More of Pat Buchanan’s Defeatist Bullshit

Oh Boy, here we go again….:

“Taliban Are Winning: U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Warns of Rising Casualties.” Thus ran the startling headline on the front-page of The Wall Street Journal. The lead paragraph ran thus:

“The Taliban have gained the upper hand in Afghanistan, the top American commander there said, forcing the U.S. to change its strategy in the eight-year-old conflict by increasing the number of troops in heavily populated areas like the volatile southern city of Kandahar, the insurgency’s spiritual home.”

Source for the story: Gen. Stanley McChrystal himself.

The general’s spokesman in Kabul was swift to separate him from that headline and lead. They “go too far,” he said: The general does not believe the Taliban are winning or “gaining the upper hand.”

Nevertheless, in the eighth year of America’s war, the newly arrived field commander concedes that U.S. casualties, now at record levels, will continue to be high or go higher, and that our primary mission is no longer to run down and kill Taliban but to defend the Afghan population.

What went wrong?

via » Unwinnable War? ::: Patrick J. Buchanan – Official Website.

What happened was that Pat Buchanan’s BRAIN checked out shortly after the Nixon Administration.  No wonder this feckless idiot never made President.  The very suggestion that Obama should pull out Afghanistan is an damned insult to the 2,996 people who died on September 11, 2001; and dare I say this? It is quite Anti or Un-American as well.  As you can see, between this; and the nonsense sputtered by that ignorant Faux Conservative in South Carolina, Jack Hunter, I am truly beginning to see what these morons are really about. Anti-Americanism, Racism, and Antisemitism.

I admit, that sometimes, I quote Pat on this Blog, for a quote of the day; that is when actually writes something that sounds halfway intelligent; and not something that sounds like it was written by an escapee from the damned mental ward.  The problem with Pat Buchanan’s and for that matter; Ron Paul’s idea of Foreign policy, is that it is rooted in the past.  This is not 1935, this is 2009 and things have changed.  Isolationism is what got this damned Country into World War II and at this stage in the game would only cause America more troubles that it would help the country.

…and before anyone thinks it. No, I am, nor will I ever be a “Neo-Conservative”, I do not embrace Wilsonian Foreign policy nor do I believe in preemptive strikes. But I do believe in protecting Americans Interests and defending the Republic. Something that Ron Paul and Yes, Pat Buchanan have zero concept of. Which explains why the White House is one place that they shall never occupy.