Drudge gets it wrong

Once again, Matt Drudge is posting misleading headlines:

Spooky headline, right?


Actually, the headline is about a story, that is actually a good thing, securing our power plants and so forth.

The story is reported by the Wall Street Journal:

The federal government is launching an expansive program dubbed “Perfect Citizen” to detect cyber assaults on private companies and government agencies running such critical infrastructure as the electricity grid and nuclear-power plants, according to people familiar with the program.

The surveillance by the National Security Agency, the government’s chief eavesdropping agency, would rely on a set of sensors deployed in computer networks for critical infrastructure that would be triggered by unusual activity suggesting an impending cyber attack, though it wouldn’t persistently monitor the whole system, these people said.

Defense contractor Raytheon Corp. recently won a classified contract for the initial phase of the surveillance effort valued at up to $100 million, said a person familiar with the project.

An NSA spokeswoman said the agency had no information to provide on the program. A Raytheon spokesman declined to comment.

Some industry and government officials familiar with the program see Perfect Citizen as an intrusion by the NSA into domestic affairs, while others say it is an important program to combat an emerging security threat that only the NSA is equipped to provide.

“The overall purpose of the [program] is our Government…feel[s] that they need to insure the Public Sector is doing all they can to secure Infrastructure critical to our National Security,” said one internal Raytheon email, the text of which was seen by The Wall Street Journal. “Perfect Citizen is Big Brother.”

Raytheon declined to comment on this email.

A U.S. military official called the program long overdue and said any intrusion into privacy is no greater than what the public already endures from traffic cameras. It’s a logical extension of the work federal agencies have done in the past to protect physical attacks on critical infrastructure that could sabotage the government or key parts of the country, the official said.

U.S. intelligence officials have grown increasingly alarmed about what they believe to be Chinese and Russian surveillance of computer systems that control the electric grid and other U.S. infrastructure. Officials are unable to describe the full scope of the problem, however, because they have had limited ability to pull together all the private data.

Perfect Citizen will look at large, typically older computer control systems that were often designed without Internet connectivity or security in mind. Many of those systems—which run everything from subway systems to air-traffic control networks—have since been linked to the Internet, making them more efficient but also exposing them to cyber attack.

The goal is to close the “big, glaring holes” in the U.S.’s understanding of the nature of the cyber threat against its infrastructure, said one industry specialist familiar with the program. “We don’t have a dedicated way to understand the problem.”

The information gathered by Perfect Citizen could also have applications beyond the critical infrastructure sector, officials said, serving as a data bank that would also help companies and agencies who call upon NSA for help with investigations of cyber attacks, as Google did when it sustained a major attack late last year.

So much for that big scary headline eh? But when you are Matt Drudge. The facts mean nothing; as long as you have an agenda to fulfill. As a Conservative; I believe that securing our infrastructure is a good thing. The only people who have to fear from something of this nature, are the people who are using the internet to break the law. So, if you are law abiding citizen, you have absolutely nothing to fear at all.

Also, it should be noted, that the Government did something similar to this, under the Bush Administration. That until the liberal media ran with it, and the courts decided that Bush needed a warrant to spy on people. So, this little narrative is quite silly.

Now, can someone please tell me why the heck Matt Drudge’s site is so popular? It cannot be because of his factual reporting. 🙄

8 Replies to “Drudge gets it wrong”

  1. The connect-the-dots question here is: if No Such Agency is really on task, WTF the FCC? Should the blowhard bureaucrats lay by their dishes, and leave the technical stuff to the pros?
    Perhaps yes; yes, perhaps they should.

  2. Dude.

    “The overall purpose of the [program] is our Government…feel[s] that they need to insure the Public Sector is doing all they can to secure Infrastructure critical to our National Security,” said one internal Raytheon email, the text of which was seen by The Wall Street Journal. “Perfect Citizen is Big Brother.”

    What could go wrong?

  3. If anyone believes that story, I’ve got some ocean-front property in Kansas to sell you. The NSA is playing network traffic cop? Come on, guys! You are smarter than that, especially if you live in the US. We have CyberCommand, we do not need the NSA to play traffic cop. This is bad stuff, just like the patriot act. Say bye-bye to your rights. I used to think like Patrick in that I truly believed everything the president was doing to “protect us” was awesome until it started eating away at our civil liberties. You see Patrick, those tough measures put in place under Bush are now being used against little old ladies in wheel chairs at Tea Party Rallies. By the way, I know of very few conservatives from Detroit. You are like a national treasure. Take care of yourself up there, Joel Cheney

    (Real cute, asshole… -Pat)

  4. The point I was trying to make and what was quite obviously lost on all of you. Is that the same scary headline that was being “Pimped Out” by Drudge. The Bush Administration did the same crap and the Conservatives like Drudge, didn’t give a shit. In fact, it was being defending by Conservative Bloggers everywhere… Now, that Obama is in office; it is now a huge damned scandal, it is a hypocrisy of the highest order and that was the point of this blog posting.

    All I am saying is, that Drudge is a partisan, who is has an agenda.

    Contrary to what some of you might think. I, on the other hand, am NOT a partisan Blogger and I will be the first to point out the double standards of the Conservative community or Blogosphere.

    That is all….

  5. Oh my bad. I guess the headline “drudge gets it wrong” along with the “drudge posts misleading headlines” confused me.

    I am easily distracted by puppies and shiny things.

    (stupid bullshit removed)

    1. Yeah, that’s quite obvious that you have a reading comprehension problem.

      One more crack like that last one, and your IP will be added to the idiot filter.

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