New Advertisement Opportunities

I have an announcement for my readers here and for those who follow me on twitter!

But first, some music for the announcement, my post will continue under the video, so please scroll down after you start the video…thanks! :

There are some new, as well as some older avenues of Advertising here on this Blog.

I will say this, my rates are the cheapest in the business. I averaged 19,000 last month here alone and it will get bigger as the midterms come upon us. Just last week I had 4246 new people come to this blog to read my articles. Indeed this is a Blog that is growing daily by leaps and bounds.

I also have, old faithful, Advertising via BlogAds Adstrips, Open slots are available. BlogAds is a service where, you place an ad for a price and it will run for the length of time that you wish it to run. Very convenient and you spend as much as you like. You even can pay via PayPal, which is of course, the fastest way out there to pay for anything!

I also have a few new spots for Advertising as well. Finally, BlogAds has come up with Banner Ads. I have two; one in a majorly Primal Ad spot on my Blog, at the topClick here to reserve your Ad today. I also have one — right above the content, in the center, nice eye-level spot.. That’s a bargain for what Ad space is going for these days.  PayPal on all BlogAds advertisements.

The next is a very new and exciting ad spot. Some people believe that if you have ads under the content, it will not get seen, that’s nonsense. I have a nice 400 x 400 Ad spot available. It will at the bottom of this blog and after every posting on each posting page. It is at the bottom after the comments section. Most people do look down there and will click if the advertisement is appealing.

I know, I know, you ask, “Why are you doing this? Why all the ads?” To that, I respond, “Because I can, I like Money!” and “What do you have against Capitalism, and the American Dream of owning one’s own business?”or “What are you, one of those idiotic Communist or liberal types that believes that capitalism is somehow or another Satanic or of the devil?”

Now to be clear, this isn’t buying my opinion or endorsements. I will still bring to you my own style of political commentary with my own brand of sarcasm, wit and humor. I will also continue to blog about stupidity on the Left and also the idiotic nonsense that seems to be on the right as well. The awesome thing about me is, I will tell you what I think, not what some PAC is paying me to write. That is the beauty of this blog. I am not a corporate blogger. I am voice of the silent majority in America, who is tired of the stupidity in Washington DC.

So, help me out here, buy some ads, or hit the Tip Jar, there’s a button for that after every post or in the left column, there’s a picture of a tip jar click it, and give, if you can.



Head Fatso in Charge

P.S. I am going to make this posting sticky for the rest of the week.