Yeah Right: Pelosi is open to Bush Administration prosecutions

I got just one thing to say about all this here…..

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is receptive to the idea of prosecuting some Bush administration officials, while letting others who are accused of misdeeds leave office without prosecution, she told Chris Wallace in an interview on “FOX News Sunday.”

“I think you look at each item and see what is a violation of the law and do we even have a right to ignore it,” the California Democrat said. “And other things that are maybe time that is spent better looking to the future rather than to the past.”

Rep. John Conyers, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced Friday he wants to set up a commission to look into whether the Bush administration broke the law by taking the nation to war against Iraq and instituting aggressive anti-terror initiatives. The Michigan Democrat called for an “independent criminal probe into whether any laws were broken in connection with these activities.” — via Pelosi Open to Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials | Political News –

I will believe it, when it see it. I think, if anything, Nancy Pelosi is trying possibly trying to garner support from the far left, so that the Congress rates will go up.  There are good number of reasons why this will not happen:

  1. The Political backlash towards Congress would be horrible. The Conservatives, especially the Podhoretz and Kristol funded Neo-Cons;  would line up in royal opposition to any sort of a trial. They would bring out every piece of dirt on Obama; Rev. Wright, His Birth Certificate, his ties to Ayers, for the world to see….again.
  2. President-Elect Obama’s ratings would plummet, many independents voted for Obama because they saw him as a break from the polices of George W. Bush. They did not vote him in to see a political partisan witch hunt trial. Which is what this would be perceived to be, by the American people.
  3. Obama has clearly stated that he wants to take Nation forward, and not backward. In short, Obama wants to move on. He just does not need the drama in his first term.

So, my fellow Conservatives, while this might sound bad. I would simply dismiss it as baseless talk to get support.

(Why do I feel like I am doing a episode of talking points memo?)

Others: Michelle Malkin, VodkapunditPat Dollard, ,and Riehl World View

(H/T Memeornadum)

2 Replies to “Yeah Right: Pelosi is open to Bush Administration prosecutions”

  1. The question is not IF there will be an interdiction of Obama’s Presidency by the Supreme Court, the questions are WHEN and HOW that interdiction will transpire — that is, if the USA is to continue as the Constitutional Republic that now exists.

  2. I do believe that Obama should bring forth his Birth Certificate, just to shut the people up, that keep bringing this up.

    But, I believe the FBI knows he’s legit, otherwise, he would not be getting sworn in.

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