The Photo says it all: (Via The White House)
The striking photo says it all — When this President was elected to office, he did inherit two wars. President Barack Obama could have very well, the minute he stepped into office, ended both of these wars, and ordered all troops home. Instead, he did the wise thing and continued what Bush had started, he knew the political and military risks involved; but he proceeded to continue anyhow.
This blog has been and will continue to be, a well feed river of criticism of this President, his Party and politics; however, when it comes to our Military and the Presidents handling of it — You will never a damned peep out of me over his handling of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Libya was another story; however, the President did handle that very well. Once he saw what was what was really going on, he turned it over to our NATO allies and let them handle it — which is what he should have done, considering the circumstances.
In closing; while I might disagree with this President on some matters, this is not one of them.
Again, Mr. President — Well-done sir.