Snort Worthy Quote

From Jonah Goldberg at the NRO’s “The Corner”:

From promiscuous blogger Steve Hayward at NLT:

“Apparently something called the National Inhalant Prevention Council (NIPC) has protested a Wendy’s hamburger TV ad that features people breathing helium and floating around the room, with the tag-line, "Don’t fill up on just anything." The NIPC thinks this promotes unsafe behavior, because, yeah—people will go out and start breathing helium and stuff. (Helium is actually harmless to breathe; it’s a substitute for the 80% nitrogen in normal air for deep sea divers, duh.) I know I’m going to stay awake nights worried about this.
Who knew there was a National Inhalant Prevention Council. Maybe it was formed just last week. It seems to me that although it is not quite a perfect fit, NIPC’s acronym should be pronounced "nit-pick."”

What I want to know: Where is the National Safe Catapult Society to condemn the flagrantly unsafe misuse of catapults in Road Runner cartoons? Not to mention the Committee for Taking Gravity Seriously and the Commission for Responsible Anvil Usage, which have been awol on Road Runner for years?

*snort* Hee hee

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