The stupidity of the Obama/Clinton flap.

You know, I’ve always said this idiotic crap between Obama and Clinton was quite stupid.

Josh Marshall agrees:

Let me stipulate to one thing: if this were two Republicans squabbling, I’d be laughing my head off at the moment. And I can assure you a lot of them are.

The Clinton campaign has gotten so deep inside the Obama campaign’s collective head it just ain’t funny — or, depending on your political persuasion, it’s very funny.

Late Tuesday night I wrote that the upshot of the March 4th contests was that Clinton had beaten Obama up a bit and he hadn’t responded. She’d not only bloodied up his poll numbers a bit by throwing all sorts of stuff at him. She also showed that it wasn’t at all clear that Obama was enough of a fighter to stand up to this stuff or get back in her face. More than the delegate numbers, that was the challenge March 4th had left him with.

But since then she’s just been slapping this guy around like crazy. She’s on the offense every day, dictating the terms of the discussion and getting results.

This "monster" thing is a good case in point. That’s a pretty over-the-top thing for a key campaign advisor to say. But what it tells me more than that is that the Clinton campaign has these guys rattled really bad. Some of this is no doubt due to the fact that Power is a bit out of her element. She’s more from the academic/policy world than the political/policy world. But, again, rattled. The Clinton folks have been bashing Obama like crazy. Now they follow up by explicitly demanding that Obama fire one of his key foreign policy advisors and … how, long did it take? An hour? And she’s gone.

If boxing is our metaphor she’s got him cornered on the ropes on one side of the ring and she’s just landing punch after punch. And all he can manage are the defensive moves that her constant attacks dictate.

Well said.  I believe before it’s over with, whomever comes out on top, there’s going to be bad blood on either side. That’s not a good thing. It could hurt the Democrats in November.

Others on this: Comments from Left Field, Cogitamus and TalkLeft

Related Discussions via Memeorandum

Will someone please tell Hart Coulter to shut up?

Um…. Didn’t Karl Rove say NOT to do this?

The Video:


From the 3 p.m. ET hour of the March 6 edition of MSNBC Live:

COULTER: I don’t think — I must say, I tend not to think that the Democrats are gonna need my help. I mean, it looks to me as if it’s going to be Bob Dole redux. I mean, terrorism does throw things off this year, but if you assume, as I tend to, that this is going to be a Democrat year, the choice is between B. Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. And I do think Hillary Clinton would be tougher with the terrorists. I think she’d probably be worse on domestic policy, but right now, the war on terrorism has me more concerned.

ROBACH: And you say, "B. Hussein Obama."


ROBACH: Why don’t you like to say "Barack Obama"?

COULTER: Because I think it’s funny. I mean, it wouldn’t be — this hysteria from the Democrats about how you can’t call him by his middle name. Well, we’re calling him by his middle name precisely because it makes Democrats hysterical. Of course there’s a reason we call him that.

ROBACH: All right. And it’s interesting you bring up obviously the war on terror, because I was just actually reviewing your YouTube moment with Sean Hannity.

I included this clip because, I want you to see the mentality of the far right. They think this is funny. I will say this, as a Right of Center type of a person, that this sort of thing. Will do absolutely nothing, but alienate the majority of Americans.

Of course, people like Ann Coulter aren’t exactly known for their overreaching brilliance. Rolling Eyes

The Clinton/Obama Feud continues

Read all about it here.

One of Obama’s Staffers has resigned for calling her "A Monster".  That’s all? I mean, I’ve called her worse! Hee hee

However, it’s perfectly fine for one of Hillary’s surrogates to call Obama a "Magic Negro"? I dont knowThinking

I just wonder, what has Hillary’s camp called Obama? It is to wonder.

Related Song:

(H/T Memeorandum)

Employment Situation

This is a interesting report.

Nonfarm payroll employment edged down in February (-63,000), and the
unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 4.8 percent, the Bureau of
Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. Employment
fell in manufacturing, construction, and retail trade. Job growth continued
in health care and in food services. Average hourly earnings rose by 5 cents,
or 0.3 percent, over the month.

Unemployment (Household Survey Data)

The number of unemployed persons (7.4 million) and the unemployment rate
(4.8 percent) were essentially unchanged in February. Over the month, the
unemployment rates for adult men (4.3 percent), adult women (4.2 percent),
teenagers (16.6 percent), whites (4.3 percent), and Hispanics (6.2 percent)
showed little or no change. The jobless rate for blacks fell to 8.3 percent,
in line with the average rate for 2007. The unemployment rate for Asians was
3.0 percent, not seasonally adjusted. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

Total Employment and the Labor Force (Household Survey Data)

Both the civilian labor force, at 153.4 million, and the labor force par-
ticipation rate, at 65.9 percent, declined in February. Total employment
(146.0 million) and the employment-population ratio (62.7 percent) were little
changed over the month.

Of course, the conservatives are saying that the AP misreported the story. I will admit, the wording did leave a bit to be desired. But I will say this, I am in Michigan, and we’re in a one State recession. 

This does mean, that I am unemployed. The good thing is, I don’t have any serious debt, as I did file for bankruptcy in 2004. Before they changed the laws. However, it does kind of stink, I enjoy writing, I would like to get a job doing this professionally. But that would require college degrees and such, none of which I have, of course. So, I’m stuck to blogging. I just wish I could get this blog, some serious traffic. 

I don’t pity myself, at all. I made my mistakes when I was younger, I was born with a learning disability, that I inherited from my Father. I don’t want people to pity me, I’ve been blessed beyond measure, I’ve had a good life, It could be better, but everyone could say that. There are many people out there that have it much worse than I.

Others:, The Swamp, Calculated Risk, Angry Bear and The Big Picture (H/T Memeorandum)

Updated: So far….

On the Republicans side:

Ohio: McCain is the Projected winner

Vermont: McCain is the Projected Winner

Texas and R.I. are not reporting yet — Update: McCain takes Ohio, Vermont, Texas and Rhode Island and is the G.O.P Nominee

On the Democrat Side:

Ohio: Clinton in the lead, no winner Projected

Vermont: Obama in the lead no winner projected yet.

Texas and R.I not reporting…

Update: Obama Takes Vermont, Clinton takes Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island

Update: This is going to be one interesting fight for Democrats. I will be Blogging about it. I look for this fight to go all the way to the convention. I also look for there to be redo for the Michigan Primary. Either way, it’s going to a wild ride.

Twas the day before the Primary…..

….and all though the land, the Primary race, was too close to call

It’s going to be an interesting day tomorrow.

I think Obama is going to surprise the pundits again.

Others: The Moderate Voice, TalkLeft, Hot Air, Taegan Goddard’s …, Democratic Strategist, Ohio Daily Blog and more (via Memeorandum)

The World’s Ugliest Woman, Stumps for Billary.

 and…. Insults John McCain in the process…. (Not that he’s any better, but!)

The Story: Stumping for Clinton, Steinem Says McCain’s P.O.W. Cred Is Overrated (Via The New York Observer)

Feminist icon Gloria Steinem took to the stump on Hillary Clinton’s behalf here last night and quickly proved that she has lost none of her taste for provocation.

From the stage, the 73-year-old seemed to denigrate the importance of John McCain’s time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. In an interview with the Observer afterward, she suggested that Barack Obama benefits—and Clinton suffers—because Americans view racism more seriously than sexism.

Steinem also told the crowd that one reason to back Clinton was because “she actually enjoys conflict.”

My gawd, this woman was uglier than crap back in the day and she’s STILL uglier than sin. Sick

I’m not much one in to wishing death on people, but when this feckless broad goes tits up, I won’t shed a damn tear, at all.

And, how exactly has this broad really served her country? Besides by promoting Lesbianism and all other sort of Liberal ire?  

Others: Don Surber, Power Line, The Corner, Hot Air, Donklephant, JammieWearingFool and Patterico’s Pontifications

Editorial: Is there a subtle message in the new Obama Video?

Before I go any further, let me just say that I have absolutely no problem with an African-American being President. I think that it is wonderful, that we finally can, bury the "Jim Crow" racism that his scarred our much troubled past. I would much rather see someone who will not raise our taxes and promote the homosexual lifestyle and further the cause of the abortionists, but at this point, anything is better than the idiot we have in the White House now.

The fervor of Barack Obama is unbelievable, there is a new video out, that was made by one of his supporters and it is titled "We are the ones." It was made by an artist who goes by the professional name of "Will.I.Am." Previously, this same person made a video titled "Yes we can." I must confess, I enjoyed that video highly, it spoke of hope, and my friends in these hard times, especially here in Michigan, hope is all we got.

However, I am much highly concerned about the subtle message within this new video. I watched the video, I found out about from the guys over at Granted, I do not always agree with what is written over there. However, there are times when I do. Anyhow, I watched this video, and the feeling I took away from this video was that minorities in this country feel that we white people in this country owe them something.

Now folks, I hate to sound like an old curmudgeon, but I personally do not feel that I owe any minorities anything at all. I am sorry, but I was not involved in any of the lynching that took place in the south, neither was any of my family members, that I know of.

The thing most offended me the most about this video is that about half of the people in the video were speaking in Spanish. Now the way I feel about it, if you are going to produce a video, that is singing the praises of an American politician, the very least that you can do, is have the people in the video speak in English!

The biggest message that I took away from this video was, "We’re Minorities, You Owe us!" That mentality my friend is a dangerous mentality. Of course, this is, pretty much, the mentality of the Liberals, the mentality of entitlement. You owe me.

I just wonder how long it will be, before the Liberals will enforce a "Jim Crow" tax to put on white people to give to the blacks for the sins of their forefathers. If you think it will not happen, think again, Liberals know no bounds, if you give them an inch, they will take a mile.

If Mr. "Will.I.Am" wants to make a pro-America video, make it with English speaking people, and lay off the "you owe me" overtones. But then again, we are dealing with Liberals here.

Cross Posted at Wayward Fundamentalist Christian 


Hillary moves the Goalposts!

You know, I don’t read Marc Ambinder’s Blog much, but this one was one of his best.

Unless Obama Wins, He Loses (via Marc Ambinder)

Like Marc said… "huh?"

To: Interested Parties

From: The Clinton Campaign

Date: Friday, February 29, 2008

RE: Obama Must-Wins

The media has anointed Barack Obama the presumptive nominee and he’s playing the part.

With an eleven state winning streak coming out of February, Senator Obama is riding a surge of momentum that has enabled him to pour unprecedented resources into Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island and Vermont.

The Obama campaign and its allies are outspending us two to one in paid media and have sent more staff into the March 4 states. In fact, when all is totaled, Senator Obama and his allies have outspent Senator Clinton by a margin of $18.4 million to $9.2 million on advertising in the four states that are voting next Tuesday.

Senator Obama has campaigned hard in these states. He has spent time meeting editorial boards, courting endorsers, holding rallies, and – of course – making speeches.

If he cannot win all of these states with all this effort, there’s a problem.

Should Senator Obama fail to score decisive victories with all of the resources and effort he is bringing to bear, the message will be clear:

Democrats, the majority of whom have favored Hillary in the primary contests held to date, have their doubts about Senator Obama and are having second thoughts about him as a prospective standard-bearer.

Scratch that title, in this case, She’s moving the whole damn BALL FIELD! Spin? More like a tornado.

She’s in free fall, someone get a better get her a parachute!

Rolling on the floor

Others: The New Republic, TalkLeft, Newsweek Blogs, Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Carpetbagger Report, Trailhead and others via memeorandum

Hillary says, "if I don’t win, I’ll sue!"

 This is unbelievable!

State Democrats say Clinton camp may sue (Via Houston Chronicle)

The Texas Democratic Party warned Thursday that election night caucuses scheduled for Tuesday could be delayed or disrupted after aides to Hillary Rodham Clinton threatened to sue over the party’s complicated delegate selection process.

In a letter sent out late Thursday to both the Clinton and Barack Obama campaigns, Texas Democratic Party lawyer Chad Dunn warned a lawsuit could ruin the Democrats’ effort to re-energize voters just as they are turning out in record numbers.

Spokesmen for both campaigns said there were no plans to sue ahead of the March 4 election.

"It has been brought to my attention that one or both of your campaigns may already be planning or intending to pursue litigation against the Texas Democratic Party," Dunn wrote in the letter, obtained by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "Such action could prove to be a tragedy for a reinvigorated Democratic process."

Of course, the Clinton Campaign is denying this, but, this is total crap. She’s not getting her way, and She threatens to sue. What a feckless bitch!

I cannot believe this woman, she knows no bounds. I can see why the Conservatives hate her so much, I’m right of Center, and I cannot stand her. Her husband disgraced the White House and Now, she’s trying to disgrace the political process!

Hillary, GO HOME!

Others: Marc Ambinder, Wake up America, Comments from Left Field, Prairie Weather, Cliff Schecter, Daily Kos, Balloon Juice and more via Memeorandum

The Obama NAFTA Flap.

This is borderline silly, No, it’s beyond mentally depraved.

Check it out.

My Question is, why the hell would someone get on National TV and say something and not really mean it? That’s about the most absurd thing, I’ve ever read in my entire life. 

Of course, absurdity is about the norm in the world of politics in this day and age, isn’t it?

My take on the Debates….

Okay, I watched the Debates.

Here’s the official "Political Byline" Blog reaction to the Democrat Debates.

I went in, expecting a cat fight.  What I saw was basically another civil debate.

Hillary did come out in the beginning, a bit punchy, She did NOT lose her temper, as one of MSNBC’s talking heads suggested. She simply defended herself legitimately. Plain and Simple, I didn’t detect anger at all. Anyone who suggests otherwise, is simply either biased against her, or the democrats in general.

Other than that, I detected a very calming, civil tone to the debate.

Yes, there were quite a few zingers, The Pillow Fluff crack, Hillary Musing because she’s the first to get the question.  There were a few others, but the pillow fluff crack was about the only one that I remember and yes, I howled with Laugher.

I believe, however, because I am a realist, I believe that Hillary and Obama are quite ambitious about their crusade to get National Healthcare.  If they think that the Republicans are going to just lay down and let them steam roll a National Healthcare plan through, they both have a screw loose.  Quite frankly, Conservatives will fight that tooth and nail, until the second coming of Christ. Plain and Simple. In reality, it will be a hard, strong, bloody fight. Would it be worth it? I’m not going to comment on that. Because I’m not in their shoes. I will however, continue to comment on it, even after the election, because, quite frankly, it will be an interesting topic to follow.

On Obama, about the Louis Farrakhan issue, I think the Media’s bringing that up, is playing right into the race baiting of the Conservative Media. I’m quite shocked that the MSM Media, especially MSNBC would even bother going there.

I think Obama held his own, very well. He didn’t have a knee jerk moment, at all and I think that says quite a bit about him. He’s proven to me, that he is not anywhere near the caliber of Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and believe me, that’s a very good thing,  

Now as far as Body language, I didn’t really pay attention to that, I listen to words, Not body language. (Unlike some people!Winking)

So, who won? I think it was pretty much even. They both did fine, I think.

Question is, what did you think? Comments?

Obama Stiffs the Press

There’s an interesting piece in the Politico about Obama Stiffing the Press.

I’m divided on this one.

On one hand, I think it’s not right that the press be limited in their access to a candidate. 

On the other hand, I know that the press can be ruthless in the coverage and in their quest to get a story. Here’s a classic example. The woman did wrong, but the local press was ruthless to this woman, until she killed herself. The really cruel part is, the offending station that hounded her, mentioned her death in a very cold, passing way. I used to really respect that station, in the days when Jac Le Goff and Bill Bonds were the rulers there. Now it’s little more than a idiot station, with idiots behind the desks.

So, in a way, I can fully understand Obama’s desire to keep the media at bay. It could be, however, the secret service’s doing as well. After all, Obama did get some threats a while back, it could be that seeing he’s getting so popular, it could be that they’re afraid of people getting mixed up with the media and possibly trying to take a shot at him or something.

So, while I think it might upset the media, for their access being limited, I’m sure it’s being done for a very good reason, and not just because Obama doesn’t like them.

(H/T Memeorandum)

The Shillary – Obama Saga continues

Click here to follow that bunch of nonsense.

I am undecided at this point, if I am going to watch the debate tonight. I don’t mind it when the candidates debate the issues, But when the personal attacks start, that’s about the time I tune out. 

I’m just afraid that if Hillary launches into an attack on Obama, he might react in a bad manner and blow it for the General Election.

I might watch, But I doubt it. I’m not to like to watch a train wreck. (On her part, I mean…)

I just have a sinking feeling that this debate will degenerate into the "over the top" stuff, that I just feel has no place in a election.

Either way, I will Blog on it.

Proof that Hillary is Desperate

You know, I make no bones about it, I cannot stand Hillary. Stuff like this Here, is why.

Check out the Picture being circulated by the Hillary camp.


For the record, many other lawmakers who visit other countries tend to dress up in that country’s dress.

To me, it just shows that Hillary is gasping for air, and that air is getting thinner by the second.

I just wish she would face facts and leave this race, to the grown up people, who don’t act like feckless children.

Others: The Corner, Captain’s Quarters, Jihad Watch, Lynn Sweet, TownHall Blog, The New Republic, Weekly Standard, Hot Air, The Swamp, The Moderate Voice, Pajamas Media, Trailhead, Salon, Below The Beltway, Newsweek Blogs, Gateway Pundit, QandO, Boston Globe, Commentary, Right Wing Nut House, The Trail, Spin Cycle, Outside The Beltway, Comments from Left Field, Macsmind, IntoxiNation,, The Daily Dish, Moonbattery, Burnt Orange Report, Blue Crab Boulevard, Ankle Biting Pundits, The American Mind, Poll Dancing, American Spectator, Taylor Marsh, JammieWearingFool and The Caucus (H/T Memeorandum)

So Much for the Obama Hillary Love-in!

"No Fair! The Magic Negro is picking on me! Waaaah!"

Egad, It went from "We’ll be okay", to "I want to rip his friggin’ head off!", in the space of 48 Hours.


I guess she blew her stack over some mailers that went out in Ohio. Here’s what the Obama camp said about it:

Obama spokesman Bill Burton said his campaign looked forward "to having a debate this Tuesday on the facts, and the facts are that Sen. Clinton was a supporter of NAFTA and the China permanent trade treaties until this campaign began. "

"And she herself has said that under the Clinton health care plan, she would consider ‘going after the wages’ of Americans who don’t purchase health insurance, whether they can afford it or not," he added.

You all know me, I do not mince words on this Blog. I tell it straight out like it is. I always have. I do not discriminate against any. So, in continuing with that tradition, I am just going to say this:

Hillary, This is politics. It’s the damn real world.  If you cannot handle the heat sweetheart, then take your sorry behind, back to New York, or Arkansas or wherever the heck you live, and leave this politics business to the grow ups.

I find it very amusing, that every time someone calls this feckless closet lesbian to the carpet. She either cries and throws a hissy fit. 

Isn’t it quite obvious to the rest of the world, that this woman isn’t fit to the President of United States? 

and also, In case anyone has forgotten, this feckless idiot is also being investigated for wrong doing in a case as well.

The Video says it all:

Here’s hoping she finally pulls out of the race and we get a President that is honest. Unlike this criminal.

Obama catching sand over a comment.

Whoa Boy… Obama is catching grief over a comment made at the debates.

Mostly from the far right wing nuts, who refuse to believe that our Military is nothing short of perfect.

Some people need to really look into getting real.

Even some of the comments on the Wing Nut Blogs even ADMIT that they were using enemy weapons and bullets.

But let a Liberal diss our Military?!?!?! Off with his Negro head! Surprise

Stupidity at it’s finest. Rolling Eyes

(H/T Memeorandum)


Yes, I did watch the debates.

Yeah, I watched them. You can read the transcripts here.

It seemed the debates were quite civil. At least until Keith Olbermann’s show was over. It also tended to heat up, after Keith’s show went off. Which really struck me as odd.

Yes, I did think that. "I wonder if they knew?". ThinkingConfused

A couple good lines by Hillary:

BROWN: Senator Clinton, is it the silly season?

CLINTON: Well, I think that if your candidacy is going to be about words, then they should be your own words. That’s, I think, a very simple proposition.


And, you know, lifting whole passages from someone else’s speeches is not change you can believe in, it’s change you can Xerox. And I just don’t think…

OBAMA: Come on.


CLINTON: No, but, you know, but, Barack, it is.

Because, you know, if you look — if you look — if you look at the YouTube of these videos, it does raise questions.

Now, there is no doubt that you are a passionate, eloquent speaker, and I applaud you for that. But when you look at what we face in this country, we do need to unite the country, but we have to unite it for a purpose around very specific goals.

On the outset, this may sound like she was being snarky and cute. But this most likely will hurt her run for White House. Not recorded in this official transcript was the resounding chorus of Boo’s that went up, when the comment of the Xeroxing of comments was made. It really wasn’t Clinton’s smartest move.

Other than this here, I didn’t notice any outlandish sparring by the candidates at all.  Other than the long winding sparring over heath care. Which was supposed to be about Iraq. 

There was one good moment in this debate, however, here’s the Video:

And, you know, no matter what happens in this contest — and I am honored, I am honored to be here with Barack Obama. I am absolutely honored.


CLINTON: Whatever happens, we’re going to be fine. You know, we have strong support from our families and our friends. I just hope that we’ll be able to say the same thing about the American people, and that’s what this election should be about.

I think the Democrats, like JFK, RFK, LBJ and FDR, would be proud of that moment. That Democrats, despite their differences, can come together, when the smoke clears and work together.

I just hope it works in November. Because, we do need some change, and I’m afraid that McCain just doesn’t offer it.  He is a great man, But his foreign policy and stance on the war in Iraq, is more of the same of Bush.

Others: protein wisdom, Lawyers, Guns and Money, culturekitchen,, michael linn jones, Megan McArdle, Redstate, Lonewacko, Reproductive Health, The Democratic Daily and Fraters Libertas and More via Memeorandum




For McCain, Self-Confidence on Ethics Poses Its Own Risk  (via New York Times)

Early in Senator John McCain’s first run for the White House eight years ago, waves of anxiety swept through his small circle of advisers.

A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, visiting his offices and accompanying him on a client’s corporate jet. Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself — instructing staff members to block the woman’s access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.

This could be big. Although, I highly doubt it. why? Because the story lacks substance. There’s no direct accusation.

Hey, at least she’s pretty. But have you seen his wife?

Now, why in the world, would he want to cheat, on someone who looks like her?

It just don’t make any sense… I dont know

I seriously doubt the Democrats will even touch this. I could see some of the younger guys, But McCain?!!? Nah! Not him.

Update: I’ve finally sat down and read the entire story. I posted an editorial regarding this story on my other Blog, click here to read it.

Others: TownHall Blog, Power Line, The New Republic, TalkLeft, Megan McArdle, Attytood, Hullabaloo, Firedoglake, The Moderate Voice,, Prairie Weather, You Decide 08!, Salon, Hot Air, Booman Tribune, FOX Embeds, Don Surber, Riehl World View, Emptywheel,, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, McCain Central, TBogg, The Campaign Spot, All Spin Zone, Mercury Rising, Jules Crittenden, Politics Blog, D-Day, Wonkette, the talking dog, Bang the Drum, Political Machine, Daily Kos, AMERICAblog, The RBC, Pensito Review, Sister Toldjah, MyDD, American Spectator, Oliver Willis, NO QUARTER, JammieWearingFool, The Impolitic, Big Head DC and Blue Crab Boulevard and More via Memeorandum

Clinton to go 527 on Obama

Scary Hillary Clinton That’s what they’re saying.

My feelings are this, why can’t the woman handle her own?

Why does she need a 527 group do the dirty work for her?

I mean, If she’s so damned intent on winning the  office of the President of United States, why can’t she fight her own battles?

The way I see it, if the woman cannot handle her own, while running the Office of President of the United States, what makes you think she will be able to handle even being the President?

Is she going to call a 527 to handle an attack by Al-Qaeda?  Is she going to call a 527, when congress refuses her National Healthcare Plan?

Sounds to me like the feckless wench is just desperate. Time to quit, Hillary, while you still got your dignity. (That is assuming you had any…)

Color me unimpressed.

(H/T Memeorandum)