My friends, I hate like hell to have to do this; but my personal living situation has deteriorated in the last hour and I mean badly. 🙁
Folks, I am just going to have to tell this bluntly; I need a place to live — as in right now. The pleasant living situation that I have enjoyed for the last 39 years ended tonight in a fit of rage.
To be blunt, I am to the point where I just cannot handle living with my parents anymore. 🙁 I love them, but, I cannot handle living here anymore.
To be quite honest; I don’t even know if I will be living here tomorrow or not.
If anyone wants to call me and offer support, I can explain it. But, for some very good reasons. I won’t explain it here. Let’s just say, that this has been brewing for a LOOOONG time and it came to head tonight.
I am 39 years old and I am living like a 16 year old in my parents basement. Part of that, is my fault. Part of it, is just my personal situation, the economy and just plain ol’ bad luck.
My Job prospects are grim at the moment; I quite honestly do not know what I am going to do. But I have to do something. Even if it is taking a minimum wage job push carts at store somewhere. I have to get a job and get an apartment somewhere.
I would like to live in this area, somewhere near my parents. I love them dearly, but I just cannot handling living with them anymore; and after what happened tonight, I do not know if I will be living here much longer anymore.
Things I need right now:
- First Months Rent and security Deposit for a One Bedroom Apartment
- Some form of reliable transportation
- Money for a bed, chairs, table, cable, water bill and all the stuff that goes with living on your own!
Let me make this very clear:
I will be pricing apartments and will let you all know on prices. But, I must, must, must get the heck out of here and I mean quickly. Believe me, this is not because of a Law Enforcement issue, it is because my relationship with my folks is not good and me being here is going to make it worse.
If you want to help, Please:
Drop a donation, The more the better in the PayPal Button at the top and left!
I swear, I wish this was some sort of a joke; it is not and I need your help now, more than ever.
I will be job hunting for something, anything…. But in the meantime. I got to get the heck out of here and now!
Update: I will keep everyone updated. But I will be getting out of here; somehow, someway. I have to, for my mom’s and my well being.
Update #2: I have posted an major update to this Story, please click here to read it. Thanks.
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