Vox Day makes a good point

About this very stupid poll….

Thus Saith Vox Day:

This shows that the so-called right vastly favors an elephantine RINO over the only candidate who has any clue about the dreadful economic and geo-strategic situations in which the nation finds itself. Hell, they favor Newt Gingrich over Ron Paul! But at least give them credit for preferring Palin to Captain Underoos and the Huckster; they may be short-sighted and foolish, but they’re not complete idiots.

In other words, you can safely conclude that this is not the group that will be leading the charge for human freedom or a Constitutional restoration.

Heh. So true, quite sad, but very true. 😛

Yeah, I know, I swatted his butt once. But, once and while the guy does speak the truth. 😉