A Word on the Myanmar disaster, and why I pulled my entry on it….

Folks, I’m just going to be honest with you. I should have never posted that. When I first read of the cyclone in Myanmar, I believe the death toll was at 500. It wasn’t until news came of the enormous death toll, and when I happened to see the pictures and video from the region, that I decided to just pull it.

Why? I’ll tell you why, While I am a person of great political convictions and person of obtuse personal opinion, I am also a Christian and I am a person of compassion, and the last thing I want to be, as to be pegged as some sort of heartless tool.

So, to those who read this Blog and think that I am some sort of an a-hole. Please know that I am not that sort of a person. Never was, and never will be.

Let me state publicly, while I am not a big fan of our money going to places that do not support our American values, in the case, a natural disaster, it is justified.

My thoughts and Prayers are with people in Myanmar this morning.