Mark Williams whines about getting the boot

Whiny assed bastard….:

Apparently I have offended the tea party “leadership.”

Mind you, there is no tea party leadership; every tea partier is a tea party leader. But something happens when the stronger egos and personalities in a movement begin to feel a sense of ownership. It is not long before they act to claim and defend that feeling.

Project12An example of that happened today. And it is a crying shame. We are fighting for the future of not just this nation but for the future of Mankind. That’s just a little more important than my fat head, or the apparently even fatter head on Face the Nation Today who misrepresented himself as the tea party “leader”

via Tea Party Federation outburst sets us all back « News & Commentary.

Nice try at spin and denial Mark. You are a racist bigot and you were exposed. Deal with it and move on. Head on over and listen to his whining.

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