This comes via Doug Welch on Google+
(H/T Gateway Pundit)
Capital New York reports:
With Governor Chris Christie confirming today that he won’t seek the presidency, some big-name donors are finally ready to commit themselves to Mitt Romney.
“A lot of us who normally would have been in this presidential race a long time ago, have been waiting for Christie to make a decision,” said Georgette Mosbacher, a Republican uber-fund-raiser and finance co-chair of the Republican National Committee who was among a group of Republican bundlers hoping to convince Christie to enter the race. “I think tomorrow, we’ll be contacting one another and probably put something together with Romney.”
“I’m going to go with Mitt Romney,” said John Catsimatidis, another donor who had been intrigued with Christie, in a brief phone interview this afternoon.
“You’re calling about yesterday’s news,” said Catsimatidis, who said he had gotten the indication Christie wouldn’t run from some of the governor’s advisers yesterday.
Catsimatidis said he had started pitching Romney in the last couple weeks, on the expectation the governor wouldn’t seek the nomination. At a meeting with other conservatives last Monday night, Catsimatidis said, he made the pitch for Romney’s electability.
“The speech I gave to my conservative friends was, if you pick somebody who makes you 100 percent happy, you only get 47 percent against Obama,” said Catsimatidis. “We have to capture the middle in order to win and make a change in this country. Ninety percent of them stood up and said, ‘You’re right.'”
Mosbacher conceded there was “some disappointment” at Christie’s decision, but said the public flirtation with Christie wouldn’t make it tougher to raise for Romney, especially with Texas governor Rick Perry suddenly slipping in the polls after a couple of disastrous debate performances.
“Look, we’ll raise the money that’s necessary to beat Obama,” she said. “It’s not going to be any harder than it would have been a month ago, or two months ago, or six months ago. Now it’s pretty clear. Perry has dropped pretty quickly. And I would say that the race is now Romney and Obama. Quite frankly, the enthusiasm wasn’t there at the outset. He’s less conservative than a lot of us would like. However, our first and foremost goal is to defeat Obama. And we do believe Romney, in terms of independents, will be a strong candidate. We will coalesce behind him now.”
Mosbacher said the big bundlers in her circle “do not consider a Perry factor.”
I will tell you right now; if this is what the GOP elite are saying, I will most likely vote libertarian party again, or not vote at all. Because I will tell you this; if Mittens is the nominee, we are sunk. It will be four more years of Barack Obama. Further, I consider this very highly offensive, because the GOP has a good candidate in the primary that could actually beat Barack Obama; that being Herman Cain. On the bright side, this will keep that two-bit, racist asshole Ron Paul out of the General election.
“We have to capture the middle in order to win and make a change in this country.”
That’s interesting because we’ve had a Bush and Obama and nothing was different. But somehow a middle is going to be different?
“On the bright side, this will keep that two-bit, racist . . . out of the General election.”
Still don’t get your disdain for RP. I’m Anabaptist, so I don’t vote. But if I did, it would be for Ron Paul. And I really don’t envision anyone other than RP actually doing something different that changes things for the better in our country.
My disdain of Ron Paul is because he loves these people here
Don’t believe me? Read this.
The man is a PIG!!
you said:
I should have said Independents. Not middle. That was my bad. Sorry. The Independents moved away from Obama after the economy did not recover and the stimulus failed.
Calvinist are ya? Most AnaBaptists are? But forgive my ignorance. I’ve known many of the AnaBaptists and I don’t recall any of them mentioning that they are forbidden to vote.
Care to share that reasoning?
I ask this, because I am missionary Baptist myself. 😀
Historically speaking, if there was a Calvinist and an Anabaptist, the Calvinist was the prison warden and the interrogator and the Anabaptist was the prisoner and the one being interrogated. They usually did not see much eye-to-eye.
Not voting, not holding a public office, not joining the military, not being part of a jury… all of this comes from our two-kingdom theology. Here is one place that discusses it:
Yikes, I had no idea that RP was like that. But you can’t argue with documents where he lays it out for you. Thanks for putting that post together!
However, loving a racist is not the same as loving that someone IS a racist. I, for instance, am not a racist, and I hate racism, but I would all people–whether they agree with me or not, whether they are my enemy or not, whether they hate me or not.
Would it really be so bad for the country if a President went into office who did all the right things for our country that no one else would do, but is racist?
Only if your a black man dude… only if you’re a black man….
But seriously. I don’t think that would work.
But now, I have to go. It’s my night to fix dinner!
hmmmm, interesting.