Pssst! Hey Liberals! Sarah Palin knows what she’s talking about!

As I am sure you all know Sarah Palin wrote in the Washington Post, an Op-Ed about the purposed Cap and Trade legislation.

Government Palin Writes:

There is no shortage of threats to our economy. America’s unemployment rate recently hit its highest mark in more than 25 years and is expected to continue climbing. Worries are widespread that even when the economy finally rebounds, the recovery won’t bring jobs. Our nation’s debt is unsustainable, and the federal government’s reach into the private sector is unprecedented.

Unfortunately, many in the national media would rather focus on the personality-driven political gossip of the day than on the gravity of these challenges. So, at risk of disappointing the chattering class, let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and where my focus will be:

I am deeply concerned about President Obama’s cap-and-trade energy plan, and I believe it is an enormous threat to our economy. It would undermine our recovery over the short term and would inflict permanent damage.

American prosperity has always been driven by the steady supply of abundant, affordable energy. Particularly in Alaska, we understand the inherent link between energy and prosperity, energy and opportunity, and energy and security. Consequently, many of us in this huge, energy-rich state recognize that the president’s cap-and-trade energy tax would adversely affect every aspect of the U.S. economy.

There is no denying that as the world becomes more industrialized, we need to reform our energy policy and become less dependent on foreign energy sources. But the answer doesn’t lie in making energy scarcer and more expensive! Those who understand the issue know we can meet our energy needs and environmental challenges without destroying America’s economy.

Job losses are so certain under this new cap-and-tax plan that it includes a provision accommodating newly unemployed workers from the resulting dried-up energy sector, to the tune of $4.2 billion over eight years. So much for creating jobs.

In addition to immediately increasing unemployment in the energy sector, even more American jobs will be threatened by the rising cost of doing business under the cap-and-tax plan. For example, the cost of farming will certainly increase, driving down farm incomes while driving up grocery prices. The costs of manufacturing, warehousing and transportation will also increase.

Of course, as if right on cue, every liberal in America is laughing at her and is saying that she is an idiot; and that she is trying to stay in the spotlight and so forth. Well, guess what? Not too long ago; on March 5, 2009. My own home paper, The Detroit News, wrote a similarly written editorial, basically saying the SAME THING. The Article itself is now offline, and you have to pay to get it. But luckily for me; I blogged about it.  The Article says and I quote:

President Barack Obama’s proposed cap-and-trade system on greenhouse gas emissions is a giant economic dagger aimed at the nation’s heartland — particularly Michigan. It is a multibillion-dollar tax hike on everything that Michigan does, including making things, driving cars and burning coal.

The president is asking for a system of government limits on carbon emissions. The right to emit carbon would be auctioned off to generate revenue for more government spending programs.

The president’s budget projects receipts totaling $646 billion through 2019 from the sale of these greenhouse gas permits.

The goal, according to the president’s budget outline, is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide to 14 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.

Doing so will drive up the cost of nearly everything and will amount to a major tax increase for American consumers.

Such a tax will hit the Midwest particularly hard, which is why House Minority Leader John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, told the New York Times, “let’s just be honest and call it a carbon tax that will increase taxes on all Americans who drive a car, who have a job, who turn on a light switch, pure and simple.”

The carbon tax will be paid by energy companies, manufacturers and public utilities, who will pass the cost on to their consumers. Michigan will be especially targeted. It gets 60 percent of its electric power from coal plants, and the state’s economy is still reliant on heavy manufacturing such as car and truck assembly and auto parts production.

Michigan will lose as carbon tax money is shifted to states with a greater presence of high-tech and service businesses.

The proposed tax would take effect in 2012 and has the very real potential to throw the nation back into recession, if indeed the expected recovery has arrived by then. It’s impossible to raise costs for such basics as manufacturing and energy production by more than half a trillion dollars over a decade and not have the effects felt across the economy.

The nation’s gross domestic product contracted at an annualized rate of 3.8 percent in last year’s fourth quarter — the worst economic record in nearly three decades. Is this really a good time to be talking about a carbon tax? How will such talk impact investment decisions?

Obama promises to use some of the revenues for tax relief for certain workers and some of the rest for subsidies for alternative energy. But that won’t make up for the damage this huge new tax will do to the economy, especially in Michigan.

So, maybe, perhaps maybe, Sarah Palin is not as stupid as these liberals want to make her out to be. At least, she right on point about this Cap and Trade Legislation. It would raise taxes and be a job killer for Michigan and yes, for the rest of the Country.

Others, Yes, Including idiot liberals who are mocking her: The Fix, The Atlantic Business Channel, The New Republic, The Huffington Post, Washington Wire, The Daily Dish, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Ezra Klein, Boston Globe, Hot Air, Right Wing News, PERRspectives, PoliGazette, The Strata-Sphere, Wake up America, Moe Lane, The Note, The Daley Gator, Democratic Strategist, Zandar Versus The Stupid, NY Daily News, The Politico, The Swamp,, No More Mister Nice Blog, Gawker, Gathering of Eagles: NY, Sister Toldjah, YID With LID, Macsmind, Classical Values, GOP 12, Stop The ACLU, TBogg, American Power, Real Clear Politics, Green Inc., Gateway Pundit, Cold Fury, PoliBlog, Balloon Juice, Latest Open Salon Blog and Left in the West

18 Replies to “Pssst! Hey Liberals! Sarah Palin knows what she’s talking about!”

  1. The Crap and Trade plan as written isn’t even supported by Greenpeace. As written, it makes Goldman Sach’s Al Gore, Marky, Pelosie and a bunch of other greedy slobs even richer. Uber rich. All while destroying our economy and lowering our standard of living and incomes. I wish Palin would roll up her sleeves and really take some punches.

    Great arctice in Rolling Stone about “The Great American Bubble.” This is the next bubble for Richy Rich.

  2. Looks like the wheels are starting to come off fat Al Gore’s Global Warming Scam.

    Freeman Dyson call it a fraud, and so does Vaclav Haas.

    Things have been cooling for over 10 years.
    And recently quite sharply.

    When someone in the beltway claims everyone knows, check your wallet.

    Sarah Palin can ask the questions that people in the liberal bubble cannot answer.

    Cap and charade, the road map to global governance.

    1. Quote Rob: “Cap and charade, the road map to global governance.”

      I believe that map’s got a bit of swine flu in it also. :poop: :pissedoff:

  3. While I believe we must do something to stem the tide of climate change soon, I agree with Governor Palin that Waxman-Markey is not the best way to do it. In fact, I think Waxman-Markey is practically meaningless with all of the concessions that have been given away to ensure passage. Having said that, there is an alternative: a straightforward and transparent revenue-neutral carbon tax that will avoid the evasion and market manipulation inherent to cap and trade, incentivize green R&D and recycle the revenue to families already struggling under the weight of the current economic downturn. A carbon tax protects the environment, American families AND the overall economy.

  4. CTF—-Please explain “revenue neutral tax”.
    A carbon tax will hurt American families
    and destroy the economy ! Why can’t you see that ???
    My electric bill is gonna go up by 30% this coming
    January because of de-regulation !
    I can barely pay it now during the cold months !
    The company I work for is completely dependant on electricity.
    We make envelopes. Add carbon taxes and my electric bill will
    more than double as will my company’s.
    That will KILL my company !

    Also…. I really hate to break it to you “greenies”
    but the whole AGW thing is a hoax.
    No matter what you say, what education level you have,
    It’s a hoax. Good intentions are no excuse for stupidity.

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