Hillary’s Chickens…

Bawk Bawk Bawk!  

The Story: Politics | ON DEADLINE: Chickens Come Home to Roost | Seattle Times Newspaper

"If (Barack) Obama continues to win …. the whole raison d’etre for her campaign falls apart and we’ll see people running from her campaign like rats on a ship," said Democratic strategist Jim Duffy, who is not aligned with either campaign.

This only be a good thing. She is not right for this damn country, that’s for sure. Obama ain’t much better, But he’s better than 100 years of war, fake Conservative, John McCain.

Others: The Huffington Post, Talking Points Memo, The New Republic, Blue Crab Boulevard, MSNBC, Balloon Juice, The Field, Hot Air and Betsy’s Page and Much more @ Memeorandum