Disgraced Pastor Ted Haggard does documentary and comes off sounding like a whiny queer

Yeah, I know, it’s a rough headline. But wait till I get to the money quote here.

But first the video, which comes via Breit Bart:

The full story is here, via AP.

Now here’s the money quote that I was referring to, which comes via Colorado Springs Gazette:

Haggard, a 52-year-old father of five, careens from self-pity to self-loathing to self-aggrandizement in the documentary. Anger about his dismissal from the church he founded bubbles just below the surface.

“The reason I kept my personal struggle a secret is because I feared that my friends would reject me, abandon me and kick me out, and the church would exile and excommunicate me. And that happened and more,” he says.

He also criticizes New Life’s handling of his firing. “The church has said go to hell,” Haggard says in the documentary. “The church chose not to forgive me.”

Oh, Boo freakin’ Hoo! What a jack assed tool! I mean, this son-of-a-bitch was the President and Overseer of the biggest accountability organizations in the Evangelical world, and a Pastor of one of the biggest evangleical Churches and he’s going to bitch about the way he was treated?  He is quite lucky he did not end up Prison.

Ya’ll see why I left them Evangelical Circles for good? 🙄

Loser he is, indeed. He needs to just disappear. On top of this, he gets interviewed and filmed by an idiot liberal! All so the Liberal left can mock him. How nice. 🙄

He should go find work with Jimi Bakker, God knows those two would go together swimmingly.