If you came looking for the “Enough!” posting

Well, it is gone. I’ll tell you why. The point of the posting was being lost and the post itself and graphic was becoming the story. Which I never wanted to happen.

The point is, I made the far left have a knee jerk reaction. I also gave them something to talk about.

Again, as I stated in the actual posting itself, I never, ever wished any harm come to Obama, at all. I was simply making a point and doing exactly what the left is doing to Sarah Palin.

That is all, nothing more to see, move along…

Update: Well….Well…Well…. Look what we have here… This comes via WJNO’s News Junkie Blog:


Now are all you angry Liberals going to send death threats to this person too? (The person that posted it on Reddit, not the Radio Station.)

Hypocrisy, thy name is Liberalism.

Update 2: Seeing there are some of you Liberals, who still don’t seem to get it. Here is another example, that proves the point I was trying to make. Please, CLICK HERE and take a look. Again, you look at that and you tell me which is worse and who is stoking the race hatred in this race. Are you going to send this man death threats too? I doubt it.

Update 3: …and for what it’s worth at this point, not one person from the secret service, government, or anyone has showed up here at all. I did pull it, after all. But the main reason is, because if they arrest me, they’re going to have to arrest all the people that do stuff like this here. So, please stop with the hateful comments, I delete them all anyhow. The fact is, that the left is just as guilty of same thing that I attempted to do, albeit in a untasteful manner. So, please, spare me with your lectures, I know, I should not have went where I did. But you liberals have done the same stuff.

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43 Replies to “If you came looking for the “Enough!” posting”

  1. Yeah I bet nobody ever threatened the guy who put up the haloween thing. You should post some of the email threats you got with the IP addresses I can track them.

  2. I am soooooo sick of hearing how people plan on voting for Obama. The same people who know NOTHING of his politics and views. Most don’t even know who his running mate is, and if they know his name they can’t tell you anything about him. All I hear from them is “Obama stands for change and it is time for a black president”

    Wake up America and take a close look at him. 99.99% of politicians side with some special interest or are not truthful. Only Obama is king of the hill and has not been in DC very long.
    Just start by looking at his current staff and advisors. That list reads like the who’s who of the financial melt down.

    Should Obama win I predict a Liberal Love Fest until he gets into office then “Meltdown USA”

    “Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity”

  3. The truth is Obama doesn’t pledge allegiance to America because he’s an illegal alien anti white anti American who will end up in a Federal penitentiary for his fraud against America. Deportation to Indonesia is his best shot to avoid being hung for treason. Yes!

  4. Jeanne: “The truth is Obama doesn’t pledge allegiance to America because he’s an illegal alien anti white anti American who will end up in a Federal penitentiary for his fraud against America. Deportation to Indonesia is his best shot to avoid being hung for treason. Yes!”

    That’s an ‘opinion’??
    How do people so idiotic manage to use computers?

    (The same way that idiotic liberals like YOU do, I would guess! D’oh! -Pat)

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