Memo to the Conservatives, get your head out of your anal cavity, Please…

The following might actually qualify as the lamest spin on a news story, ever…. 

The Kool-Aid Drinking, Knee Jerk Right is now dismissing Barack Obama’s 75.000+ turn out in Oregon as bogus.

These tone deaf, torture apologists, are saying that the ONLY reason that these people turned out, was to see a group called "The Decemberists". An independent rock group.

I mean, I have been around quite a while, and I have heard quite the deal of spin in my day, Hillary Clinton’s latest being a perfect example as of late. But this stuff here is about the stupidest, that I have heard in a long while.

I mean, this is what the Democrats have to run against, people that cannot provide a reasoned answer to Barack Obama’s message of change and hope and so, the conservatives will stoop to smears and lies and outright stupidity?

If this is what they’re planning for the General, they deserve to get their preverbal asses handed to them in November.