Like AllahPundit, I find these Republican Party fashion shows to be quite the bore. I guess it is the bickering, the finger pointing and the general stupidity that turns me off.
However, I will say this; and as much as I hate linking to this blog, because of it’s douche-bag owner. I saw the following this morning and I literally laughed out loud…:
RICK SANTORUM: I am Catholic. And Angry! I am an Angry Catholic Conservative! RAWR!
If that does not nail Rick Santorum to a peg, I do not know what does. 😀 Although I must say, I never saw it as “anger,” but more of this idiotic bandying around his Catholic Faith. Between him and Romney’s whack job Mormonism, I fear for what this Country could become. If either of these two is picked for the nominee, I will be voting Libertarian Party again. I will repeat, what is on my About Me page and, I think, is on my About This Blog Page; and that is that my loyalty is not to the Republican Party —- but rather to principles. If I feel that the Republican Party is going to pick a big Government establishment Conservative, as George W. Bush was, I will vote Libertarian Party.
Some of you might be asking, “If you’re a Christian and a Fundamental Baptist, who do you dislike someone who is running as a Christian Conservative?” To this, I answer the following: My issues with Roman Catholicism aside —- While I think that it is great that there is a President candidate, who is a Christian and is not afraid to represent that, I just feel that Religion should not be the core or center issue in an election. This Nation is facing some serious issues, related to fiscal matters, not social; social Conservatism is a battle that the Republicans and the Conservative Christian community fought — and ultimately lost — back in the 1980’s. The Republican Party does not need to fight that battle again. I am very sorry to say this, but as much as I am a Christian and a defender of those beliefs. I do not believe that it is the right of anyone, to force his or her religious beliefs on anyone at all A logical fallacy drove the Christian Conservative movement of “God and Country” in the 1980’s and essentially, it was a dismal flop. This is because the philosophy of Senator Barry Goldwater was correct; which said you could not legislate morality.
This is why I tend to separate myself from the extreme religious right in this Country. This is what people like Ed Brayton tend to misunderstand about me. I am not an extremist at all. Just because I happen to think that Islamo-facism is a bit a problem and I happen to defend American values, does not make me someone who is alignment who is agreement with the far religious right, who believes in Christian domination. I just do not believe that any belief should be dominated over any other. I believe that ALL faiths should be able to practice their faiths in peace, without fear of persecution from Government or other rival faiths. I also happen to believe that if someone decides that he or she wishes to refrain from subscribing to that faith, that he or she has the right to be left alone as well.
This, my friends, is the true definition of freedom.
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