Fundraising numbers are in and Obama kills them all….

The latest fundraising numbers are in, and the figures are astronomical. 

Obama brought in $31.9 Million, Clinton Hauled in between 10 and 20 Million… and lastly John McCain brought in around $18 Million.

Now you tell me, who’s winning this election?

I know it’s for an election and all, but could you imagine having, just half of that kind of money? Holy hell, I could live comfortably for life. A nice house out in the country, on about 60 acres of land. Maybe something like this here. Yes, I will confess, I have always wanted to live out in the woods.

*shakes head*

Okay back to reality here. If these numbers are any indication as to whom is going to win this election, I would say that Obama has it all lined up.

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