Stop the Presses!

I’m actually agreeing with a Liberal! 😮

Booman at the Booman Tribune says:

I want to be clear that I do not expect, or even want, Barack Obama to govern as I would govern. However, if I were president-elect, I would be planning quite an operation on inauguration day. As soon as I was sworn in, I would demand that Robert Mueller submit his resignation. Then I would instruct the FBI to lock down FBI Headquarters, the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency offices, the executive suites at the CIA, the National Security Agency’s offices, the National Intelligence Agency’s offices, and management’s offices at the Department of Justice. I would tell them to put yellow police tape around all of these buildings and offices, and I would treat each as a crime scene. I’d have them preserve evidence from every safe, every email cache, every hard-drive. And then I would prosecute every violation to the fullest extent of the law.

Amen to that. I would do the same. Although, I tend to believe much of what happened, was not “ordered” by Bush Per Se, but by his Administration. However, I agree with the statement. There is no mistake, there was corruption and it should be investigated.