Liberal Blogs Readership down and Conservative Blogs Readership up.

I have a Opinion as to why this is.

Bloggasm: Readership of major liberal blogs declined in 2007 while conservative blog readership increased

It has long been understood that the largest liberal blogs have generally produced more web traffic than the largest conservative blogs. But I have noticed a general trend over the past few months that I didn’t want to write about until the end of the year. After surveying the traffic stats of many major political blogs, I found that web traffic for several major liberal blogs either declined sharply or stayed the same while major conservative blogs saw a sharp increase in traffic.

The very plain and simple reason that this is, is because people are tired of Propaganda.  Some progressive minded people do not want us to just pull out of Iraq and leave that country in total tatters. Some of us, believe that there is a real war on terror and that it is not a figment of our imagination.  While I am not a fan of Faux Noise, aka Fox News and their Republican Neo-Conservative Propaganda. I am also not a fan of DailyKos and their far lefty loon nonsense either.

People want facts, and not political agendas. Period. Plain and Simple.

Others: The Daily Dish and Donklephant