravenous BEAST that is gorging itself on our liberties!

Patriotism has nothing to do with supporting a President, or being loyal to a political party, or anything of the sort.

Is it patriotic to support our country (which almost always means our government), “right or wrong”? This is one of the most misquoted clichés in American history, by the way. Big Government zealots (on both the right and the left) use this phrase often to try to stifle opposition by making people who would fight for smaller government appear “unpatriotic.”

The cliché, “My country, right or wrong,” comes from a short address delivered on the floor of the US Senate by Missouri Senator Carl Schurz. Taking a strong anti-imperialist position and having his patriotism questioned because of it (what’s new, right?), Schurz, on February 29, 1872, said, “The senator from Wisconsin cannot frighten me by exclaiming, ‘My country, right or wrong.’ In one sense I say so, too. My country–and my country is the great American Republic. My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.” (Source: The Congressional Globe, vol. 45, p. 1287)

Schurz then later expanded on this short statement in a speech delivered at the Anti-Imperialistic Conference in Chicago, Illinois, on October 17, 1899. He said, “I confidently trust that the American people will prove themselves . . . too wise not to detect the false pride or the dangerous ambitions or the selfish schemes which so often hide themselves under that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: ‘Our country, right or wrong!’ They will not fail to recognize that our dignity, our free institutions and the peace and welfare of this and coming generations of Americans will be secure only as we cling to the watchword of TRUE patriotism: ‘Our country–when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right.’” (Source: Speeches, Correspondence and Political Papers of Carl Schurz, vol. 6, 1913, p. 119) (Emphasis in original.)

Amen! In a free society, genuine patriotism demands that our country be RIGHT, as our nation’s policies and practices reflect the values and principles of its citizens. To feign some kind of robotic devotion to a nation without regard to sacred principle or constitutional fidelity is to become a mindless creature: at best, to be manipulated by any and every Machiavellian that comes along, or, at worst, to be a willing participant in tyranny.

As to loyalty to a President merely because he is President, Theodore Roosevelt may have said it best:

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth–whether about the President or anyone else.”

Hence, freedom-loving Americans cannot afford to become infatuated with Washington, D.C. We cannot allow these propagandists on network television to distort the meaning of true patriotism in our hearts.

Patriotism means we love freedom. It means we understand that freedom is a gift of God. It means we understand that government has only one legitimate function: to protect freedom. It means that our love of liberty demands that we oppose, alter, or even abolish ANY FORM of government that becomes destructive to these ends. And it means that we will never allow government to steal liberty from our hearts.

As I asked at the beginning of this column, What’s more important: freedom and its undergirding principles, or the entity meant to protect it? The right answer is, freedom and its undergirding principles. If you understand that, then you rightly understand that the current government we find ourselves under is in desperate need of replacement. And whatever, however, and whenever that replacement reveals itself is not nearly as important as that liberty is preserved.

On the other hand, if you mistakenly believe that government (the entity meant to protect liberty) is more important than liberty, you are both tragically deceived and pathetically impotent to preserving freedom. You may also have identified yourself as an enemy of freedom.

As for me and my house, we will stand with Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence–in whatever form it may present itself in a modern world bent on dismantling our liberties. In other words, I pledge no loyalty to any government that seeks to destroy our freedom–including the current one!

Chuck Baldwin Live HQ

Uh-Oh: Looks like Christine O’Donnell is not what we might think

This comes via The Daily Caller:

…and they have pictures too…:

Oh Dear....

The Story:

I barely knew Christine when she turned up at my door at around eight o’clock on the night of Halloween. We’d met for the first and only time three months earlier when my two roommates and I signed the lease on our apartment: Christine’s aunt owned the place we were moving into, and she happened to be up from Delaware visiting at the time. But we’d only spent about five minutes together that day and we hadn’t spoken much, and I hadn’t thought of her since.

Yet here she was standing outside my door with a friend. And both of them were pretty tipsy.

I Had a One-Night Stand With Christine O’Donnell.  She asked if she and her friend could come inside our apartment to change into their costumes. She couldn’t change at her aunt’s place, she said, because she was sleeping and she didn’t want to wake her up. Would we mind if she used our bathroom instead?

It was a pretty strange request. Sure, weird stuff happens on Halloween, but I barely knew her, and it isn’t every day that someone shows up at your front door and asks to change into their ladybug costume. But I told her it was fine and she was welcome to use our place to get ready.

It didn’t take long before the two women—who’d clearly been drinking—were sitting on my couch, beers in hand, trying to convince my roommate and me to join them for a night on the town. Christine was in the holiday spirit dressed in her ladybug outfit. Her friend, who had a female pirate costume on, was much more quiet and reserved. She barely spoke all night.

Read the rest:  I Had a One-Night Stand With Christine O’Donnell @ Gawker .

Oh boy…… this does not look good, at all.

Here is a perfect reason why I will never vote Democrat again, ever

Some video clips, but first a little housekeeping —- sorry for the lack of posts. I passed out asleep and didn’t wake up till 12:00 midnight.

Anyhow, here are three video clips, all of which I saw over at

The first one is where Bill O. is on the view and he makes the fetal mistake of ID’ing who actually attacked us on 9/11:

My friends, after 10 years, if we cannot say Muslim’s attacked us on 9/11 without having to add the radical part, then something is seriously wrong. We usually do not say, radical Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor, nor do we say that Germany under Hitler was radical Germany —- we just call them Germans. I ask you people, why the hell do we have to give the god damned Muslims in this Country some sort of god damned special treatment!?!?!?! Now the argument here is, that if you do not use the term “Radical Muslims”, that you imply that ALL Muslims are terrorists; to which I say, ever read their Koran? I am just saying….

Now this next clip is beyond belief, to add insult to injury, Joy Behar invites Jesse Ventura; Yes, Jesse “I think Bush and Cheney caused 9/11” Ventura:

Finally, here is the clip of Bill O. talking with Laura Ingraham ripping on Behar and Whoopie on the walkout and basically saying what I said; Now I know that I have ripped on Ingraham on here in the past, calling her a shrieking Harpy, when I thought it was due, I have also made fun of her, when she has done silly stuff, case and point, see here —  But this time, Bill O’Reilly and yes, Laura Ingraham are both right, the damned liberals, as usual, are straight up wrong and are trying to play some sort of political correctness game with 9/11, which I happen to know is straight up BULLSHIT. Anyhow, here’s the clip of Bill O and Ingraham:

Again, let me say, I agree with both of these people 100 percent; it was Muslims that attacked us on 9/11, it was not Christians, it was not Jews, it was not Hindus; it was Muslims. To say anything other than this, excuses the group that attacked us. What about so-called peace loving Muslims? Well, to that I say this, when the Muslim Community decides to confront, head on, the radical element within their own religion abroad and here in America —- then I might start making that distinction, until that starts happening, all bets are off.

Further more, let me get into something else here. This whole idea, by some, on the liberal left, that Bush did 9/11. Now to normal sane Americans; this idea that President George W. Bush caused or ordered the attacks on 9/11 is pure insanity. But to some of the left, it is a true fact. Honestly, only about 1% actually believe that Bush caused 9/11. The rest of the left, use that little line, out of anger — over losing the 2000 and 2004 elections. I ought to know, I used to vote Democrat, up until 2007, when I decided that the Democratic Party had went too far to the left for even my liking.

This whole idea that Bush caused 9/11 and Democrats calling for a formal investigation into events surrounding 9/11, and also the lead up to the Iraq War is nothing more than political retribution towards the Republican Party and towards George W. Bush —- because the Democrats lost 2000 and 2004. As you all know, in 2000, the Democrats ran an unelectable buffoon named Al Gore. In 2004, Same deal, different person. Losing both of those elections have burned Democrats for years. Hence the continued inferring that Bush caused 9/11. Plus, on top of that, there was the Iraq War; which was the liberal “cause” here, up until someone within the liberal establishment decided that the Iraq War was no longer worth making the entire liberal movement look stupid and they dropped it as a whole. Then there is the afghan war; which the opposition to it, has been rather muted. Because the liberal establishment knows that if they turn on that War that the Democratic Party to the rest of America, will look like the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever. Which they are, but I digress. Either way, these videos just show you; one, the hypocrisy of the liberals and two, how bad that the liberal movement has become, when it comes to freedom of speech.

Come November 2, I will either be voting for Libertarians or Republicans. I have no really decided which; at this point, I am most likely pulling the lever for the Republicans. Because we need to right the ship and the libertarians have never won anything at all, and I want to vote for a winner this time; especially here in Michigan. We have had enough of Democratic failure, me especially, being out of work since 2005, it does really suck. Instead of doing the normal blaming of the Republicans, like some people I know around here do, I am facing reality and saying that Granholm and her polices failed and am voting different.

…and I hope you will do the same….

Video: RedState Update on “Murfreesboro vs. Muslims”

Redstate Update HQ

BREAKING NEWS: Pastor Chuck Baldwin,2008 Constitution Party candidate for President, to resign from pastorate

From the Chuck Baldwin Live Site and Blog:

Last Sunday, August 29, 2010, was the hardest day of my life. Even when my father made me promise that I would preach his funeral (which I did–twice: once in Indiana where he lived, and again in Florida where I live and where he is buried), that was not as difficult and gut wrenching as what I had to do last Sunday. Last Sunday, I retired as the pastor of the church that my wife and I founded 35 years ago: the Crossroad Baptist Church of Pensacola, Florida.

Think of it: all of my adult life (after college) has been spent pastoring this wonderful congregation. And the people that I spoke to this past Sunday evening are, without a doubt, the finest group of people I have ever known. They are my friends. Many of them I had led to Christ, or were saved under my preaching. Some have stood with me for twenty years; some for over thirty years. My vocabulary is too limited to express the love and appreciation I have for these wonderful people! They stood by me through thick and thin. Even when God opened the door for me to run for President of the United States on the Constitution Party ticket, they stood by me. They stood by me when enemies attacked me; they stood by me when friends forsook me.

And last Sunday evening, I had to tell them that, after 35 years as their shepherd, God had led me to leave them. I can tell you, tears flowed like rivers; and I believe my family and I cried more than anyone.


Yes, I will continue to write this column; but while we are in the process of moving (maybe 6 weeks or more), they will not be written quite as often. I will attempt (with the help of a small but dedicated staff) to produce at least one column a week (instead of two). Yes, my web site, will be maintained. And, yes, people will still be able to support us via the website during this transition.

Yes, last Sunday was the hardest day of my life, but there will be many hard and difficult days ahead for the Baldwin family. Each of us is aware of that. We are not naïve. We know we are headed for a fight; we know it won’t be easy. But we also know that freedom is worth fighting for, and if Washington, D.C., is freedom’s greatest threat (and it is), then defiant, liberty-loving states are freedom’s greatest allies. I’ve been preaching that for several years now. I guess it’s time that I started practicing it. Therefore, Montana, here we come!

I suppose I should write a little something here about Mr. Baldwin and why this is such a big story. I have not always agreed with Pastor Baldwin; in fact, I have been known to criticize him on certain issues. However, I know Mr. Baldwin’s heart. He is, like me, a Baptist and also a born again Christian. (Although, I would tend to opine that he does a much better job at the Christian bit, than I will ever do. But, I digress.) I also know what Chuck Baldwin wants to see the Conservative movement come back to the days of Ronald Reagan and get away from the idiotic Neo-Conservative stupidity that has infiltrated that party and movement in the last 10 or so years.

I do read his column every time it comes out, and even though, at times, I disagree with it’s content; I do know that it comes from someone with a good heart and from someone who shares my love for this wonderful Country of ours.

Having said all of that, I do wish Pastor Chuck Baldwin and the Baldwin family, the very best in what they are about to undertake. I too, have had to count the cost of doing what I do and I know, like Pastor Baldwin, that in the end — it will have been worth every piece of hate mail, insults and even lies made up about us.

Good Luck Pastor and May the Lord of Hosts be with you.

Megan McCain on Palin: Drama! Stress! Panic!

Sounds like a normal day of running this blog! 😉

Anyhow, Ugh, I defend the lady when these two meatballs attack her and what does she do? This:



For the first time since the end of her father’s 2008 presidential bid, Meghan McCain, Sen. John McCain’s daughter, spoke out about Sarah Palin, writing in a new book that Palin brought “drama, stress, complications, panic and loads of uncertainty” to the losing campaign.

Although McCain wrote that during the campaign she wondered whether the loss “was Sarah Palin’s fault,” McCain told “Good Morning America” in an exclusive interview today that Palin was not the reason the campaign failed.

“I do clearly state at the end that we did not lose because of her, and I’m speaking out now because I do have conflicting feelings about her,” McCain told “GMA’s” George Stephanopoulos. “She brought so much momentum and enthusiasm to the campaign.”

Before Palin came onboard, McCain said she knew drama was brewing.

“I had learned a few things on the campaign already, and knew that change always brought complications and chaos and sometimes a little entertainment. Drama was inevitable on a campaign and created almost out of thin air. Tempers were always flying, and feelings were always being hurt. There was no question that a running mate would add to the confusion and upset. There would be less time for fun,” she writes. “But I couldn’t have predicted just how serious it was going to get.”

I hate to have to be the one to break it to Megan, but the McCain campaign did not lose the election because of Palin. Although, I believe that she had some to do with it. The overall cause is because John McCain is just a lousy Conservative. It’s one thing to be a moderate; but it is another entirely to be a Progressive Conservative or Liberal Conservative. It also another thing to be a foil for the Democrats. It is what John McCain did, during the election. That is why John McCain lost.

I respect John McCain for one thing only. His Military Service. Everything else, is up for debate. As for Megan; I just want to put my rather large, um, *ahem*, Johnson between her breasts, just once…. 😀 Which about what she is good for anyhow. 😯 😮  Oh! I don’t know what I meant by that! 😯 I must now go say 500 hail Mary’s. 😀 😉 😛 😆

Oh and…. Conservative Feminist? No such thing. Feminism is a Progressive idea. Just ask Phyllis Schlafly.

The feckless Far-Left: Exhibit P for Paranoia

I have seen to strange stuff on the far-left, but this one here is really strange:

A mysterious fire last Friday destroys all of the voting machines in Harris County (Houston), Texas. Arson investigators have not yet issued an opinion. Meanwhile, a well-funded right-wing group emerges in Houston and begins raising unfounded allegations of widespread voter fraud. A video on their website pictures only people of color when it talks of voter fraud. White people are shown talking patriotically about the need for a million vigilantes to suppress illegal votes.

In the video, an unidentified spokesman for “TrueTheVote” says, “If we lose Houston, we lose Texas. And guess what? If we lose Texas we lose the country.” The former Mayor of Houston, Democrat Bill White, is running against secessionist Republican Gov. Rick Perry this year. White’s counting on a big turnout in his home town. The fire and the voter suppression campaign guarantee a greatly diminished turnout.

A mysterious fire last Friday destroys all of the voting machines in Harris County (Houston), Texas. Arson investigators have not yet issued an opinion. Meanwhile, a well-funded right-wing group emerges in Houston and begins raising unfounded allegations of widespread voter fraud. A video on their website pictures only people of color when it talks of voter fraud. White people are shown talking patriotically about the need for a million vigilantes to suppress illegal votes.

In the video, an unidentified spokesman for “TrueTheVote” says, “If we lose Houston, we lose Texas. And guess what? If we lose Texas we lose the country.” The former Mayor of Houston, Democrat Bill White, is running against secessionist Republican Gov. Rick Perry this year. White’s counting on a big turnout in his home town. The fire and the voter suppression campaign guarantee a greatly diminished turnout.

TrueTheVote’s video is well produced. Participants speak in calm and knowing tones, disguising the racist agenda behind their project. We don’t yet know where the group’s money comes from. But they have money.

As I’ve said before, right-wing voter suppression campaigns are the most under-reported political scandal of the last 50-100 years. But there’s never been anything like the criminal destruction of all the voting machines in the nation’s fourth largest city. You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to suspect the machines in Houston were destroyed by an arsonist. Warehouses don’t regularly and spontaneously combust at four in the morning, especially warehouses containing all the voting tools in a pivotal city in a pivotal election.

In other details, the suppression campaigns follow a familiar pattern: raise suspicions of widespread voter fraud. Accuse “others” of stealing elections from us (read: white people). Threaten would-be voters with criminal charges. Limit polling locations in poor and minority precincts. Distribute spurious “felon lists” that disenfranchise legal voters who happen to share a name with a felon. Staff phone banks that make election calls to minority and poor voters giving incorrect polling locations and dates. Dress up vigilantes in cop clothes to intimidate would-be voters.

Go read the rest of that; it is brimming with Paranoia and conspiracy theory.

The cute part is, the original title for this entry was: Possible Arson tied to Right’s Texas Voter Supression Effort,” the problem is, they could never tie anything to any group at all. All they have is their idiotic assumptions. I mean, honestly, like any right wing group of this nature would actually waste their time and risk going to jail by burning a warehouse full of voting machines. Fortunately, someone over at Puffington Post had enough brain cells to change the title to something that is a bit less of what I like to call, “Lawsuit Material.” The name is now: Possible Arson and the Right’s Texas Voter Suppression Effort.” Which still reeks of stupidity and tin foil hat nonsense.

Which precisely why I will never vote Democratic Party, ever again.

The Feckless Far-Right: Exhibit S for Stupidity

You know, I hate to be the one to mock my friends on the far-right. But this one here is a classic example of why the Republican tent is getting smaller by the day.

Over at Neo-Conservative owned NewsRealBlog, you have this big dose of lame ass tripe:

Dirty Sexy Politics by Meghan McCain is scheduled for release on August 31. But you don’t have to wait until Tuesday to see what didn’t make the final editorial cut. NewsReal Blog has obtained exclusive excerpts from the chapters rejected by Meggie Mac’s editors.

1. How Dare People Gawk At My Boobs When I Posted Them Publicly On Twitter

Meghan McCain infamously posted a picture of her, shall we say, “cups over-flowing” on Twitter the very same day that the Balloon Boy hoax went down. Presumably because, as a publicity hound extraordinaire, she couldn’t stand the focus being on some icky kid. From fly-over country, no less. As such, she tried to insert herself, and her massive ta-tas, in the mix. And then feigned indignation when people looked at the picture — that she posted publicly on the Internet. She attempted to make this a pop-up chapter in her book.

OMG! All those meany pantser, objectifiers on twitter didn’t understand that picture was code and a public service! I’m a giver! I was trying to let them know balloon boy was safely hidden, tucked away in my cleavage. Hello? I was holding a book! Everyone knows reading is hard. The purty picture on the book was code, too, obvy. Andy Warhol – a sign that the balloon boy people were just trying to steal MY 15 minutes of fame thunder.

The Andy Warhol book was relevant, seeing that Meghan McCain is well past her 15 minutes. However, sadly, the chapter was omitted because while CNN did not fact check the Balloon Boy story prior to setting the nation in a tizzy, they did fact check Meggie Mac’s ta-tas. Endlessly. Proving once again that journalism is, in fact, as dead as Janeane Garofalo’s career.

As for the Balloon Boy scam and the totally empty hot air balloon?  STILL more substantive than Meghan McCain.

Ah, yes, how supportive of a fellow Republican, than to mock her, because she’s blond, because she’s not a foreign policy wonk, because she is fat. How farking lame can you get? What is Megan McCain’s horrible offense for this sort of hatred and stupidity? Because she is a moderate. Because she is not some sort of far-right wing hatemonger idiot that’s what!

My Public question is this: Hey, Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public! How’s it feel to be pimped out, by one of the biggest and most well-financed Neo-Conservatives that influenced George W. Bush to pursue his Wilsonian foreign policy? Which, by the way, is a PROGRESSIVE foreign Policy stance — which caused the Republican Party to lose the election of 2008, because Americans were weary of the idiotic foreign policy of George W. Bush —- and before you even say it, that’s not Bush derangement syndrome, that is reality folks. But yet, Conservative still flock to these idiots and then wonder why we cannot win elections.

Also, to those of you, who might not like it, because I choose not to embrace the idiotic nonsense of the far right. I have one thing to say to you: Try winning the 2010 and 2012 elections without us. It will never happen. You really want to put a another Democrat in the White House? Then keep on cranking out stupidity and hatred like this here towards Moderate Republicans. Because quite frankly, and very bluntly; I would rather vote for a Libertarian candidate and at least I would know for a fact, that this person would intend on sticking with his principles; which is honestly more than I can say for the previous Republican President, which threw his principles into the wind for the sake of supposedly keeping the bankers rich “Saving America.”

Ask the people that worked with Senator Barry Goldwater Sr.’s election campaign, how embracing the far-right idiotic nonsense worked for them. Ask the people that run George H.W. Bush campaign, when he ran for a second term, after taking us into a war, how easy it was to get reelected. But yet, Republicans just keep on flocking back to these Wilsonian idiots. I will never, ever, understand it.

Countdown to the Semite-Card playing, Wilsonian, Neo-Conservatives attacking me for being a hater in…..5…..4…..3….2

Update: Removed all references to a particular ethnic group. Because I do not want to give the Semite-Baiting twits any more ammo, than they actually need.

Memo to Ed Schultz: Please, read this

This is one of those stories where it is going to be necessary for me to divulge to you a bit of my personal life.

First the story via the New York Post, who I really do not trust to me nothing more than a propaganda rag for the Murdock empire, but just as well, here it is:

MSNBC talk show screamer Ed Schultz had a meltdown in the network’s 30 Rock newsroom, shouting at staff, “I’m going to torch this [bleep]ing place.”

Ed Schultz - Overpaid and much overrated asshat

The hot-tempered anchor of “The Ed Show” lost it during a phone call in the packed studio and slammed down the phone before exploding.

As astonished MSNBC staff members fell silent, Schultz glared around the room and yelled, “[Bleep]ers!”

A witness told us, “Ed was furious the network was running election-night promos and he wasn’t in them. He’d been arguing on the phone with marketing, then he slammed down the phone and exploded. It was like Mel Gibson had entered the newsroom.”

Fuming Schultz was immediately dragged in for a meeting with NBC News President Steve Capus and MSNBC President Phil Griffin following his Aug. 12 meltdown.

Our source added, “Schultz was told: ‘If you do that again, you are fired.’ He broke down crying.”

Sources say the hothead was pushed over the edge by MSNBC’s catering to bullying fellow anchor Keith Olbermann and its focus on golden girl Rachel Maddow.

A second MSNBC source said, “Ed never gets any attention and love, and he finally snapped.”

A video that might be a corroborating evidence video:

I am going to address this man directly myself……:

Mr. Schultz,

You do not know me at all; However, I feel the need to address you directly. My name is Patrick and I live in the southern suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. I have lived in this area all of my life. I have been a political blogger since 2006. I started out, like you, as a progressive — although I will be the first to confess, that I was a bit of a “Half Ass” about the whole thing — mainly because I find homosexuality to be a repulsive life style and because the idea of murdering an unborn child is just damned wrong in my humble opinion. It was in or around December of 2008, during the primary, when I finally realized that your party, that YOU support was just wrong, wrong about everything under the damned sun. That is when I switched sides and began to blog as what I actually really am, a Moderate Conservative.

Having said the above, Mr. Schultz; let me fill you in on something, okay? And please, hear me out for a second here. I have been unemployed since 2005, well, really steady, and gainful work has been absent in my life since about 2001. For what it is worth, I began blogging, partly out of just sheer boredom; and also because I pissed off at the George W. Bush Administration’s handling of the Iraq War.

Michigan, as you might possibly know, has been in one State recession since about 2001 or so. I am not the only person in this situation. I am just someone in this situation, that happens to have some decent writing and grammar skills —- and happens to be the owner of a somewhat popular blog on the internet. Anyhow, Mr. Schultz, you are a rising star in the progressive radio world. You most likely are making more money, than I will ever, in my lifetime, will ever see, in one place.

Mr. Schultz, you are, from what it seems going to be in position where you and your family are going to be financially set for your rest of your lives. That is, if you do not get fired for acting like a child. Which brings me to my point of this entire blog posting. Why in the name of God Almighty would you ever throw a fit like this; just because you did not get your picture, in a marketing ad? I could really see that, if you actually a struggling person, perhaps, like me. However, Mr. Schultz; you are not struggling.

In fact, I would venture to guess that you are quite the wealthy man right about now. In fact, Mr. Schultz, I have exactly $364.19 in my bank account this very moment. Most of which came from when I scrapped my car out. It was a 1990 Mercury Cougar that just had too many issues with it to justify keeping it.   For what it is worth, that is the most I have had in that bank account in quite a while. Things are picking up around here at the blog and I am doing a little better than I was, when I first started. Why? Because I worked at it, even when others were telling me that this little venture was a lost cause. I kept working at it, and working at it; and I continue to work at it right this minute!

So, in closing, Mr. Schultz; let me simply tell you this. Consider yourself one of the lucky one’s. I will not use my blog to blast you, like some of the right are doing. But I will simply say this. You are a successful person; never take that for granted, and say a little prayer of thanks for that success. Also, remember myself and the others here in Michigan, who do have a justified reason for being angry, as you were for not getting your picture in a promo. Because we sir, unless things change around here —- have no hope of ever finding and decent, good paying job. Just a thought sir. I hope you do read this and remember what I have written to you.

Memeornadum roundup here and Media Gazer round up here

Note: Fixed the rather hilarious typo in the first sentence of this entry. I went to divulge, not deluge. Although, I will confess to being all wet, at times. 😀 Stupid spell checkers… 🙄

UPDATED: Speaking of running against Bush

As I said in the previous posting, the Democrats are going to be basically running against Bush; while basically wanting him to weigh in on the Mosque issue. Can you say clusterfark?

UPDATED: DNC makes the video Private… HEH! Don’t they realize that once something goes viral, it’s forever?

Via RedState: (Thanks to Moe Lane)

As Jeb Bush rightly points out:

Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida, said the Democratic Party was showing its desperation by spending so much time focusing on his brother. “It’s a loser issue — they have a big L on their foreheads,” Mr. Bush said in an interview. “If that’s all they’ve got, it’s a pretty good indication of the problems that the Democrats face in 2010.”

As does AllahPundit to a better degree:

Remember, according to the Dems’ own polling, Dubya is six points ahead of our global messiah in frontline House districts. But since they’re going to try to wring one more election cycle out of blaming Bush, I think it’d actually be hilarious if GWB granted their wish and came out in favor of the Ground Zero mosque — eventually. He should wait until their anti-Bush messaging is at fever pitch, then throw them a wicked curveball by weighing in on their side. Imagine the cognitive dissonance as our liberal betters have to segue from Bushitler op-eds to “George Bush, patriot” hosannas literally overnight. Greatest media clusterfark evah.

Heh… Indeed. I do believe that this whole entire idea of running against Bush in the midterms is going to blow up in their faces. I mean, the American people, especially independent voters are just not that stupid. They know what is happening and it is not Bush’s fault. Bush bailed out a few banks and left the rest up to Obama. Obama, in turn, did more of that bailout and then some. Further more, he proceeded to spend like a damned drunken sailor —- but that would be an insult to the sailors, because at least they use their own money. (Yes, I know I swiped that from Ronald Reagan. Mainly because it is so true!)

Further more, Mr. Bambi Teleprompter likes to say that Republicans should not be allowed to have the keys back. Well, to that I say this — Obama is flat out lying as to who created the financial meltdown in the first place. As I have written here, like a million times. The Democrats are the one’s who created the ENTIRE MESS! With the creation of Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae, the community reinvestment act of 1973, the adding of the sub-prime clause in 1994. It all can be traced back to Democrats. Not Republicans, but Democrats.

Now, because I am a honest and non-partisan blogger, but rather just an independent Moderate Conservative Blogger, I will say that the Republicans, who were in the majority, did have a chance to stop the housing crisis and they failed to do so. That is a very valid point. But that does NOT take away from the fact that Democrats DID create the environment that lead to the housing crash or as it is also called, the housing bubble bursting. The very idea of social engineering is fundamentally flawed and should stop. Barney Frank himself is now saying that, as should many other Democrats.

In closing, let me simply say this; as a former Democratic Party voter, and as an independent voter. I will give the Democratic Party a grave warning: Run on this platform and you will be trounced in the Midterms. The American people are just NOT this stupid.  You attempted and succeeded to pass a healthcare bill, that even people in your own party said, was horrible. Then you passed a stimulus package that has been, from all accounts, as colossal failure. So, in response, you are going to try running against Bush…again. I got four good words for you: Good Luck With That!

The American people know who created this mess and it was not the Republicans. It was you guys, Democrats. When you lose, you will have no one at to blame — but yourselves. You overreached, you got insanely drunk with power; just like the Bush Administration did in 2000 and 2004 —  and now, you will be paying the piper come November, just like the Republicans did in 2006 and in 2008.

Welcome to reality Democrats, it is so nice to see you again.

Operation Iraqi Freedom has ended

The Videos via NBC Nightly News:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

50,000 advisers remain. But, the worse….. Hopefully, is over.

If you served; thank you. 😀  I could never, ever express that in any fashion that is remotely worth a darn. At least not without sounding like some sort of an idiot.

What happens now? This, via NYT:

To protect the civilians in a country that is still home to insurgents with Al Qaeda and Iranian-backed militias, the State Department is planning to more than double its private security guards, up to about 7,000, according to administration officials who disclosed new details of the plan. Defending five fortified compounds across the country, the security contractors would operate radars to warn of enemy rocket attacks, search for roadside bombs, fly reconnaissance drones and even staff quick reaction forces to come to the aid of civilians in distress, the officials said…

The department’s plans to rely on 6,000 to 7,000 security contractors, who are also expected to form “quick reaction forces” to rescue civilians in trouble, is a sensitive issue, given Iraqi fury about shootings of civilians by American private guards in recent years. Administration officials said that security contractors would have no special immunity and would be required to register with the Iraqi government. In addition, one of the State Department’s regional security officers, agents who oversee security at diplomatic outposts, will be required to approve and accompany every civilian convoy, providing additional oversight.

MSNBC and WaPo both have some seriously excellent articles on soldiers reflections on coming out.

Keith Olbermann obviously, is overjoyed:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Blackfive which is a very excellent Milblogger has much to say about this. I will be honest; I am very disappointed that more of the Conservative Bloggers are not covering this. It seems that they are more interested in the Mosque story. Which is highly disappointing. My high kudos to AllahPundit over at HotAir, for at least giving the Military the dignity that they deserve.

And now, for a special comment from me, your humble host, about the ending of this long seven year war.

I think I can speak for the great majority of America — I am just damned glad it is finally done, over, finished.  For seven long years, our Nation sat, rent asunder, divided over what could possibly be called the biggest blunder that a Presidential Administration, not to mention a Nation, a Congress, and Country could ever have pulled off — A decision to go to war with a Country based upon now what is now known as horrifically flawed intelligence.  Without over simplifying it and at the risk of sounding like a far-leftist Liberal —- Oops, we blew it and blew it bad —– Because of this very idiotic blunder, 4415 of our Nation’s finest young men and woman, ended up going to a damned meat grinder and losing their lives.  For a war, that had absolutely nothing, zero, nada to do with the attacks on the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and on Flight 93 that the Government claims was on the way to the White House on September 11, 2001.  In short and quite bluntly, we screwed the pooch on that one, and whole bunch of Military people were killed.

I say the word “Claims,” because the United States Government has not exactly been very forthcoming about all of the evidence that they have, which supports the claims made by the Government about what really happened on 9/11.  Now, before anyone begins to think it; no, I am not a 9/11 “truther.”  No more, than I am a far leftist or even a damned Republican.  However, I will say to you that I do not trust my Government.  Because to blindly trust the Government is to never question what they say to you; and to never question or challenge is to be a slave or a servant; and the last time I checked, I am not, nor have I ever been, a slave to anyone or a servant of anyone, save the Lord Jesus Christ. That even that I readily admit to being quite lousy at doing, at times.

Having said all that let me say this:

We won.

No thanks, of course, to the Democratic Party, The libertarian leftists, The Ron Paul people, The Pat Buchanan types, The Paleo-Conservatives in General, the far-leftists, and the liberal, owned, controlled, and financed media in this God-forsaken Country of ours.

However, all praise, honor and any sort of decree is to be given to the United States Armed Forces.  They simply kicked Al-Qaeda’s ass in Iraq.  The US Military smoked them damned towel heads from one end of Iraq to the other.  Most of their dead bodies are in Iraqi Cemeteries; which is a good place for them, if you ask me.

Personally, I am glad this conflict is over.  I am also glad, that we actually won.  There was no Vietnam-like ending, we left victorious.

We won.

In the future, we should be much more careful.

We also should remember those who did not make it out alive.

However, today, we dance, we rejoice.

Because tomorrow, we go back to work and we finish the damned job on the war on terror.

End Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae says Barney Frank?!?!?

Okay, first Mosque supporters are crying for George W. Bush and now this. Okay, has someone been dorkin’ around with the Space Continuum Thingamabob again? I mean, really.

The very, um, Ironic Video:

Okay, did anyone else’s Irony meter just go off of the scale? Mine did. Pegged to the corner… WOW! 😯

I will say, in Barney’s defense, and yes, I am defending the idiot, if you can believe that; fair point about if you remove either of these, what do you put in their place? That is a fair point. But I have a novel idea — How about putting NOTHING in their place?!?!?

Ed Morrissey as always, has the wisdom of the day:

That’s certainly the lesson from the collapse of the housing bubble and the secondary derivative markets. It’s also a sea change for Frank. While he nearly dislocates his shoulder attempting to pat his own back by claiming that he has said this all along, it’s simply not true. Frank, in his role on the House Financial Services Committee, played a huge part in creating and maintaining the government intervention that severely distorted the lending markets. Whether or not he ever uttered a comment along the way about overdoing home ownership, Frank’s actions helped to create and maintain those policies, and he defended them repeatedly over the last twelve years.

However, the New Modesty isn’t a reference to Frank’s self-promotion, but the way that the adherence to the free market seems to have gained traction over the last few months. Just last year, Frank and his allies were busily claiming that the free market caused the collapse, and that only government intervention could restore American prosperity. Eighteen months into the Obama administration, Frank now wants to sound like a born-again acolyte of Adam Smith, or at least as close as Frank can approximate such a pose. Modesty in government is suddenly hot, even among Massachusetts liberals.

Amen. May we all learn our lessons from this craziness of the last few years.

Uh-Oh: House Oversight Committee says Obama Administration did Propaganda Campaigns for Agenda

Ouch, this one is blistering… 😯 (H/T HotAir)

The said document here


Since the beginning of the Obama Administration on January 20, 2009, ordinary Americans have financed and been exposed to an unprecedented number of public relations and propaganda efforts. Federal spending for public relations contracts rose to historically-high levels during the Bush Administration. Under one-party rule in 2009, the White House used the machinery of the Obama campaign to tout the President’s agenda through inappropriate and sometimes unlawful public relations and propaganda initiatives. Congress buoyed the Administration’s propaganda efforts by increasing federal spending on public relations for the first time since 2005.

The Obama Administration frequently used federal resources to promote the President’s agenda. In many cases, the Administration relied on the reach and resources of federal agencies and their personnel to promote certain of the President’s favorite programs. The White House also leveraged ties to the arts and entertainment community to embed propaganda in the content of television programming and artwork. These propaganda efforts violated appropriations riders and federal law prohibiting the use of appropriated funds for publicity or propaganda purposes.

The White House also used its inherent visibility advantages to multiply the effectiveness of websites containing misleading and controversial information. The White House used its resources to push visitors to websites that urge grassroots activism based on false and misleading information. The President’s right to sell his policy recommendations to Congress and the public is not disputed; however, using the resources of the federal government to activate a sophisticated propaganda and lobbying campaign is an abuse of office and a betrayal of the President’s pledge to create “an unprecedented level of openness in Government.”

Instead of facilitating openness, the public relations and propaganda activities of the White House have had precisely the opposite effect. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has historically deemed activities involving “covert propaganda” to be unlawful. In those cases, the source of the public relations or propaganda materials did not disclose his or her identity as a federal employee or contractor. Many of the Obama Administration’s propaganda activities are unlawful because they are covert. Furthermore, several programs closely resemble those decried by Democrats and ruled unlawful by GAO during the Bush Administration.

This report examines several of the most visible public relations and propaganda efforts during the first year of the Obama Administration. Viewed collectively, these activities reveal an Administration better suited to campaign-style self-promotion than to providing transparent and honest leadership.

In October 2008, the Justice Department’s Office of Public Affairs (OPA) added Tracy Russo to direct the Department’s “new media efforts.” Russo, the Chief Blogger and Deputy Director of Online Communications for the John Edwards for President Campaign,58 was given the title “New Media Specialist.”59 Since October, Russo has served as the author of the Justice Department’s official blog.60

Shortly after Russo was hired, reports surfaced that indicated she was covertly attempting to shape public opinion by searching online for articles, blogs or other entries critical of the Administration and then anonymously, or through the use of a pseudonym, posting comments to those sites attacking the author or contents.61

The blogging and campaign communities refer to this propaganda tactic as “astroturfing.”62 Astroturfing is the action of using fake and anonymous postings on message boards and blogs to push a point of view or to create the appearance of grassroots support for a particular agenda.63

I’d go read the rest of that report. There is a ton more in that report that I did not quote for space reasons.  If the Republicans take back both houses of Congress; we could be looking at a HUGE investigation of this Administration.

UPDATED: Photo of the Day

This comes via the USO – Dallas/Ft. Worth Chapter:

President George W. Bush Greeting the troops at Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport earlier today

Allow me this space to write a few words…. I will be the first to say that I did not always agree with President George W. Bush on policy. But I will say this; I did always know, just right where he stood, on all policy matters. For all of his faults while he was in office; the man did one thing right and that was the decision to sacrifice his Presidency for the war on terror. President Bush knew the stakes and knew the he would most likely become a lame duck President. However, that did not bother him and he did what he had to do, to defend this great nation of ours.

Like him or not….President Bush was and still is a leader, he loved our Military and was willing to take the heat of criticism from the left, for the many deaths of our Military’s officers during the Iraqi war.

I may not have voted for him, but I do and will always respect him.

Update: Memeornadum Thread

It is official: The Honeymoon between the liberal left and media and the White House is over

I knew this was coming…:

The White House is simmering with anger at criticism from liberals who say President Obama is more concerned with deal-making than ideological purity.

During an interview with The Hill in his West Wing office, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs blasted liberal naysayers, whom he said would never regard anything the president did as good enough.

“I hear these people saying he’s like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested,” Gibbs said. “I mean, it’s crazy.”

The press secretary dismissed the “professional left” in terms very similar to those used by their opponents on the ideological right, saying, “They will be satisfied when we have Canadian healthcare and we’ve eliminated the Pentagon. That’s not reality.”

Of those who complain that Obama caved to centrists on issues such as healthcare reform, Gibbs said: “They wouldn’t be satisfied if Dennis Kucinich was president.”

via White House unloads anger over criticism from ‘professional left’ –

Um, Cue the music….Hit it Roy!

Okay, maybe that was bit cruel. But, hey this is what happens when you elect someone based upon personality and not based on the issues. But then again, President Obama does seem to have some awfully thin skin. I do not recall Clinton griping every time someone criticized him.

Either way, it is quite humorous to watch.

Bloggers on the left are not too pleased, here’s that roundup: TalkLeft, Ezra Klein, New York Magazine,, Shakesville, Mediaite, The Plum Line, AMERICAblog News, Brendan Nyhan, Raw Story, The Reaction and Prairie Weather

Why I left the Far-Right: Exhibit R for Racism and L for Lies

Here is another reason why I basically decided to part ways with the Neo-Conservative, Far-Right in the Blogosphere — Which included me leaving the Conservative Hive on BlogAds.

It seems that some writer over at John Hawkings’s Right Wing News Blog, which is a strict Neo-Conservative Blog, has posted a entry rife full of lies and outright racism towards Arabs in Detroit.

First, the racism:

Just as no good deed goes unpunished, no act of evil remains unrewarded for long — much less a whole career of evil that reached its crescendo with a denunciation of Jews so tasteless that not even the liberal establishment media could stomach it. This is why the Muslim colonists populating Dearbornistan are erecting a statue of Helen Thomas.

Did you get that? “Dearbornistan.” That is what your Far-Right in this Country is come to; outright racism and bigotry towards Arabs. Dearbornistan is a racist play on words for the city of Dearborn, Michigan. Which is populated by Arabs. The good majority of which are peace-loving Muslims and yes, some Christian Arabs as well. But, that is no matter to those on the far-right; they are ate up with bigotry and hatred towards the Arabs in this Country. Mainly because of 9/11. My question to them is this; do two wrongs make a right? I think not. Could you imagine if someone referred to an area of America, that was heavily populated by Jews in the same manner as this? The outrage would be absolutely deafening.

Not being satisfied with just being a racist bigot, this guy is also a liar as well, check out this little nugget of B.S.:

I’d be surprised if taxes aren’t making up most of the difference. No problem, Michigan is flush with cash these days.

Nowhere at all in this story, which is about Helen Thomas getting statue of her likeness in a Arab Museum; does it say a thing about Helen Thomas’s statue being paid for by U.S. Tax dollars, nowhere. But that does not stop these far-right, Neo-Conservative bigots from spreading lies like this. Because, you see, it is all about their bigoted little narrative, that ALL Arabs are terrorists, and that they are out to kill all Americans and so forth.

Do not misunderstand me here, I do not not, nor will I ever side with the socialist left in this Country. But I will be damned if I ever side with a bunch of far-right bigots either! This is the reason why I personally believe that the Republican Party is going to get it’s ASS handed to it in the primaries and in 2012. The American people, like me, just do not have any tolerance for bigotry and racism —– towards ANY race at all. This is why I voted libertarian in the 2008 election. One because I thought Sarah Palin was an idiot, and still do; two because of this sort of idiotic racist bigotry that exists in the Conservative circles. It is wrong, it should be flushed out and exposed for what it really is.

I mean, these guys are acting like the Jim Crow racist Democrats of the south prior to 1964. It is truly unreal.

Let me also say this; this sort of crap right here, is why I basically parted ways with the more Paleo-Conservative circles in the past. Because I just do not have any tolerance for this sort of nuanced bigotry and racism, and now here it is being found in the more main-stream, Neo-Conservative circles. If William F. Buckley was alive he would be fit to be tied for idiotic nonsense like this. Using 9/11 as a license to act like Klan members; it is truly unbelievable.

As Christians, we should be praying for our President


I know some of you are going to groan aloud when I write this, well, too bad. Because I believe this is an important point to make.

I happened to be roaming around the White House’s official Flickr Stream and I came across this photo; and it really hit me hard. I know, that I do not much blog about Christianity and Religious stuff much, except to criticize that crowd, but I would be an abject fool, if I did not stop and opine about this photo.

Because I am not a partisan hack or a person who is loyal to a party, I feel the need to say this.

The President of the United States, Barack Obama was elected by the majority of America. The fate of our Nation’s future rests on his shoulders. I believe that Christians everywhere, in spite of their political convictions should keep this man in his prayers. We should be asking God to guide this man, protect him from any crazy people out that might want to hurt him and to ask the Lord to guide him to make the right decisions that will affect the future of America. That is what we should be doing.

This is not to say that there not a place for Political criticism; but rather a reminder that his job, is the hardest in the World and that a little help from the One above is always nice to have.

Remember this today.

The Psychotic ramblings of Andrew Sullivan about Sarah Palin

The man is just plain crazy. Now why do I say this? This is why:

Because the people that were on that thing called the Journalist, decided that they would show some morals and NOT touch the Palin Trig false rumor:

Ezra Klein:

Seriously, folks? Best case scenario, what’s your outcome here: Her daughter, hounded by the tabloids, breaks down that it was her child, and her mother heroically took on the burden and welcomed the disabled boy as one of her own? Palin’s relationship with her children — however they may have come to her — strikes me as pretty far out of bounds. By all accounts she’s a wonderful mother, and devoted to her fifth son. Leave this be.

Katha Pollitt:

I like what you said about this possibly being a dirty trick, intended to blow up in our faces. so let’s just leave it alone…

Unlike Andrew Sullivan; these liberals actually had some morals, once again our favorite Faux Conservative  descends into madness:

Remember all those liberals and lefties huffily denouncing this blog’s attempts to make sense of Sarah Palin’s bizarre stories about the pregnancy and birth of her alleged fifth child? I was nuts, crazy, vile, disgusting, etc etc to indulge in what Dave Weigel, with no working knowledge of the story, calls “nonsense.” You may also recall that the liberal media didn’t touch this with a barge-pole  – and still hasn’t (apart from a NYT puff-piece that I found utterly credulous at the time). Newsweek has even put its entire reputation behind the details of the story as outlined in Going Rogue, without doing any independent reporting on the subject.

Well, we now know, that, for some at least, I wasn’t crazy. I was just not disciplined enough to curtail what this blog airs in order to conform with what many Journo-listers believed were the interests of the Obama campaign. Any delusions that Journo-List was not, in part, a collusory venture to shape the media narrative in ways to benefit Obama, above and beyond ferreting out the truth about any and all candidates, must now be abandoned. Ezra Klein has already been caught in a bald-faced lie about his discretion in picking members; and the notion that this was simply a water-cooler collection of journalistic thoughts is also belied by the emails now published by the Daily Caller.

One should say this, however: I have no way of knowing what the DC has omitted, and how it has shaped this information. The thread stops rather abruptly. Maybe there is context that adds to what we know. I do not trust in any way the ethics of the Daily Caller. Nonetheless, I was obviously not alone in those August days, when I was pilloried for saying out loud what the entire chattering class was saying in private.


If you want to know why the allegedly liberal media didn’t touch – and still won’t touch – this story, look no further. It has nothing to do with the facts, and everything to do with their politics. Notice the core modus operandi of the political operative, not the journalist. When dealing with a story: first ask yourself not if it is true but whether the outcome benefits your side. Second, write things in defense of this that you cannot possibly know. Palin a “wonderful mother”? How on earth did Klein know that?


This is your liberal media, ladies and gentlemen: totally partisan, interested in the truth only if it advances their agenda, and devoid of any balls whatsoever. And people wonder how this farce of a candidate now controls one major political party and could well be our next president. One reason is that we do not have a functioning adversarial media uncorrupted by partisan loyalty and tactics.

The man is totally insane. That is correct; I happen to believe that Andrew Sullivan is mentally unstable, should be considered a security risk and deported from the United States of American immediately back to Great Britain; where he can get the care he needs from the British nationalized heath-care system —– If that is even possible.

The reason why the Liberal media did not run with this story, is because there was not an ounce of truth to it. Because the is such a thing as journalistic standards. You simply do not report something that you cannot prove. You would think that Sullivan and his years of college education would have taught him that. However, I believe that this is a sign of something more deep. I believe it is sign that the man has an inbred hatred of Conservative Christians and more specifically women in general. I really wonder if the man was sexually abused as a child by a female family member of his or something. (His Mom?) Because this man’s unrelenting stalking and obsessing of Sarah Palin has been quite a disturbing things to watch, especially this long after the election.

Of course, we all know that Andrew Sullivan was already busted on drug charges for trying to buy pot, and should have been deported then. But because the man has connections, he was able to beat the deportation charge and is still in the Country. That, in itself, is a story there. However,  because Sullivan is well-connected within the liberal media, they would not touch the story. I believe this would be a good time for the liberal media to do its job, when it comes to Andrew Sullivan. However, Because I know that Andrew Sullivan is among the liberal elite, he will, as always, avoid the scrutiny that was placed upon Sarah Palin and the John McCain campaign.

Such a twisted world we live in.

Others: Taylor Marsh, Mediaite, Zandar Versus The Stupid, and POWIP (Via Memeorandum)

Young people are turning on Obama

(H/T Doug Powers @ Michelle Malkin)

Young people are beginning to realize that the “Magic Negro” was never really magical at all.

Via the New York Post:

Young voters who had been enthralled by Barack Obama’s “Yes, we can” message are now saying “Maybe not” — and are backing away from the president in a worrisome new poll for the White House.

Obama is losing in a match-up against a generic Republican challenger by 37 percent to 34 percent among voters in the 18-34 age group, according to a stunning Quinnipiac University poll released yesterday.

In March, voters in this group approved of Obama by 54 percent to 37 percent.

“The youngest age group may be the most impatient and the most easily disillusioned among all age groups,” said Molly Andolina, a youth-vote expert and DePaul University political-science professor.

For many young voters in 2008, “it was the first time they’d been really been involved, really paying attention. This is someone telling them, ‘Yes, you can,’ ” she said.

Two years later, with a prolonged Gulf oil spill, “watching how slow it is to respond may be a little disillusioning,” she added.

I could use this space to be snarky or whatever. But, I really will just speak the truth. This is what happens when the person that you are trying to elect is oversold. It is a classic case of Democratic Party overreach. Have the Republicans ever done this? Absolutely; They did it with Reagan to a point, but it was nowhere near the scale and size of what the Democratic Party did with Barack Obama. Not only that, but the Reagan campaign and Presidency did not engage in the Chicago-style of political thuggery that the Obama campaign was notorious for.

There is also a more broader and finer point to be made as well. That point is that as a political candidate, you get one chance to capture the hearts and minds of the American people. Just one chance! If you are able to do it and you louse it up; you are, as they say, screwed. Barack Obama rode in on the promise of “Hope and Change”, and it turned out that he is just another Chicago thug politician. Further more, it became very clear to the most devoted of Obama supporters that now President Obama was just not much of a political leader, but rather a thinker. This became very apparent when the oil spill happened. In fact, Obama still has this attitude of being above it all, even after it has happened.

So, this poll should not be a shock to anyone. Least of all to us who knew what the man was really all about.

Updated: Why was this man murdered?

Why was this man killed?

Who did it and Why?

Those are questions that I would like to know….


The Victim: Jim Miller - Monroe County Election Commission Chairman

MADISONVILLE, Tenn. — Investigators are tight lipped, rumors are flying and a community is in shock by the discovery Saturday of a body that is widely believed to be Monroe County Election Commission Chairman Jim Miller, stuffed in the trunk of a burning car.

Late Monday afternoon, it was announced that the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation had become the lead agency of the four agencies investigating the case.

“It is Jim’s car, and Jim is missing,” said his longtime attorney and personal friend, John Cleveland, who is the city attorney for Sweetwater, Tenn. “But everybody would be pleased … to find out that we are wrong (and it is not him).”

Cleveland issued a statement Monday on behalf of Miller’s family that clearly indicates they believe he is the victim. Miller was last seen at the county’s Election Commission office around 12:30 p.m. on Saturday. He was working that day because of early voting, said County Election Administrator James R. Brown.

“He’d made a call to his wife and was going home, but he never made it home,” Brown said. “This has got people talking in the county. It’s got people wondering.

Now why would I even remotely care about this? This is why:

Miller, 60, was a lifelong Sweetwater resident and very active in community affairs and the Republican Party, say people who knew him.


Besides his Election Commission post, Miller was 1st District chairman of the county’s Republican Party. He was president of Jim Miller Excavating Co.

Could it be that this man discovered some election fraud in Tennessee or knew about some; and maybe was planning to go public with it, and the Democrats in Tennessee ordered him killed? Is it wrong to ask such questions? After all, President Obama did say, “Get in their faces!” I mean, we already know about the Republican who got shoved and punched by a union goon at a nurses union rally; who is to say that the Democratic National Committee or the Democratic Party in Tennessee did not order this man killed? Something stinks and I think some sort of new media investigation is needed.I would head down there myself; but I do not have the funds to check it out, and I really do not have any reliable transportation.

Let me say this; if this was a hit on a Republican election official, and anyone outside of the State level was involved with this, it could have horrible ramifications for the Democratic Party in the 2010 and 2012 elections. Let me also say this; I normally as a rule do not engage in this sort of speculation, but this one reeks of a plot to murder the political opposition. I just hope that I am wrong and this was an random act of violence towards an old man. However, it does warrant media investigation. However, we all know that the Liberal media will not get involved in this; because it does not fit their narrative.

Update: So far. Not one blogger has replied to my e-mail or even linked. Needless to say, I am not happy with the Conservative Blogosphere right now. 😡

Update #2: From the comments section:

This, most likely, is a family related murder not political. BtW, no identification has been made yet. This guy and his brothers have been in a 10 plus year war over a dairy farm with numerous appeals. miller v miller Appeals Court Ruling PDF I am from this area and people down here don’t get killed for politics. They get killed over probate and death gifts of estates. :twisted: This area is so republican that most people won’t even admit to being a Reagan democrat. :oops: Either way, it is sad.

Update #3: From the comments:

I wanted to update this story. In a surprising turn of events, the Sheriff Deputy who drove by and saw the car burning has been suspended with pay and declared a suspect in the arson and murder. Captain Kenny Hope of the Monroe County Sheriff Department even admitted that he was the only suspect and was questioned by the TBI (Tennessee version of the FBI.)

Captain Kenny Hope was hired in 2006, after Democrat Bill Blevins was elected as the first democratic sheriff and first democratic county-wide office holder in decades. His win was based not because of a political platform but perceived abuse and alleged illegal actions by the proceeding sheriff and disgraced Rep. General Session Judge Edwin Harris (Resigned over drug crimes) and Rep. Judge Hagler (Resigned after tapes were discovered containing sexual fantasies and who was suspected of killing a priest in Chattanooga in a weird sex case.)

Earlier in 2010 Captain Hope and the Mr. Miller was in a conflict during a traffic stop and arrest. The case is so convulsed that the DA and Judge recused themselves and the case was transferred out of County.

Sure enough, here are the links to the story here. Looks like there might just be some corruption on the local level after all.

Updated: Honestly, What do they expect?

It seems that Communist owned and controlled Blog, Think Progress is full of crap, as usual…  posted a video showing some of the more undesirable elements of the Tea Party Movement Update: Turns out, most of the stuff in this video is straight up bogus… But my point below still stands:

Quite honestly, I must ask, what in the hell do these people expect? When a black President, of whom country of birth is questionable at best; is elected and proceeds to push all sorts of idiotic legislation unto an American people, who quite frankly, do not want it. What do these idiotic fools expect?  I mean, you can only push people, especially white people, like myself so far; and then they are going to react. Then you have the NAACP coming out and calling them all racists, because they disagree with the President’s policies? I mean, what do they expect?

I mean, if anything, the Progressives in this Country had better be happy that the majority of the White Conservatives in this Country still have faith in the ballot box. Because the alternative to that, is not something that I want to even remotely expound upon — much less think about. Because quite frankly, Americans; not just white Americans, are angry and when Americans get angry, things happen. I just hope that the happening, happens at the ballot box come November of 2010 and hopefully 2012 as well; and nowhere else.

Further more, considering all of the ugliness of the 2000 elections and during the 2004 elections; not to mention during the height of the Iraq War. I find it absolutely laughable that the progressives are now acting as the moral guide in this Country. Not to mention the calling of anyone who opposes the President and happens to be black, being called an “Uncle Tom” and “Not black enough” and so on. It is truly revolting to watch the left’s hypocrisy when it comes to this issue. I mean, look at Senator Robert Byrd, he lead the biggest filibuster of the civil rights act! But yet, the progressives and the Democrats want to be the ones to lecture the American people on race and civil rights. It is truly funny.

The Bottom Line is this: While the stuff in the video above is horrible. It is not what the Tea Party, as a whole stands for. Anyone that say that; is of a collectivist mindset and is most likely a liberal. Further more, how the Democratic Party and the Progressive movement, considering their history; cannot be the one to be a moral guide in this Country, when it comes to race and other issues at all.

Update: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… Looks like Confederate Yankee has, once again, caught Liberals being dishonest….. SHOCKA! 😉 Thank GOD for Scheduled posts! 😀

Update #2: Think Progress getting caught now tries to private the video… Heh… good luck, you’re already busted.

Update #3: Right Klick flushes out more of the B.S. that Think Progress is known for — LIES.

Surprise: Voter Fraud involving felons in Al Franken election in MN

Considering this little accusation here; should this be any sort of a shock to anyone?:

The six-month election recount that turned former “Saturday Night Live” comedian Al Franken into a U.S. senator may have been decided by convicted felons who voted illegally in Minnesota’s Twin Cities.

That’s the finding of an 18-month study conducted by Minnesota Majority, a conservative watchdog group, which found that at least 341 convicted felons in largely Democratic Minneapolis-St. Paul voted illegally in the 2008 Senate race between Franken, a Democrat, and his Republican opponent, then-incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman.

The final recount vote in the race, determined six months after Election Day, showed Franken beat Coleman by 312 votes — fewer votes than the number of felons whose illegal ballots were counted, according to Minnesota Majority’s newly released study, which matched publicly available conviction lists with voting records.

Furthermore, the report charges that efforts to get state and federal authorities to act on its findings have been “stonewalled.”

via – Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in Minnesota, Study Finds.

Democrats: Bringing you socialism, one way….or another. 🙄

Updated: Movie: We will not be silenced

This movie made by Gigi Gaston documents the voter fraud that took place during the election primaries in 2008.

The accusations in this video, if proven, could prove to be deadly for the Obama Administration. It is my personal hope, that if the Republicans take back both houses of Congress in 2010; that a full investigation is started by the Senate. Now, I highly doubt that this would happen; but I can hope.

What you are about to watch will most likely shock you.

We will not be silenced 2008’s official website.

Update: Ed Morrissey, as always, brings some perspective:

The allegations appear to be entirely confined to caucus states, which is one of the reasons I’m skeptical. Caucuses are bare-knuckled brawls where the parties make the rules and the campaigns routinely and viciously fight over them. I have no trouble believing that Team Obama played hardball and cut as many corners as they could without getting caught. What I have trouble believing is that Hillary Clinton wasn’t doing the exact same thing in these states. After all, Hillary was hardly a babe in the woods. The Clinton Machine had been fighting these battles since Obama was in high school. Now we’re suddenly to believe that they were manning the Good Ship Lollipop in 2008 and were shocked, shocked to find that caucuses aren’t played by Marquess de Queensbury rules?

This is one of the reasons that I believe primaries are usually a better way to select nominees, especially for higher offices. They’re not impervious to fraud and abuse, but it’s a more level ground, and the stakes for committing malfeasance are at least somewhat higher than in caucuses.

In case you are still on the fence politically…

This comes via Wizbang, which got it from Bookworm Room:

The New N-Word?


The reality of racial relations in America is clearly in black and white – but not in ways most people realize, says the author of a brand-new book on the subject that’s scorching the airwaves, blogosphere and best-selling categories.

Racial confusion, tension and division are the outgrowths of conditions foisted on the country to keep blacks “obedient,” whites “silent” and “political control” secure, says Erik Rush.

Released Tuesday by WND Books, Rush’s “Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal – America’s Racial Obsession” already has claimed No. 1 spots on Amazon categories covering African-Americans, Discrimination & Racism and Interpersonal Relations.

The author will appear on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Channel show at 9 p.m. Eastern Time and on “Fox & Friends” at 6:20 a.m. Thursday.

Tuesday, Sean Hannity exclusively interviewed Rush – the first person to introduce the nation to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the nature of the sermons taught in President Obama’s 20-year church of choice.

via Now scorching the airwaves: The new ‘N-word’.

Interesting indeed.

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