UPDATED: I know Michael Moore is an idiot, but this is Awesome

I have to respect the man for going after the Obama Administration like this here:


Further more, if you happen to be one of those type of people that believe that Unions are inherently evil, you might want to stop here. Least your head explode…

Okay, now that we’ve weeded out the hardcore right and the overly religious whack-jobs. Those of you who are still here; Let me explain myself. As I have written on here many times, my parents are both Democratic Party Voters. I don’t say Democrats, in the sense of belonging to the party, because I consider people to be “Democrats”; who send the party money. Anyhow, My dad retired from General Motors with 31 years. (To be fair, I have criticized General Motors, when I thought they needed it.) Yes, he is a member of the U.A.W. and yes, union is in my blood. I have never been a member of the U.A.W. ever. Well, I did have a job, which lasted 89 days. The union representing me, supposedly, took my fee that let me into the union. When I got canned, for some very stupid reasons. They kept my money. So, you see why I am not too fond of them in one sense; but when it comes to Dad I feel another way? Some seriously mixed feelings there.

Anyhow, I saw this article….. and I just had to smile. Michael Moore, as big of an idiot communist, liberal, progressive, whatever you want to call him —- takes the Obama Administration to task on his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel’s use of the term “Fuck the UAW”:

Dear Rahm Emanuel:

Happy Fuckin’ Labor Day! I read this week that — according to a new book by Steven Rattner, your administration’s former “Car Czar” — during White House meetings about how to save the tens of thousands of jobs that would be lost if GM and Chrysler collapsed, your response was, “Fuck the UAW!

Now, I can’t believe you actually said that. Maybe Rattner got confused because you drop a lot of F-bombs, or maybe your assistant was trying to order lunch and you said (to Rattner) “Fuck you” and then to your assistant “A&W, no fries.”

Or maybe you did mean Fuck the UAW. If so, let me give you a little fucking lesson (a lesson I happen to know because my fucking uncle was in the sit-down strike that founded the fucking UAW).

Before there were unions, there was no middle class. Working people didn’t get to send their kids to college, few were able to own their own fucking home, nobody could take a fucking day off for a funeral or a sick day or they might lose their fucking job.

Then working people organized themselves into unions. The bosses and the companies fucking hated that. In fact, they were often overheard to say, “Fuck the UAW!!!” That’s because the UAW had beaten one of the world’s biggest industrial corporations when they won their battle on February 11, 1937, 44 days after they’d taken over the GM factories in Flint. Inspired by their victory, workers struck almost every other fucking industry, and union after union was born. Had World War II not begun and had FDR not died, there would have been an economic revolution that would have given everyone — everyone — a fucking decent life.

Nonetheless labor unions did create a middle class for the majority (even companies that didn’t have unions were forced to pay at or near union wages in order to attract a workforce) and that middle class built a great country and a good life.  You see, Rahm, when people earn a fucking good wage, they spend it on stuff, which then creates more good paying jobs, and then the middle class grows fucking big. Did you know that back when I was a kid if you had a parent making a union wage, only one parent had to work?! And they were home by 3 or 4pm, 5:30 at the latest! We had dinner together! Dad had four weeks paid vacation. We all had free health and dental care. And anyone with decent grades went to college and it didn’t fucking bankrupt them. (And if you ever used the F-word, the nuns would straighten you out in ways that even you couldn’t bear to hear about).

Then a Republican fired all the air traffic controllers, a Democrat gave us NAFTA and millions of jobs were moved overseas (hey, didn’t you work in that White House, too? “Fuck the UAW, baby!”). Unions got scared and beaten down, a frat boy became president and, like a drunk out of control, spent all our fucking money and our children’s money, too. Fuck.

And now your assistant’s grandma has to work at fucking McDonald’s. Ask her for pictures of what the middle class life used to look like. It was effing cool! I’ll bet grandma doesn’t say “Fuck the UAW!”

Hey, don’t get me wrong, Rahm. I fucking like you. You single-handedly got the House returned to the Dems in 2006. But you and your boss better do something fucking quick to put people back to work. How ’bout making it a crime to take an American job and move it out of the country? In other words, treat it as if It were a fucking national treasure like you would if someone stole the Declaration of Independence out of the National Archives or some poacher stole eggs out of the nest of an America bald eagle.

Or how ’bout arresting some of those Wall Street guys who fucking stole our money, the money that ran the American economy. Now that would take some fucking guts.

And maybe, just maybe, that one act of real guts might save your ass come November 2nd.

Oh, I can just hear you now: “Fuck Michael Moore!” No problem. But Fuck the UAW? How ’bout if I just leave off the ‘A’ and the ‘W’?

Michael Moore

Michael, on the behalf on my Mother and Father. Thank You. Yeah, you can toss me in there too. I don’t agree with it entirely. But my parents would love that. So, Here’s my thanks for standing up for them; and by proxy, me too. Because I live here.

So, now, I’ll putting my fire suit on and putting my shield on and counting down till some Conservative calls me a fake. In 5….4…..3…2…

Update: Further proof that you cannot please everyone. Look what they’re writing about me at Reddit. Ah Well, I tried. I was sincere about it.I guess sincerity is not a good trait anymore. 🙄 If it makes the jokers over at Reddit happy. I am not a “Republican” never have been. Just an independent, who wonders why the hell happened to the Democratic Party. Anyhow, I was telling the truth. Sorry, if that is not good enough.