Why I will not write a posting attacking Kareem Dale

Yes, I have seen and know about the Video of Kareem Dale expressing his and the White House’s Love for MSNBC.  However, I refuse to write a blog posting attacking the man, and I think if any of my fellow Conservatives had actually watched the video; they would have most likely not have attacked this man in the fashion in which they did.

The Video:

Notice anything overly different about him? No, I am not talking about him being a Democrat…..

The man is stone.friggin’.blind. —– Well, partially blind according to what I have read.

I have a rule, when it comes to blogging, writing and just life in general, and that rule is this; you just do not mock, bad mouth, or generally give a hard time to the handicapped. You just do not do that. I do not care what Mr. Dale said. He is blind, you do not mock the handicapped. If Mr. Dell would have said that he thought President Obama was Jesus Christ; I would feel the same way.

I hate to be the one to say this, but I think my fellow Conservatives need to go back and read books on manners. Because really, we are making our cause look horribly bad, at this point. Yes, I know what liberals did to John McCain during the election; So what? Does that make it automatically okay for we Conservatives, who are supposed to be better than the morally depraved liberals, to mock someone who has a handicap, that he has no control over? Not the last time I checked.

Sorry guys, whoever thought that it would be funny to bring this up, obviously did not look at the tape, and notice that they were about to mock a man, who was, essentially blind.  Sorry to say it; but mocking the President is fair game, mocking his policies is also fair game. But mocking a man who has been blind his entire life, that is off limits in my book.  As someone who has a developmentally disabled aunt, doing this sort of a thing is just god-awfully wrong.

I say this, because on a former blog, that I used to run; before it was hacked. I made one of those sort of mistakes, one so horrible that I do have the stomach to even mention what it was, mostly because I am ashamed of it. Let me just put it to you this way; remember what Ann Coulter said to that disabled vet, that go her tossed off of MSNBC for a long time? Remember what Michael Savage said that got his late night TV program cancelled? Something along those lines. Oh Yeah, I screwed up bad, and made many people angry for it; Mostly Conservatives.  How is it that they now can mock this blind man, and it is okay? I just do not get it.

Anyway, There is my reason for not mocking Kareem Dale. I just wish others felt like I do. Maybe, just maybe our movement would be taken seriously again.

Some Conservatives that need to learn this:: The Atlanticist, Outside The Beltway, PoliGazette, Jules Crittenden, Scared Monkeys, TBogg, Fausta’s Blog, Weekly Standard, Sister Toldjah and Brutally Honest (Via Memeorandum)

5 Replies to “Why I will not write a posting attacking Kareem Dale”

  1. Oh, please. That is the height of condescension. Jules Crittenden, for one, did not criticize this guy but rather was mocking the media and the administration. This guy just happened to be the bearer of Obama’s message.

  2. I can feel you when you express your regrets for past indiscretion Pat, regret truly is a bitch. But what you say here might come close to identity politics. Your positions towards homosexuals and non-Christians doesn’t seem nearly as charitable, but let’s say the whole movement felt as you do. All any administration needs to do is trot out and endless line of disabled persons and they’ve neutralized all voice of opposition.

    As Mary comments above, the guy is the bearer of Obama’s message, he’s (presumably) entered the public political forum of his own free will. In other words, the guy stepped into the ring. He’s fair game.

    1. I hear ya Oyate. But maybe I’m just from the “Old School” as they call it. People like that are just, in my mind, off limits.

      If that makes me “Old Fashioned”, or backward. So be it. I’ll take the damned label.


  3. I’m sorry, but the bigger issue here is….how does a man with these impairments get put in a position in which he handles the arts???

    1. No, The bigger issue is why would someone with the name Charles Weyland use a name like Jonah Silverman?



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