Um, this is not cool people

Just stepping back in here to make a comment about something that I noticed in my stats:

Now I do not know who is looking for what; it is obviously not the Government looking for anything. But I hope like hell that some whack job is not looking for inspiration or anything from my site. Because I do not promote that sort of crap at all. I have, for the record, seen this look up before on here and at the time, I thought nothing of it. However, it is starting to became a regular thing and it is starting to seriously piss me off.

I am not sure, who the sick fuck is, that is getting his murder fantasy on here, by reading my blog. But I really wish he or she would take that bullshit somewhere else! Because I really do not share in that sort of morbid shit!

Anyhow,  That is all. I just wanted to bring attention to this shit and let people know, that I am reading my logs still.

Now, I am going back to my Hiatus. You freaks can have this bullshit. I’m just tired of it all.