Keith Olbermann – Special Comment – "We will not fear George W. Bush!"

FULL Transcript: (h/t Crooks and Liars)

Democrats in the House of Representatives are closing the shop down tonight, until a week from Monday… leaving President Bush twisting slowly in a wind of his own creation.

Our third story on the Countdown: the FISA bill — and the retroactive immunity for the telecom giants that helped Mr. Bush illegally eavesdrop on Americans — will thus just sit there, unacted upon, not even a temporary extension which the Republicans and Mr. Bush refused, despite the President’s threats that if the bill isn’t passed by Saturday, there’d be a breakdown in counter-terrorism surveillance and plagues of locusts and stuff.

A Special Comment, in a moment.

First the details.

House Democrats, in essence, calling the Republicans’ bluff.

They staged a walkout at mid-day… led by John Boehner, who in one act managed the cheesy political theater, and managed to get out just as Representatives were to vote on Contempt of Congress citations against Harriet Miers and Joshua Bolten.

That the Republicans just happened to walk to a stand-full of microphones… pure coincidence.

The President had started all this, with his now-daily message of fear, with what he apparently sees as a threat, to postpone his scheduled trip to Africa.

The House should not leave Washington without passing the Senate bill. I am scheduled to leave tomorrow for a long-planned trip to five African nations. Moments ago, my staff informed the House leadership that I’m prepared to delay my departure, and stay in Washington with them, if it will help them complete their work on this critical bill. The lives of countless Americans depend on our ability to monitor terrorist communications.

Having lost, he now says he’s going to Africa — another threat, or promise, unfulfilled.

Now, as promised, a Special Comment.

A part of what I will say, was said here on January 31st.

Unfortunately it is both sadder and truer now, than it was, then.

“Who’s to blame?” Mr. Bush also said this afternoon, “Look, these folks in Congress passed a good bill late last summer… The problem is, they let the bill expire. My attitude is: if the bill was good enough then, why not pass the bill again?”

You know, like The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

Or Executive Order 90-66.

Or The Alien and Sedition Acts.

Or Slavery.

Mr. Bush, you say that our ability to track terrorist threats will be weakened and our citizens will be in greater danger.

Yet you have weakened that ability!

You have subjected us, your citizens, to that greater danger!

This, Mr. Bush, is simple enough even for you to understand.

For the moment, at least, thanks to some true patriots in the House, and your own stubbornness, you have tabled telecom immunity, and the FISA act.


By your own terms and your definitions — you have just sided with the terrorists.

You got to have this law or we’re all going to die.

But practically speaking, you vetoed this law.

It is bad enough, sir, that you were demanding an Ex Post Facto law, which could still clear the AT&Ts and the Verizons from responsibility for their systematic, aggressive, and blatant collaboration with your illegal and unjustified spying on Americans under this flimsy guise of looking for any terrorists who are stupid enough to make a collect call or send a mass e-mail.

But when you demanded it again during the State of the Union address, you wouldn’t even confirm that they actually did anything for which they deserved to be cleared.

“The Congress must pass liability protection for companies believed to have assisted in the efforts to defend America.” Believed?

Don’t you know?

Don’t you even have the guts Dick Cheney showed in admitting they did collaborate with you?

Does this endless presidency of loopholes and fine print extend even here?

If you believe in the seamless mutuality of government and big business — come out and say it!

There is a dictionary definition, one word that describes that toxic blend.

You’re a fascist — get them to print you a t-shirt with “fascist” on it!

What else is this but fascism?

Did you see Mark Klein on this newscast last November?

Mark Klein was the AT&T Whistleblower, the one who explained in the placid, dull terms of your local neighborhood I-T desk, how he personally attached all AT&T circuits — everything — carrying every one of your phone calls, every one of your e-mails, every bit of your web browsing into a secure room, room number 641-A at the Folsom Street facility in San Francisco, where it was all copied so the government could look at it.

Not some of it, not just the international part of it, certainly not just the stuff some spy — a spy both patriotic and telepathic — might able to divine had been sent or spoken by — or to — a terrorist.


Every time you looked at a naked picture.

Every time you bid on eBay.

Every time you phoned in a donation to a Democrat.

“My thought was,” Mr. Klein told us last November, “George Orwell’s 1984. And here I am, forced to connect the big brother machine.”

And if there’s one thing we know about Big Brother, Mr. Bush, is that he is — you are — a liar.

“This Saturday at midnight,” you said today, “legislation authorizing intelligence professionals to quickly and effectively monitor terrorist communications will expire. If Congress does not act by that time, our ability to find out who the terrorists are talking to, what they are saying, and what they are planning, will be compromised…You said that “the lives of countless Americans depend” on you getting your way.

This is crap.

And you sling it, with an audacity and a speed unrivaled even by the greatest political felons of our history.

Richard Clarke — you might remember him, sir, he was one of the counter-terror pro’s you inherited from President Clinton, before you ran the professionals out of government in favor of your unreality-based reality — Richard Clarke wrote in the Philadelphia Inquirer:

“Let me be clear: Our ability to track and monitor terrorists overseas would not cease should the Protect America Act expire. If this were true, the president would not threaten to terminate any temporary extension with his veto pen. All surveillance currently occurring would continue even after legislative provisions lapsed because authorizations issued under the act are in effect up to a full year.”

You are a liar, Mr. Bush, and after showing some skill at it, you have ceased to even be a very good liar.

And your minions like John Boehner — your Republican congressional crash dummies who just happen to decide to walk out of Congress when a podium-full of microphones await them — they should just keep walking, out of Congress and if possible, out of the country.

For they — and you, sir — have no place in a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

The lot of you, are the symbolic descendants of the despotic middle managers of some ba

nana republic, to whom “Freedom” is an ironic brand name, a word you reach for, when you want to get away with its opposite.

Thus, Mr. Bush, your panoramic invasion of privacy is dressed up as “protecting America.”

Thus, Mr. Bush, your indiscriminate domestic spying becomes the focused monitoring, only of “terrorist communications.”

Thus, Mr. Bush, what you and the telecom giants have done, isn’t unlawful, it’s just the kind of perfectly legal, passionately patriotic thing for which you happen to need immunity!

Richard Clarke is on the money, as usual.

That the President was willing to veto this eavesdropping, means there is no threat to the legitimate counter-terror efforts underway.

As Senator Kennedy reminded us in December:

“The President has said that American lives will be sacrificed if Congress does not change FISA. But he has also said that he will veto any FISA bill that does not grant retroactive immunity.

No immunity, no FISA bill. So if we take the President at his word, he’s willing to let Americans die to protect the phone companies.”

And that literally cannot be.

Even Mr. Bush could not overtly take a step that actually aids the terrorists.

I am not talking about ethics here.

I am talking about blame.

If the President seems to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater, it means we can safely conclude… there is no baby.

Because if there were, sir, now that you have vetoed an extension of this eavesdropping, if some terrorist attack were to follow…

You would not merely be guilty of siding with the terrorists…

You would not merely be guilty of prioritizing the telecoms over the people…

You would not merely be guilty of stupidity…

You would not merely be guilty of treason, sir…

You would be personally, and eternally, responsible.

And if there is one thing we know about you, Mr. Bush, one thing that you have proved time and time again… it is that you are never responsible.

As recently ago as 2006, we spoke words like these with trepidation.

The idea that even the most cynical and untrustworthy of politicians in our history — George W. Bush — would use the literal form of terrorism against his own people — was dangerous territory. It seemed to tempt fate, to heighten fear.

We will not fear any longer.

We will not fear the international terrorists — we will thwart them.

We will not fear the recognition of the manipulation of our yearning for safety — we will call it what it is: terrorism.

We will not fear identifying the vulgar hypocrites in our government — we will name them.

And we will not fear George W. Bush.

Nor will we fear because George W. Bush wants us to fear.

To this, let me just simply add this. MSNBC’s David Shuster used a term, which caused him to be suspended. That term was “Pimped Out.” The Problem is, he was using it about Chelsea Clinton.

“Pimped out,” as it were, should have been used to describe not Chelsea Clinton, but us, We the American people. We have been “pimped out”, by a Neo-Conservative Presidential Administration, who cares not for the American people, but rather for their own personal gain, and at what cost? The American lives of our young people and at the personal expense of our fears.

…. Now with this joke of an election, we the American people are being “Pimped out,” Conservative and Liberal alike, On the right by a fake Conservative, who masquerades as some damn war hero. Who, in all honesty, was nothing but a Pilot school reject, who is now cashing in on his families name. On the left, by some sort of a cosmic “Magic Negro” followed by a idiot woman, who’s riding the coattails of her damned husband’s Presidency.

What are they pimping us for???

Our Votes, Our Trust, and Our Hard earned money.

Yet, we allowed this to happen. We allowed some of the better candidates to cast aside and allow the Main Stream Censored Corporate Media tell us who should be the damn President.

Whatever happened to the Election being chosen by “We the people” and not “them the Media”?

There was time, in my short career as a freelance writer that I still believed in this damn political system. That it still belonged to the people.

I am beginning to seriously have my doubts about that now.

My own Mother has often told me, that I was wasting my time, writing and blogging about politics, because she felt that the people in Washington DC were going to do what they wanted to, and nothing I would say would change that. I often dismissed this as a negative way of thinking.

However now, I think possibly that she is correct, that this entire Political process is nothing more than a cruel bad joke and We, The American people are not in on that joke.

The Supporters of Republican and Libertarian leaning Presidential Candidate Ron Paul are often dismissed and mocked as crazy people who do not know anything about real world Politics. While I cannot and will not attempt to vouch of the mental sanity of every single one of these people, I will say this much, the good majority of them are people who feel that we need to restore this Nation back to it’s founding roots, That we need to restore the Republic.

That Washington DC has stopped being about “We the people” and more about “Them the politicians.”

While I may not agree one hundred percent, with Ron Paul’s Foreign policy stance, nor his views on World War II. I concur fully with his Notion that Washington DC has totally strayed from the principles on which it was founded upon and that something needs to be done about it.

Until we, the American people, get off our collective backsides, get off this attitude of complacency and take stock and notice of what is happening in this country, we the American people, the ones who pledge allegiance to that flag and the Republic to which it stands, will be AMERICA THE PIMPED!

Others: Hullabaloo (H/T Memeorandum)

Hillary’s Chickens…

Bawk Bawk Bawk!  

The Story: Politics | ON DEADLINE: Chickens Come Home to Roost | Seattle Times Newspaper

"If (Barack) Obama continues to win …. the whole raison d’etre for her campaign falls apart and we’ll see people running from her campaign like rats on a ship," said Democratic strategist Jim Duffy, who is not aligned with either campaign.

This only be a good thing. She is not right for this damn country, that’s for sure. Obama ain’t much better, But he’s better than 100 years of war, fake Conservative, John McCain.

Others: The Huffington Post, Talking Points Memo, The New Republic, Blue Crab Boulevard, MSNBC, Balloon Juice, The Field, Hot Air and Betsy’s Page and Much more @ Memeorandum

Obama cleans up last night….

Yeah, He did.

Hillary is remaining mum and has moved on to Texas. I think at this point, that she hasn’t got a prayer in hell of getting chosen.

I can’t honestly say that I’m bothered by that, really. She would just be an extension of Bill Clinton.

Time to call it a day Hillary.

Meanwhile, on the G.O.P. side, John McCain did very well.

My question is, why the heck does Huckabee keep hanging on?

You can’t fix stupid, I suppose.

The Far Right is Desperate

To try an hang dirt on Obama. Take this for instance.

The good part, Also known as a lie:

What was especially noteworthy about his Virginia speech were the diversions Obama took from the prepared text. Because of Obama’s improvised moments, this speech was different than the usual fare he offers.

[Obama:] “Now I understand some of the excitement doesn’t have to do with me. I know that whatever else happens whatever twists and turns this campaign may take, when you go into that polling place next November, the name George Bush won’t be on the ballot and that makes everybody pretty cheerful. Everyone’s happy about that. The name of my cousin Dick Cheney won’t be on the ballot. That was embarrassing when that news came out. When they do these genealogical surveys, you want to be related to somebody cool. So, but, his name went be on the ballot.

“Each of us running for the Democratic nomination agrees on one thing that the other party does not–that the next president must end the disastrous policies of George W. Bush. No more Scooter Libby Justice! No more Brownie incompetence! No more Karl Rove politics.”

I agree with John Cole:

BTW- Has Dean ever heard President Bush speak? With or without a teleprompter?

Hear Hear, The man is inherently a dumb ass. At least Obama can string a sentence together without sounding like an idiot.

Sounds like Dean is just pissed because his party has got two idiots running….again.

Others: Political Punch, Betsy’s Page and Balloon Juice

McCain opts out on Public Funding on his Campaign

McCain says no thanks….

The Story: McCain opts out on funds (Via The Washington Times)

Sen. John McCain will not accept public campaign financing for the primary election — freeing him from spending limits through September and giving him a chance to compete with his Democratic opponent.

The Arizona senator, who’s on pace to effectively lock down the Republican nomination in today’s Potomac primaries, also picked up some high-profile endorsements yesterday.

That underlined and bolded reason, is why he’s not taking the public funding.

Because he knows that if he took the public funding, that Obama would spank his royal behind in this campaign.

That’s okay, because based upon when I’ve read around in the Conservative World, half of the Republicans are not going to vote for him. So, he’ll make it to the general election and get beaten and We’ll have a Liberal President.

Thank you George W. Bush! Winking

H/T Memeorandum

Paul Krugman has zero love for Obama


Hate Springs Eternal by Paul Krugman (Via NYT)

In 1956 Adlai Stevenson, running against Dwight Eisenhower, tried to make the political style of his opponent’s vice president, a man by the name of Richard Nixon, an issue. The nation, he warned, was in danger of becoming “a land of slander and scare; the land of sly innuendo, the poison pen, the anonymous phone call and hustling, pushing, shoving; the land of smash and grab and anything to win. This is Nixonland.

You see the problem with writing articles like this. It gives the right what they want, Democrats fighting amongst one another. Which is quite childish.

This is, about as bad as, turning it into racism. Which is what some of Hillary’s surrogates did.

Now it seems, that it is the Blacks against the feminists, which again, is quite stupid. Sure, it makes for good blog fodder. But it does nothing to unify the party. 

What it will do, is possibly turn the democrat convention in November into another 1968 convention, and really, we don’t need that at all.

If Hillary gets the nomination, she will be an open target. All the Republicans have to do, is to pull the "Peter F. Paul" card. They will play that for all it is worth. They will point out ALL of the facts regarding that situation and what they cannot prove, they will make up and distort. They will also use the MSM, to promote that from running taps, 24/7, to destroy her campaign.

If Obama gets it, unless he gets more specific on his Policies, they will hold that against him, they will use the closet Muslim rumor against him. They will use his lack of experience against him.  

Either way, it’s going to be a hard, nasty, long battle to get the White House away from Republicans. Anyone that thinks that it’s going to be a cakewalk, has got a couple screws loose.

Others: Balloon Juice, Ross Douthat, The Newshoggers, The Huffington Post, TalkLeft, The New Republic, Slog, The XX Factor, Taylor Marsh, Liberal Values, The Carpetbagger Report, Make Them Accountable, Obsidian Wings,, The Agonist, Mister Snitch!, The Heretik, The Democratic Daily, QandO, Commentary, Wonkette, Jack and Jill Politics, Neptunus Lex, Classical Values, culturekitchen, MSNBC, Outside The Beltway, State of the Day, Connecting.the.Dots, Althouse, American Street, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, Hoffmania! and New York Daily News Blogs and More Via Memeorandum

From the "You don’t say!" Dept.: Army Buried Study Faulting Iraq Planning

Army Buried Story Faulting Iraq Planning (via NYT)

The Army is accustomed to protecting classified information. But when it comes to the planning for the Iraq war, even an unclassified assessment can acquire the status of a state secret.

That is what happened to a detailed study of the planning for postwar Iraq prepared for the Army by the RAND Corporation, a federally financed center that conducts research for the military.

After 18 months of research, RAND submitted a report in the summer of 2005 called “Rebuilding Iraq.” RAND researchers provided an unclassified version of the report along with a secret one, hoping that its publication would contribute to the public debate on how to prepare for future conflicts.

But the study’s wide-ranging critique of the White House, the Defense Department and other government agencies was a concern for Army generals, and the Army has sought to keep the report under lock and key.

Surprised yet? Me Either. Rolling Eyes

I mean, if you’re a war-mongering, big spending, Republican President, the last thing you want is someone telling you that you’re not doing your job properly. Right?

I look for more of these interesting stories to come out as the year progresses and after George W. Bush is out of office.

It’s going to be an interesting summer and year. 2009 is going to be even better.

Others: : Hullabaloo, RADAMISTO, The RBC and

Idiot Nancy Pelosi calls Iraq a ‘failure’

 Why does she say crap like this now???? Doh

Pelosi calls Iraq a ‘failure’ (via

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said twice Sunday that Iraq “is a failure,” adding that President Bush’s troop surge has “not produced the desired effect.”

“The purpose of the surge was to create a secure time for the government of Iraq to make the political change to bring reconciliation to Iraq,” Pelosi said on CNN’s “Late Edition.” “They have not done that.”

The speaker hastened to add: “The troops have succeeded, God bless them.”

I mean it’s only going to cause the Democrats problems:

Pelosi’s harsh verdict is a reminder of the dilemma for Democrats as they head into this fall’s presidential and congressional elections:

They need to make the case that the country needs to depart from the direction set by Bush. Yet they don’t want to look like naysayers at a time when Iraq has become more stable, albeit still violent.

Republican strategists say one of their few chances to avoid a blowout in November is to paint Democrats as defeatists.

Which is exactly what they will do too.

Flipping idiot. Can’t she just shut up? Angry

Others: Flopping Aces and Hot Air

Something to think about: Bad Boys, Nasty Boys: Out of the GOP’s Closet

Seeing there’s not much else to Blog about. Here’s some interesting reading. While I might not agree with this guys Politics, he does make some very valid points.



Originally Published Here:

Bad Boys, Nasty Boys: Out of the GOP’s Closet

by Michael Parenti

Republican party politicos espouse an unflagging devotion to old-fashioned morality and family values, inveighing heavily against gay marriage, abortion, homosexuality, adultery, feminism, crime, stem-cell research, secularism, and liberalism-all of which they tend to lump together as different facets of the same evil decadence.

GOP leaders dilate on the need to “put God back into public life.” Many of them even claim to be directly guided by their deity’s mandate when legislating and governing. Their private deeds, however, frequently betray their words. Consider this incomplete sampling of politically prominent “social conservatives” who preach the conventional virtues to their constituents while practicing something else in their off-hours.

Recently-deceased Representative Henry Hyde, Illinois Republican, played a key role in the impeachment campaign waged against the adulterous president Bill Clinton. The several obituaries I read about Hyde failed to mention that he a six-year liaison with a young married mother of three children. The woman’s former husband blamed Hyde for the divorce that followed from the affair, and for the emotional damage inflicted on his children. Hyde dismissed the affair as “a youthful indiscretion”—it having ended when he was just a callow youngster of 43 or so. In 1992, Hyde divorced his wife of 45 years. Soon after that she died and he quickly remarried.

Representative Bob Livingston, Louisiana Republican, married with four children, resigned as House speaker-elect after his marital infidelities made the headlines in 1998.

Speaker of the House, Republican Newt Gingrich, led the charge against the philandering Clinton while himself carrying on an affair with a congressional aide. Gingrich hastened a divorce action against his (second) wife while she was hospitalized with cancer in order that he might marry the aide. At one point Gingrich’s ailing ex-wife and children had to get material assistance from their local church, having received insufficient sums from Gingrich himself. In 2007, he claimed to have come to grips with his “personal failures,” having sought God’s forgiveness.

Republican Baptist minister Bill Randall, who had been aggressively touted by the Republican party as a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Florida, admitted that he had fathered an illegitimate child in the 1980s. After confirming the child’s existence, he changed his story the next day during a press interview, suddenly insisting that his teenage son was the father. Sensing that no one would swallow that story, Randall again reversed course and admitted to paternity. He did everybody a favor by dropping out of the 1998 congressional race.

Bob Barr was a Georgia GOP congressman until 2003, after which he became a conservative activist. While still married to his first wife, he was romancing the woman who would become his second wife. Barr was on record as a staunch right-to-lifer, but this did not prevent him from driving wife #2 to a clinic and paying the costs for her abortion. He soon took on a new mistress who became wife #3 shortly after he dumped #2. While in Congress, Barr authored the “Defense of Marriage Act,” probably with good reason.

Three leading candidates for the Republican 2008 presidential nomination, Rudolph Giuliani, John McCain, and Newt Gingrich, had five divorces between them, all involving adultery. On the Democratic side, the three front runners, John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, had neither divorces nor infidelities. Yet it was the Republicans who laid claim to being keepers of traditional family values, while damning the liberals for their amorality and profligacy.

In 2007, Senator David Vitter, a Louisiana Republican and family-values man, made the news for having patronized a prostitution ring in Washington, D.C. for several years, and earlier having used the services of a New Orleans brothel over a five-month period. Vitter refused to resign, assuring everyone that “I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife.”

Along with the hypocritical philanderers, there are the subterranean gay blades. In 2007, Bob Allen, Florida Republican state legislator, married with one child, was arrested in a public restroom after offering to perform oral sex on an undercover officer for $20.

Another restroom adventurer was Senator Larry Craig, Republican of Idaho, an outspoken opponent of gays in the military and gay marriage. Craig was famously arrested for directing sexual advances toward an undercover police officer in a men’s toilet at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The police had been monitoring the restroom because of complaints about sexual activities there. Craig pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. A number of other men, including one from Craig’s college days, identified the senator as having engaged in sexual activity with them or having made overtures with that intent, including an encounter in the restrooms at Union Station in Washington, D.C.

A few weeks later another GOP politico who consistently voted against gay rights, Washington State representative Richard Curtis, was caught with his panties down. Dressed in women’s lingerie he met a man in a local erotic video store, and went with him to a downtown hotel for a night of oral and anal copulation. Once the story broke, Curtis resigned from office. By now, word on the Internet was that GOP stood for “Gay Old Party” or “Greedy Old Perverts,” and that Richard Curtis had left public life “so he could spend more time masturbating with his family.”

There are the three classic cases of ultraconservative anti-gay gays who go back half a century: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, McCarthyite investigator and Washington lobbyist Roy Cohn, and Cardinal Francis Spellman of the New York Roman Catholic archdiocese. All three of these prominent right-wingers and keepers of American homophobic vigilance were themselves secretly full-blown homosexuals who sometimes partied together in the company of choice male escorts—back in the days when the press dared not touch such stories.

In the above cases, what is deplorable is not only the obviously hypocritical inconsistency between professed beliefs and private behavior, but the professed beliefs themselves; beliefs that advocate discrimination against gays, brand prostitutes as criminals, equate abortion with murder, denounce divorce as a mortal threat to family and nation, and treat sex between unmarried consenting adults (even of the heterosexual variety) as sinful fornication.

Consequently, a noticeable number of conservative politicos face the daunting task of trying to submerge their lascivious desires in order to live up to their puritanical mouthings, trapped as they are in an unyielding cycle of surreptitious sin and furious public denunciations of those same sins.

In recent years, Republican ranks appeared to be riddled not only with sexual hypocrites but, far worse, sexual predators. There was the former Republican mayor of Waterbury, Connecticut, Philip Giordano who is now serving a 37-year sentence for sexual abuse in 2001 of two girls, ages 8 and 10.

Jim West, conservative Republican mayor of Spokane, Washington, backed a measure to prohibit gays and lesbians from teaching in public schools on the presumption that they might get too close to the

ir pupils. Meanwhile he was using his city hall computer to troll for sex with high school boys. Two men accused West of molesting them when they were Boy Scouts and he was a troop leader. He was ousted in a recall election in 2005.

A GOP congressman from Florida, Mark Foley, was caught sending sexually explicit emails to teenaged boys who had served as congressional pages. He reportedly invited one page to engage in oral sex with him, an offer the boy refused. Foley chaired the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, which introduced stricter legislation for tracking sexual predators. Republican congressional leaders had received complaints about him from congressional pages—which they repeatedly failed to act upon. Foley resigned from Congress in 2006.

At that time, allegations of improper interactions with congressional pages were leveled at another Republican Congressman, Jim Kolbe of Arizona, who decided not to run for reelection.

In 2007, a Florida federal prosecutor working for the Bush administration, operating in “one of the most conservative United States attorney’s offices in the country,” dedicated to a hardline law-and-order approach, was charged with traveling across state lines to have sex with a five-year-old girl. J. D. Roy Atchison, had been chatting online with an undercover officer who posed as a mother offering to let men have sex with her young daughter. When arrested en route to his would-be rendezvous with a five-year-old, Atchison was carrying a doll and petroleum jelly. While detained in a federal prison in Michigan, he committed suicide.

In such instances, the most reprehensible thing is neither the hypocrisy nor the professed beliefs, but the behavior itself, involving the molestation and sexual assault of children and unwilling adolescents. The perpetrators are not merely hypocrites, they are criminals. In these cases, they really are sinners.

So the holy hypocrites-philanderers, homophobic gays, and pedophiles—crow their devotion to traditional morality while pursuing material and emotional plunder more rapaciously than any of us ordinary infidels and libertines. Looking at the above cases, and the many others that one could add if space and patience allowed, we can conclude that professions of religiosity are no guarantee of moral behavior. If anything, the hypocrites use religion as a bludgeon to be brandished against liberal opponents in order that they themselves might better pursue their aggrandizing goals and desires—no matter how selfish and destructive these may be. If this be morality, who needs degeneracy?

Michael Parenti’s recent publications include: Contrary Notions: The Michael Parenti Reader (City Lights, 2007); Democracy for the Few, 8th ed. (Wadsworth, 2007); The Culture Struggle (Seven Stories, 2006). For further information, visit his website:


Like I said, I don’t agree with all of what was said here and I don’t agree with this Political Position totally. But, he does make some very valid points. Most of which, the Republicans cannot refute.

Obama Cleans up….

The Big News item today. Obama cleans up.

The inevitability factor is beginning to set in.

Hillary, I’m sure, will fight this all the way to the convention and her feminist friends will gripe a blue streak, when she looses the nomination. 

How would I feel about a Black President?

Honestly? I have very mixed feelings about it.

I believe it will knock down some very old and well built walls of stereotypes down. I believe it will go quite a long ways of healing this Nation of some very old scars from mistakes made by our Nation’s forefathers.

On the other hand. I’m not too keen on Obama’s supposed far left Political leanings. After all,  I am right of center, in case some of you forgot. Big GrinHappy

Socialized Medicine, Entitlements, which will eventually bankrupt our Nation or at worst, continue our dependence on foreign currency. Which one day, will cause us some serious grief. 

The thing I fear most, is that the Conservatives will be a retreat out of the House and Senate. Thus creating a total Liberal Congress. This combined with a Liberal White House, would be disastrous. I believe in checks and balances.

I believe that a Nation that leans in too much of a Political direction, without the balance of an opposing Political view. The idea here is, no one Political Ideology has all the answers. I am a big enough person to admit this.

What I do not quite understand is, why are some conservatives now taking the mentality of "We’re doomed, doomed!".  I think if the Conservatives would stop trying to compare the Presidential candidates to Ronald Reagan and look at them for their own qualities. They might be able to capture more of the mainstream.  

Just my opinion. Big Grin

Local Story: From the "Say Whaaaat?" File: Toledo Ohio Mayor to Marines: Get lost

This is just downright disgusting………….

FWIW, Toledo is about 25 miles to the South of me here.

The Story:

Mayor to Marines: Leave downtown (Via Toledo Blade)


A company of Marine Corps Reservists received a cold send-off from downtown Toledo yesterday by order of Mayor Carty Finkbeiner.

The 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, based in Grand Rapids, Mich., planned to spend their weekend engaged in urban patrol exercises on the streets of downtown as well as inside the mostly vacant Madison Building, 607 Madison Ave.

Toledo police knew days in advance about their plans for a three-day exercise. Yet somehow the memo never made it to Mayor Finkbeiner, who ordered the Marines out yesterday afternoon just minutes before their buses were to arrive.

"The mayor asked them to leave because they frighten people," said Brian Schwartz, the mayor’s spokesman.

"He did not want them practicing and drilling in a highly visible area."

In the interest of full and total disclosure, I fully supposed the mission in Iraq, until it was reported that there were, in fact, no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I am not a flag waving Republican, I am not a supporter of our current President, George W. Bush. The President’s idiot Foreign Policy has ruined America’s reputation in the World. The President’s "Run Away" spending is that of Biblical proportions, and will most likely bankrupt our Nation long after he is out of office.

However, I have nothing, but the uttermost respect and admiration for the United States Armed Forces. These people are the ones who put their lives on the line, all so you and I….and this feckless idiot, can be free.

I believe personally, that what this Mayor has done, is nothing short of an outright act of Treason, against our United States Government. He should, in fact resign his position as the Mayor of Toledo, Ohio. This is nothing more than a slap in the face and a spitting on the graves of our brave United States Soldiers.

The same horror and utter contempt and disgust that I felt, when the far left thug Organization took it upon themselves to smear our Military, I am now feeling again, as a far lefty loon Mayor has used his powers as a city’s Mayor, to tell the very one’s charged with keeping our Nation safe, to basically "get lost, we don’t want you here."

This my friends is nothing more than mentality and actions of a Marxist and a Communist. Any person who would impede and inhibit the training and conditioning of our United States Military, is no better or of a greater value, than a blood thirsty Al-Qeada Terrorist, and in my humble opinion, should be dealt with accordingly. However, because we are a Nation of morals and laws and of supreme justice, I cannot do, what I would like to see happen to this pitiful excuse for a man.

If you, like myself, find that the actions of this poor excuse of human being are inexcusable, I personally challenge you to contact the City of Toledo’s Mayor, you can do so, via the following:

City of Toledo’s Official Website

City Council of Toledo, Ohio (website)

Toledo, Ohio’s Mayor’s E-mail address

Mr. Mayor, Don’t screw with the Military.

God Bless America.

Update: Seems the Story is now catching on in the Main Stream Media. WNWO-TV Now has the Story.

Others on this: Wizbang,,, Riehl World View, Pajamas Media, The Jawa Report,, Atlas Shrugs, BLACKFIVE, BizzyBlog, The Strata-Sphere, Little Green Footballs, and Right Voices, Southern Sass and The Voice , HazZzMat, Wizbang, Bookworm Room, Greatscat!,

So Much for super Tuesday eh???

Well, that all was pretty much for nothing.

So, they say.

From what the TV is saying, Hillary is basically being called the forerunner. Obama is in second.

John McCain in the lead on the G.O.P side. Mitt Romney is taking inventory, and Huckabee is still in there.

It’s going to be an interesting year.

Others: Balloon Juice, The Daily Dish, politburo diktat 2.0, The People’s Republic …, Sister Toldjah, Spin Cycle, Political Machine, culturekitchen, The Strata-Sphere, A Blog For All, Redstate and Born at the Crest … and More via memeorandum

From the Inbox

This arrived in my Inbox tonight:
Richard A. Viguerie                                                       
9625 Surveyor Court, Suite 400                
Manassas, Virginia 20110
Contact: Bob Sturm (703) 396-6974                             
After 6 PM Eastern time, contact:                                                                      
Vi Shields (703) 906-6542 or
Bob Sturm (703) 307-8176
FOR RELEASE February 5, 2008
…offers ways McCain can reach out to conservatives
before it’s too late
(Manassas, Virginia) Republican presidential candidate John McCain has a short time to reach out to conservatives–to “stop the bleeding before it’s too late,” Richard A. Viguerie said.
“It’s not enough for him to make a speech at a conservative meeting, or declare himself a conservative, or get a member of the Washington establishment like Bob Dole to vouch for his credentials,” Viguerie said. “He must take immediate steps to show conservatives that they have a real stake in his election.
“The ball is in Senator McCain’s court. For years, he has made himself the adversary of conservatives. Now he must take the initiative in reaching out.
“Rush Limbaugh has declared that McCain’s nomination would destroy the Republican Party, and Dr. James Dobson says he will not, under any circumstances, vote for Senator McCain,” Viguerie noted. “But it’s not just famous conservatives who feel this way. It’s grassroots conservatives, who remember what the Senator did on taxes, immigration, freedom of speech, the ‘gay marriage’ amendment, ‘global warming,’ and a score of other issues.”
Viguerie noted that, “To get conservatives on board, Senator McCain doesn’t need to repudiate long-held positions, or appear to kowtow. He would diminish himself if he did that.
“What he can and must do is to reach out to conservatives with concrete proposals to bring real change to Washington – to go beyond even what Reagan was able to do. He must pledge not just to get rid of earmarks, but also to dismantle entire programs, agencies, and Cabinet positions.
“And he must answer this question: What kind of people would he surround himself with, if he became president? Would he recruit from Wall Street and K Street, or will he bring a new generation of conservative leaders to Washington? What kind of people would he pick as judges, as Cabinet members, and, most importantly, as vice president?
“He must show conservatives that his presidency would be an extension of what was started with Ronald Reagan.”
If McCain is the GOP nominee, many conservatives will hold their noses and vote for him, Viguerie said. “But that’s not enough. If he is to be elected in November, he must have the enthusiastic support of nearly all conservatives, not just the grudging support of a plurality. He must have conservatives excited about his campaign, going door to door, making telephone calls, and sending out postcards and e-mails – all the things that require them to sacrifice time they could spend with their families. They won’t do that if the only reason they’re supporting McCain is that the Democrat is even worse.”
If McCain reaches out to conservatives in the right way, Viguerie said, “conservatives will reach out to him. For John McCain, there is a pathway to citizenship in the conservative movement – if only he will take it.”
NOTE TO EDITORS: Richard A. Viguerie pioneered ideological and political direct mail and has been called “the funding father of the conservative movement” for his role in helping build dozens of conservative organizations. He is the author of Conservatives Betrayed—How George W. Bush and Other Big-Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause (Bonus Books, 2006).
He makes a good point.

My obligatory Super Tuesday Post

Here it is, my obligatory  Super Tuesday post.

You can get live results of the incoming states, at

You can follow the Blog discussion by going to Gabe’s service is invaluable to us Bloggers.

Others are saying that both Parties are going to brokered Conventions. I look for it on the Republican side. Democrats are going to have a very tight race.

I will be following it, until it’s over, it’s going to be easy for me, as I am a night person anyhow.

It’s going to be an interesting evening.

Bush seeks break the Nation and take services from the Elderly.

All to fund his misguided war….

Bush Seeks Budget of $3.1 Trillion (Via NYT)

President Bush submitted a federal budget of $3.1 trillion on Monday, declaring that the spending plan would keep the United States safe and prosperous and, despite its record size, would adhere to his principle of letting Americans keep as much of their own money as possible.

Of course……:

Mr. Bush said he would cut or terminate 151 programs, saving $18 billion in 2009. One agency, the Education Department, accounts for 47 of the terminated programs and three of the programs to be cut. But he would increase spending in areas that fall under the umbrella of “national security.”


Mr. Bush said his budget would slow “the unsustainable growth of entitlement spending” with proposed savings of $208 billion over five years. This includes savings of $178 billion in Medicare, $17 billion in Medicaid and $6 billion in student aid programs. The president proposes to raise $2 billion from new enrollment fees and higher pharmacy co-payments for certain veterans receiving health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Unless I totally misread what was wrote, Bush wants slash benefits to the elderly, (read, the POOR elderly!) those who need the most help. Problem with that is, Mr. President, not everyone has those investments, that you rich folk have available to them, and Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare is all they have.

But, from what I have read, Congress will never pass his version of the Budget. So, I doubt he’ll get his way, Thankfully.

This is what happens when you elect a rich C.E.O. for a President.

We need change. Badly.

Others: Think Progress,, Captain’s Quarters, The Politico, The Crypt’s Blogs, My Two Sense , The Aristocrats and more via Memeoarandum

Republicans eating their own


Dole scolds Limbaugh (

Bob Dole, the former Senate Republican leader, wrote an insistent letter to Rush Limbaugh on Monday and suggested that for the good of the party, the conservative talk-show host should stop his strafing of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

On Monday’s show, Limbaugh asserted that McCain has “lied about his reason for opposing the Bush tax cuts,” and added: “I think McCain has an animus toward the Republican Party. I think ever since South Carolina 2000 he’s had it in for the Republican Party, and one of his objectives is to destroy it and change it.”

From what I have seen around on Conservative Blogs, if McCain gets the nod from the G.O.P, many Conservatives will stay home. From what they say, there’s really no “real” Conservative running.

The problem is, Conservative’s keep holding the Candidates up to the Reagan Conservative bright light. Which is, in my opinion, quite stupid! Whatever happened to REAL conservatives like Barry Goldwater? Who told Jerry Falwell and his ilk to get bent and stay out of his way? who didn’t pander to the Church crowd and the many other Conservative special interest groups?

I just don’t get it. I dont know

Others: protein wisdom, Political Machine, Riehl World View and Boston Globe and more via Memeorandum

Gross Distortion of News

 Is this the Non-Story, story of the day?

The Swamp: Hillary Clinton cries in Connecticut

Sen. Hillary Clinton teared up this morning at an event at the Yale Child Study Center, where she worked while in law school in the early 1970s.

Penn Rhodeen, who was introducing Clinton, began to choke up, leading Clinton’s eyes to fill with tears, which she wiped out of her left eye. At the time, Rhodeen was saying how proud he was that the sheepskin-coat, bell-bottom-wearing young woman he met in 1972 was now running for president.

"Well, I said I would not tear up; already we’re not exactly on the path," Clinton said with emotion after the introduction.

Well, Really, Hillary didn’t cry. The person that introduced her was nearly in tears. But Hillary held her self together just fine. It’s quite obvious that Jason George is biased against Hillary Clinton. I didn’t hear her voice break, at all. The person who introduced her, Penn Rhodeen, was the one who got all broken up, Not Hillary.

I just love it when those who are loyal to party ideologies use the main stream media to smear Presidential Candidates. 

Others on this: Political Radar, Telegraph, TIME, The Caucus, CNN, TownHall Blog, Captain’s Quarters, Political Machine, AMERICAblog, The Democratic Daily, Hot Air, The Moderate Voice, The Carpetbagger Report, Chicago Tribune, Liberal Values, Blue Crab Boulevard, Wizbang, PERRspectives Blog, TIME: Swampland, The American Mind, Los Angeles Times, Commentary, Wonkette, Patterico’s Pontifications, The New Republic, Sister Toldjah, Salon and PunditGuy and more via Memeorandum

Townhall sends ME an issue of their Magazine?!?!?

I feel an uneasy strangeness writing this article. I can almost hear the shovels of pigeonholes, burying me in the sands of typecasting and prejudgment.  It is not a very unfamiliar feeling. I have been prejudged and pigeonholed before, once I was labeled a crypto Nazi for making an offhand comment about a well-known Liberal Senator, who is running for President. Can I help it if that person is of the Negro race?

Another time, I was labeled a bunch of things, that I cannot repeat here, after I made an “over the top” comment about a dead man’s wife. First of all, I didn’t know who she was, second of all, I made this comment after some idiot co-blogger at said place, took a swipe at me. Way I see it; if you cannot take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. If you do not want your dead wife’s name being dragged into a flame war, do not have her name on your Blog and take some responsibility for your Blog’s content.

Needless to say, that scrap did not end well, these same morons hacked my Blog, so much for conservatism eh? This is to say nothing of Conservatives feelings about free speech. However, to be clear, I did apologize to the person repeatedly, I guess it was not good enough for the bloodthirsty phantoms, who wrote me anonymous e-mails threatening to kill my family and me. Yes, I have those saved as well.

I would reprint some of the comments that were left about me on the Blogs, But I would not want to subject the readers of this Blog to the filth and tripe that was written on the Blogs that covered that little uproar in the Blogging community.

Now about this Townhall magazine, I was shocked and slightly amused when I discovered that I had gotten a Townhall magazine, I mean, me of all people! I have written, repeatedly, that I am a “sensible right of center” type of a person. I am a person that feels that neither of these political parties have all the answers. Not to mention the “official” “talking heads” of the party; Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Malkin, Coulter and so on, Their contribution has the tastiness of taking a big drink of spoiled milk from a carton.

Now unlike Joseph Farah, who believes that Conservatism has jumped the shark and should be given a proper burial, I believe there is still hope for the Republican Party. What happened to the Republican Party, in my humble opinion, is that the Neo-Conservative mindset hijacked the party. Conservatives desperate for a Reagan type of a leader, pushed the village idiot into the forefront, and ran him on a platform of putting integrity back in the White House. I do not believe that I would be embellishing the truth one bit, if I said that the Conservatives were sold a bag of goods on that little promise. Not to mention our Presidents wild spending on a war that was based upon faulty intelligence. To make up for it, he wants to rob those, of the healthcare that they need, and that is our Nations Elderly. Well, So much for common sense and compassionate conservatism, Mr. President.

Overall the magazine is very well done, glossy photos, nice paper, and good content. Some of the content, I do not agree with. One cannot accuse me of being dishonest. One of the notable things, that I do not like about the magazine, is that the fact that they waste space, by taking potshots at liberals. I mean, just what exactly is the purpose of wasting an entire page, by printing Al Gore’s picture and putting a blatantly insulting byline of “The Wizard of Oslo”? I can understand wanting to refute his doctrine of Global Warming, But why waste a perfectly good page with an picture and an insulting headline, why not just go for an refutation of substance?

I think if the Conservative publications and websites would go more for substance, instead of taking the low road of low brow insults, the rest of main stream America would be inclined to read more. Of course, the Liberal community believes that the Conservative community has no arguments of substance and as a result, is forced to stoop to low brow insults. Personally, I do not agree with this accusation at all. I believe that both sides of the Political aisle have substantive arguments, the problem is, from what I have observed online and in print, the Conservative community seems to not be able to effectively communicate their arguments.  Now before anyone accuses me of being biased, I realize that Liberals do the very same thing, and yes, I think that it is overly stupid as well. Further, I just do not quite understand why Conservatives want to mimic what the Liberals do. Why not be different and take the higher plane?

In conclusion, I think if Townhall Magazine took a step away from the “slash and burn” style of writing, of say, Michelle Malkin and and took more of a professional style of like “The Hill” and possibly They would have a higher mainstream audience.

That, my friends, is how I see it.


On The Democrats Debate Last Night

Yes, I did watch the debates last night. It did seem like they were less interesting in hurling digs at one another, and more interested in pointing out differences between one another.

They were also interested in pointing out differences between the Democrats and the Republicans, especially on matters of foreign policy. While I think that McCain would be a great President on matters of Morals, and Right to Life and the like, McCain’s Foreign Policy would be a disaster. 100 years in Iraq. You must be kidding.

McCain says he would reign on spending, Funny, didn’t another Republican President Candidate say that back in 2000?!?! Thinking Look what that got us! Doh

Hopefully super Tuesday will select us a nominee and we can get the business of getting a candidate for the White House.

Keith Olbermann Special Comment on FYCA and the telecoms

Original Location

For the most part, I agree. If the Bush Administration has done nothing wrong, then why threaten to veto? Confused

Sorry, I don’t buy the frivolous lawsuit B.S. Line. 

My take on the State of the Union Address

I wasn’t overly impressed. Neither was many other people, left or right.

Watch it for yourself:

and The Democrats Response:

To me, it was just more of the same from Bush. Nothing remarkable. According to Bob Cesca over at HuffPo:

Just flipped over to FOX News. Fred Barnes: This speech "will be forgotten pretty much. Haha!"

Damn. When Fox News Channel, the cheerleaders for the Neo-Conservative branch of the G.O.P. pans a speech made by their damn hero, that’s pretty bad! SurpriseLaughingRolling on the floor

Other than that, it’s just more of the same. Not really blog worthy in my book.