Conservative Blogger Michelle Malkin Harassed by 9/11 Truther Alex Jones – Update: To be clear, Alex Jones DID NOT threaten Malkin….

Here’s the Video, Via The People’s Press Collective:

The protesters were hollering “Kill Michelle Malkin“. The Denver Police did nothing.

This is absolutely inexcusable. I always knew Alex Jones was a nutcase, now I know this to be the case. Alex Jones you are disgrace to America, you ignorant asshole, son-of-a-bitch.

My question is, why was not Michelle’s entourage armed and ready for something like this? I would have stuck a gun in Jones’s face and told him to hit the road. I most likely would have went to jail for murder too. 😡

Mr. Jones, you are history in my book. I’ll never go back to that nut-job’s site. Hell, I’m a Paleo-Conservative, but that man goes beyond that, he’s a freakin’ nut case.

I am all for the Freedom of Speech, but this idiot crossed the line and the feckless idiot police in Denver did nothing at all. Alex Jones belongs in jail, period.

Update: Some readers here have pointed out, and some elsewhere have pointed out that the persons saying “Kill Michelle Malkin” were not with Alex Jones. This may be the case. But still, Alex Jones has NO RIGHT to stalk and scream at people like that. If were there, I have maced the guy in the face, or worse, if need be. My point is, the dude is still an Nut Job and should be in jail, period.

Others: Gateway Pundit

Update: Welcome readers! If you’re looking for a nice Paleo-Conservative Blog, written by someone, who doesn’t run around with a megaphone and his head up his ass. This is the place to be. Also, there’s a Donation button. Please hit the tip jar. I do this full time. Thanks! 😀

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14 Replies to “Conservative Blogger Michelle Malkin Harassed by 9/11 Truther Alex Jones – Update: To be clear, Alex Jones DID NOT threaten Malkin….”

  1. Pat, we know how you feel about Alex Jones. It was obvious from your unverifiable, unretracted caption, “The protesters were hollering `Kill Michelle Malkin’. The Denver Police did nothing,” that you are biased. You claim you operate this website full time. I don’t know what your idea of “full time” is as you neglected to devote the time to check the video clip before telling us what it says. You write, “some…have pointed out that the persons saying `Kill Michelle Malkin’ were not with Alex Jones. This may be the case.” It wouldn’t kill you to just tell us
    what you see and hear so that we can see if you are prone to hallucinations which is not necessarily an indicator of insanity. Rather, you tried to hitch your dwindling credibility to, a site where there’s a picture of those wearing t-shirts at the DNC reading, “911 was an inside job.” with the caption, “Assuming you gentlemen are al Qaeda members, then your t-shirts would be correct.” Is this also your ignorant assessment of 911 truthers? The site also says of Alex, “He was right in Malkin’s face, shaking his fist.” This is another lie. Alex never invaded Michelle’s space or shook his fist. If he would have done that, it would be among the still shots taken from the video. Michelle calmly pointed her camera at Alex, probably getting unglamourous shots of him rather than responding to any of his true accusations. Michelle is a big girl and can take a berating. She chose to stay instead of turning her back. Only if she had walked away and asked him to not follow could he be charged with stalking. If you’re so touchy that you make false claims and call names, plus you say you would have maced or shot Alex for what he did, tells how unreasonable you are.

    (Freedom of speech is a bitch, ain’t it? -Pat)

  2. Hey brother, sometimes when things get as ridiculous as they are these days and people just act like it’s normal life….. YOU NEED TO SCREAM BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE ASLEEP!!! Peaceful means non-violent, it doesn’t mean we’re gonna lay down and take the gutting and theft of our country and liberties without making noise about it. And as far as mentality goes, I don’t have an issue with that…. I don’t drink the fluoridated water like most of the brainwashed people I know do. I go out of my way to keep informed and protect myself from the assault on our health via the water supply, the “lines” in the sky that linger all day long from aircraft, the mercury-laden shots, the organically modified food, and every other tool that’s used to dumb down people. I just pray you and others can wake up before it’s too late…. this isn’t about ridiculing people and who’s right or wrong… this is about not buying into the scheme of the left and right wing. There is a force behind it, runninng it all, and you are a victim of that. I pray for you and everyone you know. Peace to you.

    (Uhm…. Mmmmmkay! -Pat)

  3. Alex Jones’ behaviour was disgusting.

    Of course his minions refuse to accept that irrefutable fact – they are now seeking to divert attention from Alex’s despicable behaviour by shifting focus onto the people who apparently shouted “kill michelle malkin”.

    But Alex’s behaviour was reprehensible brownshirting – regardless of whatever anyone else may or may not have also done.

    Sadly, both Malkin’s and Jones’ supporters blame the entire thing on “the left”!

    Jones is most certainly NOT leftwing. Malkin’s supporters do a disservice in suggesting he is, and the concentration on the issue of who said “kill malkin” is a diversion from the point that the entire thing was provoked by Jones’ brownshirting of Malkin.

    The most interesting aspect of this imo, is that Alex Jones (and his minions) have been revealed as the brownshirts they are. Alex Jones has deep and varied connections to the american extreme far-right, and this is reflected in his audience. This incident with Malkin is the physical manifestation of the impact og fascism upon both Jones, and self-styled 911 Troof ‘movement’.

    Jones’ defenders justify his bootboy intimidaton tactics on the grounds that Malkin is a supposed racist, supporter of torture, and internment.

    BUT – Jones himself works with, publishes, promotes, and even EMPLOYS people who are avowedly RACIST and supporters of torture: Michael Rivero, and Big Jim Tucker, for example.

    AJ uses Tucker extensively, particularly in his movie ENDGAME. Tucker used to work for The Spotlight – Willis Carto’s far-right organ – before it was closed. Tucker and Carto then setup AFP – which publishes the same anti-semitic, pro-fascist crud masquerading as “current affairs”.

    Rivero is a regular guest on the Jones shows. Rivero also broadcasts on the same network, GCN, and is also sponsored by the same people whom sponsor Alex Jones – Midas Resources (which funnily enough is owned by the same person who owns the radio channel GCN – incestuous, eh?)

    Mike Rivero, whilst masquerading as a progressive in fact promotes fascism, racism and anti-semitism.

    Mike Rivero is a big supporter of Curt Maynard – he promotes his articles, his website, has even had him as a main guest on his radio show (on GCN, of course).

    Curt Maynard is responsible for such filth as “time to cull the nigger herd!”

    What isn’t being asked is why Jones’ is supposedly justified in attacking Malkin because of her views – yet it’s OK for him to work with, fraternise with, and employ people connected to organised fascism and racism.

    And what this incident actually reveals is how far fascism has penetrated 911 Troof.

    Organised fascism has long been infiltrating and subverting 911 Troof movement. Fascism sees 911 Troof as a means to insinuate itself into even leftist discourse. The major point of crossover is anti-semitism – “the joooooos did it!”

    Of course, people like Jones are especially careful what they say – employing age-old codewords and euphemisms for jews: “bankers”, “globalists”, “elites”, “NWO”, “cabal” etc…….

    The extreme far-right understands this code perfectly well – and the uninitiated and politically ignorant are soon brought to understand what they are suppoosed to think, through the constant drip-drip of far-right propaganda into discourse.

    Fascism’s infiltration of 911 movement serves as an outlet for propaganda, but also acts as a recruitment organ – allowing organised fascism to recruit from the ranks of the disaffected populating conspiracy sites, and naiive protest groups etc……

    911 Troof has been a great success for fascism.

    The truth of this can be found throughout the comments left at, and other Troofer organs. The audience knows Alex, Rivero and co mean JOOOOOS – no matter how vociferously and skilfully they can avoid the charges of anti-semitism against them.

    More here:

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