Video: Trent Lott Vindicated

I am posting this, because I believe that it is the just thing to do.

On Dec 5, 2002, Trent Lott found himself in a big mess. Largely goaded by the liberal media; that falsely accused Trent Lott of being a racist, Trent Lott resigned his leadership position in the Senate.

The really sad pert is, he was not only railroaded by Liberals, but also by Neo-Conservatives, who have always hated Paleo-Conservatives with a passion.

Here is that entire appearance at Strom Thurmond‘s 100’th Birthday Celebration:

How sad that a man’s career was damaged, for simply making a silly and bad joke, that in the end bombed.

Funny now, that the Democrats are showing their hypocrisy in this area — Just ask John Lewis.

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