A little housekeeping note

You might have noticed some changes around the place.

I’ve removed that Ad in the left sidebar. Because, at times, it was displaying the same ad as the one at the very top of the blog. Also, I moved the ad that was at the very top, above ever thing down above the ad for the Amazon bookstore. This is because that ad way up there, to me, was a distraction from the site. I did not like it there; but it did seem to bring some clicks.

The idea folks is this; I know there are people that come here, who hate the ads; I get that okay? I do want to make a little money on this blog. However, I do know how it feels to go to a blog or website and it be filled to the brim with ads — so much that it makes one want to close the browser in disgust. I am also going to give some of them ads in the left column some time and if they do not start making a profit; I will be canning those too. I believe in free market principles; and if an ad is not bringing any sort of a profit, I just will not sit and force my viewers to look at something that is not bringing a profit.

Anyhow, hope you like the changes.

Your Host,
