Orly Taitz continues to prove that she is a couple fries short of a happy meal

This is one seriously crazy woman:

From Orange County News: “Irvine real-estate guy Damon Dunn [pictured far left] beat Laguna Niguel dentist/birther lawyer Orly Taitz [pictured left] by a margin of roughly three-to-one in this month’s primary election to determine the Republican candidate for Secretary of State. But though the election is finished, Taitz has persisted in insisting that Dunn is as ineligible for office as she thinks Barack Obama to be. She has taking her beef with Dunn to an Orange County courtroom.

More: “As we’ve addressed in the past, Taitz’s accusations against Dunn center around the fact that he registered more than 10 years ago as a Democrat in Florida. California election law says that you can’t run in a party primary if you were a member of another party within a year of filing. She also alleges in her complaint that Dunn falsified the signatures of supporters and willfully omitted information about his past registration on official documents. But Dunn’s Florida registration expired in 2005, and Dunn’s lawyers argue that even if it didn’t, Dunn would be fine because of the way the law treats out-of-state parties.”

via California: Orly Taitz “Birther Lawyer” Continues Jihad Against Damon Dunn – Hip Hop Republican.

Sad part is, she’s Jewish. She makes all Jews everywhere look just horrible. Not to mention Conservatives and Republicans.

But then again, the Democrats do have Allen Grayson. 😉