I get mail!

Reader “NullVoid” writes:

Dear Paleo Pat,

I’m a libertarian; meaning, beyond foreign policy, there’s not much a paleoconservative like you would like about me. I’m for gay rights; free trade (NAFTA or no); open borders; etc. However, I cannot help but feel some pity for how old fashioned conservatives are treated. For one, it confuses the political spectrum to have them excluded.

Here’s hoping that, post-War On Terror, people like you will define the American Right.


Here’s something for your fellow paleos to be encouraged by; neocons are losing their grip on intellectual discourse. Oh, they still have the op-eds; but, their ideas are ridiculed in the university by reputable people. Seize the initiative, and use this opportunity to critique the neoconservatives and define what conservatism, properly conceived, consists in. Don’t compromise with the neocons, libertarians, liberals, progressives, or anyone else.

Those little e-mails make it worth every nasty e-mail, troll comment or technical glitch! 😀

I’m glad to see that someone is actually reading here. Oh noes! Does this mean I have to act like a respectable writer now? Horrors! 😮 😉 😛