Video: Jon Stewart on Rick Sanchez’s firing

I have to hand it to Stewart; he handled this very well and he said basically the same thing that I did. Which was, for those who are too damned lazy to click a link —- that Rick Sanchez was on the way out anyway, and knew it and thought he would take a nice shot at Stewart to ensure his departure. Here is the really funny part, the right’s useful idiot Atheist; no, not AllahPundit — wants Sanchez brought back and in the process of the article takes a rather gratuitous swipe at Israel. Good Job Hitchens, nothing like pissing off your readers before assuming room temperature. 🙄

Anyhow, here’s the video; if anything, it’s worth a decent laugh or two at the expense of a rather moronic unemployed person.

Hey….wait a minute! 😯

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Hurty Sanchez
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