As a rule; I am not a huge Ann Althouse fan boy… But!

This right here, is just straight up B.S.

…..of course the little leftist coward, once contacted by a Conservative Media outlet, tries to back peddle.

Now, keep in mind; I do not claim to be a “Law Expert,” not by a long shot; but this right here, sounds like a terrorist threat to me.  Here’s his outing of himself; go read.

Here’s his picture:

Jim Shankman is the grinning Homo on the left. (How Ironic!)

If I were Shankman; I would be seriously looking over my shoulder, because I happen to believe that there is a thing called consequences of action. You write something stupid like that; you reap the consequences of your stupid actions.

As I told Dan on his blog — I did some digging here; via some tools of mine and the name Jim Shankman turns up nil in Madison, Wisconsin. Whoever this dude is; he should be tossed in jail for making threats via the internet. Much has changed over the past 20 or so years. Threatening someone over the ‘net, is as bad actually doing something to someone personally now.

I also read, that he is unemployed. Big surprise there. 🙄  He can count on staying unemployed; because the first time some employer looks this guy up on Google, this will come up. Especially on my blog. Thank the Lord for SEO plug-ins for WordPress. 😀 Don’t misunderstand me; I am not exactly gainfully employed either; but I do not go around protesting and threatening Conservative Bloggers either! If I had the guys address; I would be posting it here. As someone’s who’s been outed before. I have no problem outing this idiot. Unlike me, he actually deserves it.