A Damning Article….

I want to bring an article to your attention. This article is found over at the McClatchy Washington Bureau, and it’s about an Taliban Ambassador, who welded power at Gitmo.

I am not going to quote it over here, at all. Because it requires the reader to look at the whole story. Now, I’ll let it be known, I have zero sympathy for this guy, he was and still is a member of the Taliban. Who was giving asylum to Osama Bin Ladin. However, the part that strikes me as very disturbing is how we abused their Religion, How we beat them, how we simply treated those people like dirt. Yes, I know we stopped, eventually. But it is the very fact, that we did abuse our prisoners of war.

This is a stain, that will never be removed from the consciousness of America. It is now our stain, our mistake, and we will pay for that mistake, for generations to come. We as Americans will forever be known, as the people who tortured our enemies and are just as bad as the empires of Vietnam, Japan, and other countries who partook in this awful practice. There was a time, when it was known that America did not allow this sort of thing, but that too, like many things in this great Country, are gone forever. Because of this, we are a worse Country for it.

It would be foolish and overly optimistic to think that we could overcome this sort of a blemish, but the fact remains that we brought this stain upon ourselves and it will take decades to even get this out of the active memory of those who wish to bring harm to this country.

I believe this Cartoon here, sums up my feelings:

(click on picture to make it bigger)

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