Oh Great: Cost of clothing going up

We were warned that this sort of a thing was going to happen, Glenn Beck said it long ago…:

NEW YORK — Clothing prices have dropped for a decade as tame inflation and cheap overseas labor helped hold down costs. Retailers and clothing makers cut frills and experimented with fabric blends to cut prices during the recession.

But as the world economy recovers and demand for goods rises, a surge in labor and raw materials costs is squeezing retailers and manufacturers who have run out of ways to pare costs.

Cotton has more than doubled in price over the last year, hitting all-time highs. The price of synthetic fabrics has jumped roughly 50% as demand for alternatives and blends has risen.

Clothing prices are expected to rise about 10% in coming months, with the biggest increases coming in the second half of the year, said Burt Flickinger III, president of Strategic Resource Group.

via Cost of clothing going up | Detroit Free Press | freep.com.

I think now would be a good time to go out and get a few good pairs of pants and a few shirts. There’s nothing wrong with stocking up on needed stuff.

This is just the beginning. Wait till food prices skyrocket.

You can thank your feckless Government for this.