Why I pulled the post on Cao

Quite frankly, I did not want my server to crash. Plus, I know how the left likes to play the whole McCarthyism game with those who they find offensive.

So to stop the madness. I pulled it.

Quite frankly, I find all this head-exploding nonsense to be quite humorous.

But hey, I made Andrew Sullivan. So, I’m doing something right… 😀

13 Replies to “Why I pulled the post on Cao”

  1. You really should not have a comments section if you don’t like comments that reasonably disagree with you and point out for your own sake a point that could use a little polishing.

    1. I wasn’t sure if it was for public consumption or just for me to read.

      Anyhow, I find that anyone that tries to censor me; is engaging in speech police; which I will never, ever submit to.


    1. No. I figured it would be best to pull it and stop the forest fire.

      ….and I did not want my server to crash. I’m only on shared hosting here. That server can only take so much.

  2. Right on, man. It’s about time a guy stood up to these crackheaded libtards. Isn’t it enough that that motherfucking shit RINO Viet Congressman totally sold out and voted for obamacare? Now these
    uppity fucking morans gotta come here and get all liberal kkk on your blog? Fuck em.

    1. Thanks for the support Bone. Although, I will admit. I lost my cool and I should not have done all that.

      But just as well…. It’s in the past now. I hope.

  3. I’m sure that any ill-will directed at Cao was more than deserved. I don’t think that you should have taken the post down!

    (Tim, I am assuming you meant Cao and I corrected this comment to reflect that. Pat)

    1. Tim,

      I’m gonna be honest with you. Because I just do not believe in lying to my friends; and you are one of them. I blew my stack when I saw that Cao voted for the Healthcare bill… and on Twitter, because I was quite angry, I blew my stack and made some very ugly comments about the man. I also posted something on the blog here; comparing Cao to Chairman Mao. But, I was angry. It was stupid, I’ve removed said “Tweets” from my twitter stream, and I yanked the offending blog posting.

      The point I am trying to make is this here. Even if I was correct in my anger, because a Republican voted for the very thing that his father fought against in Vietnam; that does not excuse the stupid stuff that came out of my mouth (or in this case, off my keyboard) and into the twitterverse and Blogosphere. I stirred up a hornets nest — and I am regretting that now. Acting in a fit of rage, did nothing to support our side and our cause.

      Again, I think Cao was totally without loyality to his party and the convictions we stand for; but allowing myself to act like a damned loose cannon Democrat, like Keith Olbermann, was, admittedly, quite dumb.

      ….and now you know the rest of the story…….

  4. For the record, McCarthy was a rabid right-wing Republican, not some lefty trying to censor speech.

    1. Um, like, Duh! I know that…. and next time, be a man. Use you real e-mail address or don’t bother leaving a comment…. Coward.

  5. I hear yah here, when I first started blogging I was speaking, (mostly), to myself. I said things at times that I wouldn’t say now, I’ve learned the hard way to tread lightly at times. On the other hand I still believe that one should speak his mind, I guess that we all just need to know where that invisible line in the sand is…..

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