The Birthers Love Palin

Good Lord. 🙄

-The birthers love them some Sarah Palin. She’s the most popular politician in the mix with them at 66% favorability. Next is Mike Huckabee at 58%, followed by Newt Gingrich at 46%, and Mitt Romney at 43%.

I mean this with all sincerity- Romney’s lack of popularity with the birther wing of the GOP really could scuttle his chances at the nomination in three years.

Looking at the numbers from another angle- 63% of all Americans with a favorable opinion of Sarah Palin are birthers. Same thing with 53% of those who like Gingrich, 50% who view Huckabee positively, and 44% for Romney.

Remember when W. said ‘some people call you the elites, I call you my base?’ Swap out birthers for elites and you’ve got the makings of a great Palin speech.

via Public Policy Polling: Who do the birthers love?.

My prediction? We’re gonna be screwed come 2012. Especially if the G.O.P. picks HER. I mean, I’m not a Romney fan; and I think he’s bad for the G.O.P. But Palin is worse; much worse.