Oy… Female Soldiers want to serve in the Military, and then whine when they get raped…

This is where my old school, Paleo-Conservative, Fundamental Baptist Self comes out…

Via The Corner on National Review Online

15 percent of recently returned female soldiers report a sexual trauma during service, compared to 0.7 percent of male soldiers, according to preliminary research results from a Department of Veteran Affairs study released at the American Public Health Association meeting in San Diego. I’m sure we’ll be hearing more about this.

There’s a simple solution to this, and I just know someone is going to see this and is going to pop a vein when I say it. But, if these women would have stayed home and been wives to their husbands and Mothers to their Children, then they would not have never gotten raped in the first place. By no means do I justify the rapes, not at all. But the simple fact is that Women have fought for equal rights with men, led by that feminist Nazi Gloria Steinem. Now that they have these rights and one of them gets raped by a man who looses control, they want to be treated special, coddled and treated differently.

To HELL with that I say, if you cannot take the heat, stay the hell out of the Kitchen. The Military was originally designed for men, fighting men, to defend this country against our enemies. Women were not a part of the equation. That is because Women knew their place and it was not on the battlefield. But thanks to your stupid liberals, women are now a part of the Armed Forces and they’re getting raped.

….and they wonder why we had such a time winning in Iraq.