Pardon Me Mr. Raghead, May I see some ID Please?

That’s about what it has come to, isn’t it?

A Marine reservist armed with a tire iron beat and chased a man he thought was an Arab terrorist and even called 911 to say he was detaining the man, police said.

But the man he assaulted was actually a Greek Orthodox priest visiting from overseas who spoke limited English, police said.

That’s why police arrested reservist Jasen D. Bruce on a charge of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.

Police said they’re also investigating whether Bruce, 28, committed a hate crime.

via Tampa police: Marine reservist attacked Greek priest he mistook for terrorist – St. Petersburg Times.

Oops. Honest mistake. To say that he overreacted; would be an understatement.

Then officers went to Bruce’s apartment to speak to the reservist again. But he already had an attorney with him and refused to speak, police said.

The priest was treated and released from the hospital.

Records show Bruce was released from the Hillsborough County jail at 8 a.m. Tuesday on $7,500 bond. His occupation is listed as sales manager of a Palm Harbor pharmacy.

Good on him for getting the Lawyer. Wonder if he has been sneaking some of “Mother’s little helpers” for himself? —-  and Gay Modeling?!??! Ew!