Townhall sends ME an issue of their Magazine?!?!?

I feel an uneasy strangeness writing this article. I can almost hear the shovels of pigeonholes, burying me in the sands of typecasting and prejudgment.  It is not a very unfamiliar feeling. I have been prejudged and pigeonholed before, once I was labeled a crypto Nazi for making an offhand comment about a well-known Liberal Senator, who is running for President. Can I help it if that person is of the Negro race?

Another time, I was labeled a bunch of things, that I cannot repeat here, after I made an “over the top” comment about a dead man’s wife. First of all, I didn’t know who she was, second of all, I made this comment after some idiot co-blogger at said place, took a swipe at me. Way I see it; if you cannot take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. If you do not want your dead wife’s name being dragged into a flame war, do not have her name on your Blog and take some responsibility for your Blog’s content.

Needless to say, that scrap did not end well, these same morons hacked my Blog, so much for conservatism eh? This is to say nothing of Conservatives feelings about free speech. However, to be clear, I did apologize to the person repeatedly, I guess it was not good enough for the bloodthirsty phantoms, who wrote me anonymous e-mails threatening to kill my family and me. Yes, I have those saved as well.

I would reprint some of the comments that were left about me on the Blogs, But I would not want to subject the readers of this Blog to the filth and tripe that was written on the Blogs that covered that little uproar in the Blogging community.

Now about this Townhall magazine, I was shocked and slightly amused when I discovered that I had gotten a Townhall magazine, I mean, me of all people! I have written, repeatedly, that I am a “sensible right of center” type of a person. I am a person that feels that neither of these political parties have all the answers. Not to mention the “official” “talking heads” of the party; Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Malkin, Coulter and so on, Their contribution has the tastiness of taking a big drink of spoiled milk from a carton.

Now unlike Joseph Farah, who believes that Conservatism has jumped the shark and should be given a proper burial, I believe there is still hope for the Republican Party. What happened to the Republican Party, in my humble opinion, is that the Neo-Conservative mindset hijacked the party. Conservatives desperate for a Reagan type of a leader, pushed the village idiot into the forefront, and ran him on a platform of putting integrity back in the White House. I do not believe that I would be embellishing the truth one bit, if I said that the Conservatives were sold a bag of goods on that little promise. Not to mention our Presidents wild spending on a war that was based upon faulty intelligence. To make up for it, he wants to rob those, of the healthcare that they need, and that is our Nations Elderly. Well, So much for common sense and compassionate conservatism, Mr. President.

Overall the magazine is very well done, glossy photos, nice paper, and good content. Some of the content, I do not agree with. One cannot accuse me of being dishonest. One of the notable things, that I do not like about the magazine, is that the fact that they waste space, by taking potshots at liberals. I mean, just what exactly is the purpose of wasting an entire page, by printing Al Gore’s picture and putting a blatantly insulting byline of “The Wizard of Oslo”? I can understand wanting to refute his doctrine of Global Warming, But why waste a perfectly good page with an picture and an insulting headline, why not just go for an refutation of substance?

I think if the Conservative publications and websites would go more for substance, instead of taking the low road of low brow insults, the rest of main stream America would be inclined to read more. Of course, the Liberal community believes that the Conservative community has no arguments of substance and as a result, is forced to stoop to low brow insults. Personally, I do not agree with this accusation at all. I believe that both sides of the Political aisle have substantive arguments, the problem is, from what I have observed online and in print, the Conservative community seems to not be able to effectively communicate their arguments.  Now before anyone accuses me of being biased, I realize that Liberals do the very same thing, and yes, I think that it is overly stupid as well. Further, I just do not quite understand why Conservatives want to mimic what the Liberals do. Why not be different and take the higher plane?

In conclusion, I think if Townhall Magazine took a step away from the “slash and burn” style of writing, of say, Michelle Malkin and and took more of a professional style of like “The Hill” and possibly They would have a higher mainstream audience.

That, my friends, is how I see it.


On The Democrats Debate Last Night

Yes, I did watch the debates last night. It did seem like they were less interesting in hurling digs at one another, and more interested in pointing out differences between one another.

They were also interested in pointing out differences between the Democrats and the Republicans, especially on matters of foreign policy. While I think that McCain would be a great President on matters of Morals, and Right to Life and the like, McCain’s Foreign Policy would be a disaster. 100 years in Iraq. You must be kidding.

McCain says he would reign on spending, Funny, didn’t another Republican President Candidate say that back in 2000?!?! Thinking Look what that got us! Doh

Hopefully super Tuesday will select us a nominee and we can get the business of getting a candidate for the White House.

Keith Olbermann Special Comment on FYCA and the telecoms

Original Location

For the most part, I agree. If the Bush Administration has done nothing wrong, then why threaten to veto? Confused

Sorry, I don’t buy the frivolous lawsuit B.S. Line. 

My take on the State of the Union Address

I wasn’t overly impressed. Neither was many other people, left or right.

Watch it for yourself:

and The Democrats Response:

To me, it was just more of the same from Bush. Nothing remarkable. According to Bob Cesca over at HuffPo:

Just flipped over to FOX News. Fred Barnes: This speech "will be forgotten pretty much. Haha!"

Damn. When Fox News Channel, the cheerleaders for the Neo-Conservative branch of the G.O.P. pans a speech made by their damn hero, that’s pretty bad! SurpriseLaughingRolling on the floor

Other than that, it’s just more of the same. Not really blog worthy in my book.

Obama’s SC Victory Speech

Basically, That America wants to believe again.

So true.

Video: (via MSNBC)

I may not agree 100% with his Liberalism. But I will tell you this, if he wins. I will be voting for him. The Republicans have nothing that I want to buy. They’ve put us into a quagmire. All the while ignoring the problems at home. I hope, that Obama smokes Hillary’s butt in the remainder of the primary, for the way she acted, trying to divide a party, and over some of the stupidest nonsense. This is truly a historical moment in our Nation. The last thing we need is some idiotic, power hungry, closet lesbian, screwing up our chances to be in the White House in 2009.

Political Short takes

Yeah, I know, I didn’t blog any today. I just wasn’t in the mood.

So, Here’s what is going on the world, Politically and Newsworthy that is.

The Mayor of Detroit, Michigan is in Hot Water. Click Here, and Here and Here to read about it.

How we should Leave Iraq

The New York Times endorses Hillary Clinton and John McCain.

Dennis Kucinich drops out. (Yay!)

The Former Labor Secretary Under Bill Clinton, basically slams his old Boss.

Obama and Hillary are still going at it.

Some think the GOP debate tonight was horrible. I didn’t watch enough really to know.

Saddam was shocked that we invaded.

Obama leads Hillary in SC and FL, Romney Leads the GOP in FL.

The Government deports one of his own. Idiots Deluxe.

John Gibson is still Eine dumme Arschloch

Senate rejects secret court measure

Dubya Says, Osama won’t be caught while he’s in office, Liberals go… “Well Duh!”

and….Finally, Sunny Lucas, (Rachel’s Dog) is running for President. (woof!)

Advertisers Drop Savage Over Hateful Remarks

The following comes from HuffPo:

At least four major firms have pulled advertising from Michael Savage’s nationally syndicated radio show following a campaign highlighting his inflammatory rhetoric. One other company, Geico insurance, is expected to follow suit.

The campaign, launched recently by Brave New Films, generated thousands of calls urging advertisers on the Savage Nation show to sever financial ties to the widely popular (and frequently offensive) talk host.

In less than a week, four agreed to pull their ads from the show, including Union Bank of California (whose representative says they were advertisers on the Savage show by mistake and were glad to be taken off), Intuit, Chattem, ITT Technical Institute.

"We are thrilled at the amazing response of the true patriots all over the blogsphere who responded to our NOSAVAGE campaign," Robert Greenwald, head of the film company, said in a statement. "People have called and emailed and the responsible sponsors have responded by pulling their ads and asking that their ads not be on this racist and hateful show."

But group who has segments run on the show is raising eyebrows by refusing to distance itself from Savage. The USO, a non-profit that does work for U.S. armed forces, wrote Brave New Films complaining about being targeted and even hinting at a lawsuit. The organization’s lawyer Tony Bisceglie says it does not pay for the USO public service announcements that air on Savage’s show – Read the Rest

I’m going to be honest with you. I’m right of center, I hold to some Conservative values myself. But this idiot is a total loon. He makes Bill O’Reilly look like a nun.

I can see the USO’s position, But I think anyone who’s paid for ads on his show, should pull them. This is no way to promote goodwill to other races in America. The problem is, Muslims hear this sort of thing and they believe EVERYONE in America is like this. If you’re Muslim, and you happen to read this Blog, I assure you, we’re not ALL like this.

The problem with Michael Savage is, he believes ALL MUSLIMS are terrorists, which many Conservatives happen to believe. This, I know, for a fact is a crock of bull. Most Muslims in America, that in fact, practice Islam, are moderates. They reject the idea of a violent Jihad. I know this might be hard thing for some Conservatives to swallow, but it’s the truth. One thing that the Conservatives must realize, if they are going to ever get anywhere in American politics is, that the guys who carried out the September 11’th attacks were not just Muslims, they were mentally deranged extremists who just happened to be believers in the Doctrines of Islam, if they were not Islamic Muslims, they would have been something else.

Yes, I do believe that there is a war on terror. There is a war against mindless extremists within the Muslim Islamic Faith, Not against Arabic people or Muslims or Islam in General. That sort of mentality has origins in the White Nationalist circles and unfortunately has seeped over into main stream Conservatism.   

I know, some of you are going to say, "What about what you wrote here?" Yes, I know what I wrote there. I was referring to the extremists within the Muslim Movement. I also was more commenting on this part:

“The upsetting part is not only do they go into the history (which would be acceptable) but also the teaching of Islam,” she said. “This book does not really go into Christianity or the teachings of Christ, nor does it address religious doctrine elsewhere to the degree it does Islam.”

She said the book’s one page referencing Jews “is only to convey that they were tortured by Crusaders to get them to convert to ‘Christianity.’ (It fails to mention that the biggest persecutors of Jews throughout history and still today are Arab Muslims). It gives four other one-liner references to the Jews being blamed for the plagues and problems in the land. It does not talk about the Jews as making a significant impact on the culture at large.”

That was my issue within that story. I do not, however, believe that Islam, or any other Religion should be PUSHED on anyone, at all. We all should be able to make our own decisions ourselves. It might appear that I am talking about of both sides of my Mouth Chatterbox, but I am not. Big Grin

Yeah, I know, you’re wondering why….

I know, you’re most likely wondering why I have not Blogged about the Debates.

Because I am just very disgusted with the whole process. That is why.

John Edwards, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton spent most of the day, which was SUPPOSED to be celebrating the Birthday of a man who stood up for social justice, being civil to one another.

Then all at once, within a one-hour period, all of that civility went out the window.  

Some would say, “Hey, that’s politics.”, Well, you know? I disagree. Just what in the name of the Almighty, is being accomplished by the first African-American and the first Female Presidential candidates sniping over absolutely idiotic nonsense?  

I mean, what kind of image is that sending to the American people? What kind of signal is that sending to aspiring young people interested in Politics? That it is perfectly acceptable to attack someone that you are running against?

Normally, I would, without delay, post the videos of the sniping and comment about it. But that’s what the main stream media is doing. That’s what every political Blogger is doing. They’re a part of the media machine. I’m just not interested in joining the chorus of Bloggers talking about that feckless nonsense.

I am actually scared to death, why? Because I am afraid that people have seen this sniping and they’ve thought, “Why the hell should I vote for those two?” I mean, this would be great thing for Edwards, But we’re on the threshold of making history here and the two damned idiots that are principle players in it are acting like total nincompoops!

Don’t even get me started about Bill Clinton. “Hey Honey, I’m going go out and destroy you’re chances of getting elected!”, He’s another of the feckless ones. Not to mention his falling asleep during Martin Luther Kings III’s speech. More fodder for the media machine, I guess.

I guess I’m supposed to be feeling really good about all this hoopla, so far, Nothing. Nada. No Dice. I’d rather be watching the history channel or something else more productive.

I apologize if you came here thinking that I had some great commentary on the debates, But I just don’t. I just don’t have an impression.

I will say this, if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton keep up the nonsense, and the Democrats lose, and we end up with John McCain AKA Bush 2.0 or that Mormon freak Mitt Romney in the White House, the Democrats will have no one to blame, but their own selves for it.

So far, color me unimpressed with the Democrats.

Rudy’s Desperation kicks in….

Rudy Reaches for God’s Black Book- (Washington Whispers) (Via


Rudy Giuliani, the socially liberal Republican who’s slipping in the polls, is reaching for an unusual E-mail list for help: a collection of 25 million Christian evangelicals. We hear that Rudy’s church ally, Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson, is making overtures to the list’s owner, Alabama-based Optimum Impact. The E-mail addresses have always been available for the asking, but so far only GOP candidates Rep. Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee have made the call. But is it too late for Rudy to quiet the Huckabee surge among Christians? "Who knows?" says one evangelical leader. "But ‘day late and dollar short’ comes to mind."

I’d say, at this point, he’d need a miracle, like the top 3 candidates die of heart attacks at the same time. Tongue

In other words, he’s done. Big Grin

What he gets for running as Mister 9/11!   Rolling Eyes

Ah well, One less Republican in the race. Applause

No Love for John McCain Either…

What’s a cracker got to do to catch a Break?

Click here to see what I’m referring to.

I hate to admit it, But McCain’s about the only damn Conservative that’s qualified for the damn job, if you ask me.

Before anyone asks, yeah, I remember the immigration thing. I think he has learned from that. I really do, otherwise, he wouldn’t still be in the race.

If Hillary wins the nomination, and McCain get’s the Republican nod, I might be tempted to hold my nose…. and… You know.

Although, there’s quite a bit of time, between now and then, so… I’ll stay tuned.

Michael Gerson has NO LOVE for Fred Thompson

 Here’s Why:


At a campaign stop attended by a CBS reporter in Lady’s Island, S.C., Thompson was asked if he, "as a Christian, as a conservative," supported President Bush‘s global AIDS initiative. "Christ didn’t tell us to go to the government and pass a bill to get some of these social problems dealt with. He told us to do it," Thompson responded. "The government has its role, but we need to keep firmly in mind the role of the government, and the role of us as individuals and as Christians on the other."

Thompson went on: "I’m not going to go around the state and the country with regards to a serious problem and say that I’m going to prioritize that. With people dying of cancer, and heart disease, and children dying of leukemia still, I got to tell you — we’ve got a lot of problems here. . . . " Indeed, there are a lot of problems here — mainly of Thompson’s own making.

Ouch! That’s gonna leave a mark. Michael Gerson, by the way, was a Bush Speech writer. Perhaps a little Neo-Con Bias showing, Maybe?

Just sayin’!

Others: Think Progress, The Corner, Matthew Yglesias, Taki’s Top Drawer Blog, Macsmind, Eunomia, PoliGazette, The Daily Dish, Wonkette, Postmodern Conservative, Ross Douthat and The Opinionator and More via Memeorandum

Poll: Nevada to go to Hillary and Romney

That’s what the Polls are saying.

Of course, those Polls have been wrong before.

So, I’ll be handing out congrads, when the caucus and primaries are over.

Should be an interesting day tomorrow.

Mike Huckabee has lost his mind.

Yep, that’s right. He can forget getting elected. Because of this sort of stuff Here.

Money Quote:

QUESTIONER: Is it your goal to bring the Constitution into strict conformity with the Bible? Some people would consider that a kind of dangerous undertaking, particularly given the variety of biblical interpretations.

HUCKABEE: Well, I don’t think that’s a radical view to say we’re going to affirm marriage. I think the radical view is to say that we’re going to change the definition of marriage so that it can mean two men, two women, a man and three women, a man and a child, a man and animal. Again, once we change the definition, the door is open to change it again. I think the radical position is to make a change in what’s been historic.

Oh yeah, like Centrists and Independents are going to vote for some idiot that makes statements like that.

What’s more, was this one:

“I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution. But I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And thats what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other and how we treat the family.”

Wow. This dude wants to do away with the Separation of Church and State. I bet these guys wouldn’t be too happy about that.

I don’t know about you, I don’t quite think that this guy is quite ready for prime time. Stick to Church Mike, it can only help.   

Say Goodbye Willard!

Willard Mitt Romney goes off on a AP Reporter.

He’ll pay for that in the caucus. You don’t act like a jerk to Media and get away with it. They will bury you.

Video Via MSNBC:


Oh yeah, He’s a jerk. Say goodbye to this hosehead.

The Main Stream "Liberal" and otherwise, media will bury him for this.

Update: I guess he does have a lobbyist on his staff and He HAS gotten paid. This comes via Frameshop:

However, a simple search of Romney’s recent campaign expense filings found these two entries:

  • Dec. 3, 2007 -  a payment of "$300" by the Romney campaign to "Kaufman, Ronald."
  • Oct. 19, 2007 – a payment of  "$100" to "Dutko World Wide."

D’oh! So, so much for the truth.

Huckabee vows to send ’em all home.

Two Words.

Huckabee vows to send all illegal aliens home (via Washington Times)

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee yesterday continued to move to the right on immigration during this year’s presidential campaign, signing a pledge to enforce immigration laws and to make all illegal aliens go home.

The pledge, offered by immigration control advocacy group Numbers USA, commits Mr. Huckabee to oppose a new path to citizenship for current illegal aliens and to cut the number of illegal aliens already in the country through attrition by law enforcement — something Mr. Huckabee said he will achieve through his nine-point immigration plan.

Yeah Right. I don’t buy it. Neither does Michelle Malkin.

Others: FOX Embeds, ImmigrationProf Blog, Cliff Schecter and New York Times and More via Memeorandum

Get out and Vote!


My question is, Did you?

I’ve always said, anyone who doesn’t get out and vote, has no right to complain about the way things are ran in Washington D.C.

It is a part of our Democratic process and it is one of the privileges as United States Citizens.

No matter which side you are voting for, that doesn’t matter, what matters is, that YOU ARE DOING IT!

What are you still sitting there for!?!?!?!?!  GET OUT AND VOTE!

This has just gone beyond stupid.

I’m referring to this.

Yes, there’s primary here. and No, I am NOT voting for Her!

She can go to hell. I’m voting uncommitted or "other".

If she gets the nomination, I will hold my nose and vote Republican.

I’m all for Progressive Thought and for "Change" as they call it. But I am not for causing division of the Black Race, which is what Hillary is doing and yes, I think it’s crapAngry

I hope like hell she loses and ends up being HIS Vice-President!

Like I said in the title, this whole damn thing as gone well beyond the realm of stupid.