Mini Editorial: Charles Johnson does not speak for me.

There times like these, that I look at my fellow Conservatives and I have to wonder to myself, “Honestly, Are these people on a different planet than me or what?”

I was over reading the incoming links in my RSS reader and I saw a posting on Little Green Footballs.  It had to do with Barack Obama and his views of socialism.  I disagree with his views, let me say that from the preface; but the quote at Little Green Footballs slightly troubles me.

Here is the stuff in full:

The audio recording of Barack Obama espousing his socialist philosophy of “redistribution of wealth” is all over the Internet and Fox News today (although most other media outlets are ignoring it), but there’s another disturbing section on that tape that has so far escaped notice.

The link to the audio is here: Chicago Public Radio – Audio Library: Odyssey.

At about 15:30, Obama compares what was going on in the United States during the time of Brown vs. the Board of Education to … Nazi Germany. Yes, really. Here’s the quote:

“…just to take a, sort of a realist perspective…there’s a lot of change going on outside of the Court, um, that, that judges essentially have to take judicial notice of.  I mean you’ve got World War II, you’ve got uh, uh, uh, the doctrines of Nazism, that, that we are fighting against, that start looking uncomfortably similar to what we have going on, back here at home.”

There you have it.  America is close to electing a President who compares his own country to Nazi Germany.

The truth is Obama was saying much more than that.  In Fact, Charles Johnson was parsing a quote to make a false accusation.

Oliver Willis, of whom I do not agree with much, makes a valid point:

I really wish this were some sort of brilliant parody, but these morons believe what they write.

I love this country second to none, but we do a disservice to ourselves if we truly try to pretend as if for hundreds of years America wasn’t a willing participant in the enslavement and subjugation of people. Particularly in the era Sen. Obama was discussing, America was part of the greatest liberation of all time, but we did so with a military segregated by race.  We simply were not practicing what we preached.

The mental midgets of Little Green Footballs have gone so far in their defense of the indefensible that they would rather defend the concept of segregation – and maybe slavery too – in order for them to attack Sen. Obama.

Well, I somewhat agree with Oliver wrote.  I highly doubt that Johnson was trying to defend segregation or slavery.  He was however parsing a quote to attempt to frame Obama in a light that really is not fair.

However, there was something that Oliver did say that I highly agree with, and that is this:

I love this country second to none, but we do a disservice to ourselves if we truly try to pretend as if for hundreds of years America wasn’t a willing participant in the enslavement and subjugation of people. Particularly in the era Sen. Obama was discussing, America was part of the greatest liberation of all time, but we did so with a military segregated by race.  We simply were not practicing what we preached.

I can honestly say that I do agree with this 100%.  It does trouble me, that there are members of the Conservative movement that justify, if not condone the mentality that Blacks are sub-par with the rest of America.  This is a sick and sad mentality to possess.  In fact, I have previously blogged about my feelings toward the subject of racism in this Presidential race.

I might not agree with Oliver Willis on some issues, but this one, I am with him 100%.  I just wish there were other Conservatives that would get their collective heads out of their asses long enough to see that Oliver and I are the ones who are correct and not the racists.  One can hope for that day, I suppose.