Message to the Far Right Wing lunatic fringe trolls who visit this blog

Earlier today, I posted a picture that I thought would be of interest to the American people.

Well, as expected, some anonymous Far Right Wing lunatic fringe tool left a rather nasty comment here on my Blog.

I won’t get into the specifics as to what was said, as I don’t wish to give this feckless coward any more attention than he really deserves.

But I will say this, if you are going to leave a message here, saying the the stuff that you did, you are not going to leave it here anonymously. Sorry, this is my space, my blog, my domain, if you are going to criticize me and/or leave abusing comments, you’re going to have to either register with Blogger and leave full information or a valid URL or e-mail address.

Any messages of any kind of threatening nature will be reported to Google support and your IP Address reported to the proper authorities and YOU WILL be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law. I don’t play when it comes to that sort of stuff, at all, Period, end of story.

No, he didn’t threaten to kill me or anything of that nature, but he was quite nasty and as usual when it comes to people of his ilk, wrong about me and my political stance.

However, to be fair, I am quite aware, that this sort of hatemongering and nastiness exists on both sides of the political aisle. So, this doesn’t surprise me at all. Let’s just say, that I’ve been there and done that, more than once.