Romney will Stop the Gays….

This comes via Think Progress:

Today on MSNBC’s Hardball, former senator Jim Talent, now an adviser to Mitt Romney, discussed Romney’s record on gays. Talent maintained that Romney has never been inconsistent on gay rights and has “always” wanted to stop the influence of “the militant gays”:

He’s always had the same position as to regards to the gay agenda. Look, he wants to know people to know he values gay people as people, okay? But he doesn’t want the militant gays to be able to change the cultural institutions of the country.

That is unless he’s gay himself.

I can almost hear the collective scream from the right.

“He’s not gay, he’s married!”

Neither was Larry Craig. He just had a wide stance.

The Video:

I wonder there are any gay escorts in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, that could give us some juicy information? Hey, it pays to ask the question.

You can read more about the Caucus stuff, by going here