Neo-Conservative Blog RedState Employes Saul Alinsky Marxist tactics against Doug Mataconis

This is unbelievable:

Normally when I come across a poll to analyze, I’ll put on my impartial poll analysis hat and run it both at RedState and UnlikelyVoter. However seeing this new push poll by Public Policy Polling and the shamefully credulous response by Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway, I don’t want to hold back. I want to tell it like it is, and why unless some very good answers are given to some very important issues I’m about to raise, public opinion of both Doug Mataconis and of Tom Jensen should be diminished.

Here’s the upshot though: ever since the 2010 election, Tom Jensen has been placing his feelings as a Democrat partisan over his duty as a purported independent pollster, and that bias has now gone too far. Doug Mataconis has long been a bitter, mean-spirited troll of all good and decent reformers within the GOP, and his deranged hatred for conservatives has diminished his mental faculties to the point that he’ll believe any lie that comes down, as long as it’s nasty about conservatives. But, what do we expect from a guy whose personal web page has become an obsessive shrine to Ron Paul?

via Of a certain Mississippi poll on marriage, and of those who make hay of it | RedState.

First, just who the hell is the person writing this pathetic excuse for an article, think he is to say that Doug Mataconis public opinion should be diminished?

Second of all, why is someone who has videos of Ron Paul on your personal blog, make that person automatic disqualified from having a Public Opinion about politics?

Oh, but that is not all:

When a pollster uses his good name, and in the past I’ve stuck up for PPP when many Republicans assumed the worst from the firm, to attack an entire state’s Republican party with an out of the blue question with mysteriously weighted results, it’s time we all re-thought whether we’re going to take that pollster seriously going forward. At the very least, if you’re going to question on that obscure issue, ask Democrats and Independents the same thing. After all, it was the Jim Crow-era Democrats who supported the policy that Loving declared unconstitutional, and some of them are still alive and voting.

And when someone who claims to be a Republican (edit: as his personal webpage cites his history of GOP work, with no mention of repudiation) unquestioningly repeats the results of this poll, which has the above obvious problems with it, and starts trying to lecture “these people” without even allowing for the possibility that the poll is biased, that person has to have his intelligence questioned. Only a complete fool believes everything he reads. Doug Mataconis is apparently that fool.

Ad hominem attacks, the attempt to smear, diminish, and otherwise discredit those of differing opinions; that is what Neo-Conservative or Jacobin Democrats do. They have been doing this since 1964, when they fled the Democratic Party and infested the Republican Party to fulfill their warped foriegn policy agendas. That is what Neo-Conservatives do. This is a perfect example of that. Remember this, and vote against the Republican Party, if they put someone of this ilk in office, vote libertarian, vote Constitution Party, vote anything else, but do not vote for another Neo-Conservative. We must flush them out of our ranks, by all means possible —- including violence, if need be. Sorry, But I am not one of the many simple-minded fools that believe that peaceful revolution is possible. That is not how the founding Father’s founded this Country and it is not how liberty is gained. It is only gained by the taking up of arms against tyrants. It has been proven that time and time again, that Neo-Conservatives are nothing more that Democratic Party tyrants in conservative clothing.

Revolution is coming, and believe you me, it is needed.

Update: I was reading this over, and I thought I would add this; if anyone thinks that I advocate any sort of violence against those who disagree with me politically, you are wrong. I am not advocating or encouraging, or even suggesting that people do anything outside of the law.  However, it does stand to reason, that sooner or later, the American people are going to wake up and realize; and it is happening, one person at a time — that they are being conned, not only by liberals, but by Conservatives, who use the same sort of tactics and who believe that foreign wars are a good idea. Sooner or later, Americans are going to revolt, and it is not going to be a pretty thing. That is all I was saying and if anyone perceived anything other than this, you are quite the fool. Besides that, the left talks about revolution too. So, I am not the only one who believes this.


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